- Main article: Ann (HM64)
0 0x0:
[icon="28.png"]Hello. I'm Ann.
Nice to meet
you! My family
runs a ranch. If
you ever want to
raise animals,
just talk to my
dad! [close]
1 0x88:
[icon="28.png"]Nothing's better
than being in
good spirits! [close]
2 0xC0:
[icon="28.png"]Take it easy! [close]
3 0xD4:
[icon="28.png"]Hi, how are
you doing? [close]
4 0xF4:
[icon="28.png"]You've got a
face animals
would like. [close]
5 0x124:
[icon="28.png"]You can raise
any animals you
want, but you
have to treat
them with
because they're
sensitive. [close]
6 0x1A4:
[icon="28.png"]If you want to
know about
animals, just
ask my father.
The flyers in
the shop are
also helpful. [close]
7 0x218:
[icon="28.png"]If you observe
the behavior of
animals, somehow
you can
understand what
they are
feeling. [close]
8 0x284:
[icon="28.png"]When you ride a
horse, you come
to understand a
lot about each
other. [close]
9 0x2D8:
[icon="28.png"]Have you ever
talked to
animals? They
may not
words, but they
whether you like
them or not.
Instinctively. [close]
10 0x380:
[icon="28.png"]This was
collected from
sheering the
sheep. It's
plenty for
making wool
yarn. [close]
11 0x3E0:
[icon="28.png"]We use fruit to
dye the yarn.
Onion skin also
makes a nice
earth tone. [close]
12 0x438:
[icon="28.png"]My brother is
not very
sociable but
he's not a bad
guy. [close]
13 0x480:
[icon="28.png"]My brother is
actually very
kind. Our mother
died early. Our
father was busy,
so my brother
took care of me. [close]
14 0x504:
[icon="29.png"]My brother is a
worrier and he's
annoying. But I
like him very
much. [close]
15 0x564:
[icon="28.png"]Good luck in the
local horse race
this year. [close]
16 0x59C:
[icon="33.png"]You know, the
local horse race
is held in this
village, but
we've never won.
I pray every
year that
someone from our
village will
win, but... [close]
17 0x644:
[icon="33.png"]My brother can't
ride anymore,
and Cliff
doesn't like
being ridden by
other people...
I'd given up
hope. [close]
18 0x6C4:
[icon="28.png"]I'm counting on
you! I'll help
as much as I
can, so good
luck! [close]
19 0x714:
[icon="28.png"]That looked
good. You and
the horse
running as
one... Do that
again. [close]
20 0x768:
[icon="28.png"]I'm a bad cook
but a good
knitter. At
first I just
didn't want to
waste the wool,
but I've come to
like knitting. [close]
21 0x7F4:
[icon="31.png"]...I always
relied on my
brother, so I
never learned to
cook. [close]
22 0x840:
[icon="33.png"]People like
Maria who can't
say what they
want to say...
Just looking at
them stresses me
out. But that's
meddlesome. [close]
23 0x8D4:
[icon="33.png"]I can't figure
Popuri out...I
wonder if she's
got a guy in
mind. [close]
24 0x924:
[icon="28.png"]I'm a little
envious of
feminine girls
like Elli.... Or
maybe I've got a
complex. [close]
25 0x988:
[icon="28.png"]Me and Karen are
pretty close.
Both of us say
what we're
thinking, so we
don't hesitate
with each other. [close]
26 0xA08:
[icon="28.png"]I think Spring
is the season
animals like
best. [close]
27 0xA44:
[icon="28.png"]New sprouts and
flavorful greens
whet the
appetite. [close]
28 0xA8C:
[icon="28.png"]Summer. Yea,
summer's the
best! The heat
makes you want
to do things,
you know? [close]
29 0xAEC:
[icon="28.png"]Animals wear
down in the
heat, too, so
you need to take
care of them. [close]
30 0xB40:
[icon="28.png"]Fall has come...
I feel sad. It's
not good. [close]
31 0xB78:
”Autumn with the
sky clear and
blue, and horses
growing stout.”
