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The Harvest Moon Wiki

This article is about Angie, a character from Animal Parade. You may be looking for Angie, a character from Tree of Tranquility.

Angie (アンジェ Anje? lit. Ange) is a character in Harvest Moon: Animal Parade. She is the daughter of Julius and Candace after they married.

Quiet and reserved, Angie shares Julius' unique taste in fashion and is interested in fishing.[1] Despite her shyness, she is mature for her age.


Gift Preferences  
Loved Cherry Pie, Jam (All), Juice (except Pineapple Juice), Shining Honey
Liked Banana, Fugue Mushroom, Green Bellflower, Pearl, Pineapple Juice, Purple Herb, Sakura Seashell, Shining Cherry, Shining Egg, Shining Milk, Shining Orange, Shining Perfume, Shining Silk Yarn
Disliked Boot, Empty Bottle, Empty Can, Failed Dish, Junk, Kimchi, Spicy Seafood Soup, Swim Trunks


Angie's Birth

Two weeks after Julius and Candace get married, you will receive a letter in the mail from them, announcing the birth of their baby.[3] As you go to Julius' House, a cut-scene of Julius and Candace entertaining their newborn baby girl, Angie, will play. At this stage, you cannot interact with Angie until she is fully-grown.

Angie (Grown-up)

Two weeks after Angie is born, you will receive another letter in your mailbox, telling that Julius and Candace will take pictures with her to celebrate her growth.[4] Go to Simon's Photography Studio at any time when the store is open to see a cut-scene of Angie introducing herself. From this point on, you can interact with her.


Learning About the Earth

When Angie or Vivian has two hearts or more, walk to the left hand side of the classroom between 8am and 5pm. If you trigger this event with Angie and not Vivian, Angie will read a book about the planet. As your child is fascinated by Angie's intelligence, she tells how the earth looks blue because it's 70% water.


