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The Harvest Moon Wiki

This article is about Aja Winery, a store in Friends of Mineral Town and More Friends of Mineral Town. You may be looking for Aja Winery from it's appears in Back To Nature.

Aja Winery is a store in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town.

The winery is managed and owned by Duke and his wife Manna. The Aja Winery is named after their daughter Aja who ran away from home years ago. The store is open regularly from 10am-12pm except Saturdays and holidays, but if you befriend Manna, the store will remain open from 9am-12pm.

The winery is also the home of Duke and Manna. Manna will sell wine and juice from inside the home. There is a wine cellar in the basement of the home. Finally, there is a small vineyard in the yard beside the house.

You can never buy anything from Duke, but you can see him in the vineyard or in the wine cellar from time to time. The important 'Fall Wine Harvest' event happens here, which is crucial to Cliff staying in Mineral Town. There are other random events that happen at the winery from time to time, most of them involving Duke, Manna, Cliff, and Ann on occasion (when triggering Ann and Cliff's rival heart events).

Items Sold[]

Manna sells wine and juice from inside of their home from 10 in the morning until noon.

Item Cost
Wine 300G
Grape Juice 200G

Fall Wine Event[]

During Fall of your first year, Duke will come to your home on Fall 14. He asks if you'd like to help him harvest grapes the following day. If you offer your help, he will ask that you bring a friend to help. If you speak to Carter, he will direct you to Cliff. Speak to Cliff the following morning before you're due to start and he'll offer to help you with the work. Everyone else will kindly reject your offer.

After the event, Duke decides to hire Cliff on as a permanent winery employee. Cliff is so happy that he'll decide to stay in Mineral Town. Completing this event is the only way to get Cliff to stay in Mineral Town, otherwise he will move out in Winter permanently.


  • The Winery is the only way to obtain Wine, though Grape Juice can be made in your kitchen.
  • The sign posted outside the Winery specify the hours the Winery is open and closed. However, it will state that the Winery is closed on Sundays, which is not accurate.
  • Aja is the daughter of Duke and Manna. She joins Rod and Joanna as the villagers never actually seen in the course of the game.