What's the
meaning of that
old saying? [close]
32 0xC00:
[icon="28.png"]I become
immobile in the
winter, but
there are good
things too. You
can sometimes
see animals you
don't normally
see. [close]
33 0xC8C:
[icon="28.png"]Oooo, it's cold!
I can't stand
the cold.
Because I was
born in
midsummer? [close]
34 0xCE8:
[icon="28.png"]Do you know Rick
from the Tool
Shop? He's my
cousin. He likes
making all sorts
of weird things,
but he's a
dependable guy.
You should drop
by his shop
sometimes. [close]
35 0xDA8:
[icon="28.png"]I was just
running my
horse. He likes
it when I make
him run. How is
[reg=3]? [close]
36 0xE00:
[icon="33.png"]My brother seems
to like Popuri
from the Flower
Shop, but he's
never said
anything. How
can I help? [close]
37 0xE78:
[icon="30.png"]You must never
leave animals in
the rain! Be
careful. [close]
38 0xEBC:
[icon="33.png"]Rainy days are
so gloomy, I
just can't get
motivated. [close]
39 0xF00:
[icon="29.png"]I don't like the
thunder. You
know, animals
are sensitive to
sound. When it
thunders, they
all get
frightened. [close]
40 0xF84:
[icon="28.png"]Hi. Funny to
meet you here.
...Me? Bird
of. Rare birds
come around
here. [close]
41 0xFF0:
[icon="28.png"]I heard a story
about a blue
bird in this
mountain which
happiness. [close]
42 0x104C:
[icon="28.png"]You can often
see hares and
foxes here. But
wild animals are
quick, and they
run away fast. [close]
43 0x10B8:
preparing for
hibernation now. [close]
44 0x10F0:
[icon="28.png"]Mmmmmm, blue
sky, white
clouds, white
waves rolling on
the ocean. Nice,
huh? What we
need now is some
cold watermelon! [close]
45 0x117C:
[icon="28.png"]Hi. The ocean is
good in the
summer. You feel
cool just
looking. [close]
46 0x11CC:
[icon="28.png"]Thank you.
[icon="31.png"]Say, I know how
to cook one
thing now.
[icon="29.png"]Mashed potatoes!
I'll teach you
how. [close]
47 0x123C:
[icon="28.png"]What? Is that
for me? Thank
you. [close]
48 0x1268:
[icon="28.png"]Wow, great.
Thank you. [close]
49 0x1288:
[icon="30.png"]Hey, what are
you going to do? [close]
50 0x12B0:
[icon="33.png"]I don't need it. [close]
51 0x12C8:
[icon="28.png"]Thank you. [close]
52 0x12D8:
[icon="29.png"]No, what are you
talking about?
Sorry, but that
wasn't my
intention. [close]
53 0x132C:
[icon="31.png"]Well, that's...
uh...that's for
when someone's
Ummm... nobody
else is around
here...so is
that for me?
Really? [close]
54 0x13CC:
[icon="29.png"]So you're
[reg=2]! [close]
55 0x13EC:
[icon="28.png"]Oh, so cute. [close]
56 0x1400:
[icon="28.png"]Don't forget,
honey. [close]
57 0x141C:
[icon="28.png"]Oh, a music box?
Wonderful sound. [close]
58 0x1448:
[icon="28.png"]Huh...a music
box. You buried
it when you were
a kid? That's an
odd thing to do.
Ahh, but it
brings back
memories. [close]
59 0x14D0:
Don't give [close]
60 0x14E8:
[icon="28.png"]What? For me...?
[icon="29.png"]Thank you! I'll
take good care
of it. [close]
61 0x1530:
[icon="28.png"]Going shopping?
You should go
around and talk
with people for
a change. [close]
62 0x1588:
[icon="28.png"]Don't worry. I
haven't been
blabbering about
our life
together. [close]
63 0x15D8:
[icon="28.png"]Hey, isn't that
the weather vane
that used to be
on top of the
Tool Shop? I've
heard Rick talk
about it. [close]
64 0x1658:
[icon="28.png"]We can't go out
any more. Let's
go to bed early. [close]
65 0x1698:
[icon="30.png"]Is the farm OK? [close]
66 0x16B0:
Yea, it's OK
Big problems [close]
67 0x16D0:
[icon="29.png"]That's good. Our
animals are OK
too, so we'll
manage. [close]
68 0x1714:
[icon="28.png"]Don't be
depressed! We'll
get past these
problems and
become stronger
in the process! [close]
69 0x177C:
[icon="28.png"]Good morning.
work hard again
today. [close]
70 0x17BC:
[icon="28.png"]Good morning!
Nice weather
again today.
Let's keep
working! [close]
71 0x1808:
[icon="28.png"]Oh, no. The
fences on the
farm damage
easily when it
snows. [close]
72 0x1850:
[icon="33.png"]It's raining. I
wonder if the
animals are OK. [close]
73 0x1888:
[icon="28.png"]I'm going out.
I'll buy you
something. [close]
74 0x18BC:
[icon="28.png"]Nice weather
today. A good
day for laundry. [close]
75 0x18F4:
[icon="29.png"]Doing laundry
and cleaning is
OK, but.... [close]
76 0x1928:
[icon="29.png"]They say I clean
a bit slipshod.
Is it really
that bad? [close]
77 0x1970:
[icon="31.png"]I suppose
cooking's my
job, huh? Oh
[icon="29.png"]Can we flip a
coin? [close]
78 0x19C0:
[icon="29.png"]I think my
better.... At
edible now...
well, maybe so
... [close]
79 0x1A34:
[icon="30.png"]Menu? You're
joking. I only
know how to cook
three things. [close]
80 0x1A7C:
[icon="28.png"]I've already fed
the chickens. [close]
81 0x1AA8:
[icon="28.png"]I've already
crated up the
eggs! [close]
82 0x1AD4:
[icon="28.png"]We're gathering
to play music at
church tonight.
Why don't you
come too? [close]
83 0x1B30:
[icon="28.png"]Tonight is New
Year's Eve!
Let's go to the
party. [close]
84 0x1B70:
[icon="28.png"]My brother's
married but he
still annoys me.
I hate that. [close]
85 0x1BB8:
[icon="28.png"]Now that my
married, I
wanted to tease
him, but he
hasn't changed
at all. How
boring. [close]
86 0x1C2C:
[icon="31.png"]We're, uhmmm,
going to have
another mouth to
[icon="30.png"]...Not one of
the animals! Me,
I'm pregnant!!
you have it. [close]
87 0x1CC8:
making you rice
balls... [close]
88 0x1CFC:
[icon="33.png"]... Good night. [close]
89 0x1D14:
[icon="28.png"]Good night.
Let's get a lot
done again
tomorrow. [close]
90 0x1D54:
[icon="140.png"]ZZZZZ... [close]
91 0x1D64:
[icon="33.png"]I've been
feeling strange,
lately. The
fodder looks
[icon="31.png"]What's going on?
Am I turning
into a horse? [close]
92 0x1DE8:
[icon="33.png"]Somehow, I just
can't eat normal
appetite. [close]
93 0x1E2C:
[icon="33.png"]What to do? I
didn't expect a
baby so soon.
I don't feel any
different.... [close]
94 0x1E88:
[icon="33.png"]...What should I
do? I'm really
worried. Will
the birth go
well? Will I be
a good mother? [close]
95 0x1EF4:
[icon="28.png"]It'll be OK,
right? Horses
and dogs have
babies without
reading books,
right? [close]
96 0x1F54:
[icon="29.png"]I don't seem to
have any morning
sickness. [close]
97 0x1F8C:
[icon="28.png"]The baby's
taking nutrition
from my body
now, right?
So I need to
eat! [close]
98 0x1FE4:
[icon="28.png"]I was told not
to ride
horseback for
now. How boring! [close]
99 0x2028:
[icon="33.png"]If my mother
were alive I
could ask her
lots of
questions. [close]
100 0x2070:
[icon="31.png"]I was told not
to move too much
after giving
birth. But if I
don't exercise
enough my
body'll fall
apart. [close]
101 0x20F0:
[icon="30.png"]What's the
matter little
[reg=4]? [close]
102 0x2118:
[icon="32.png"]Please, sleep
quietly. [close]
103 0x2138:
[icon="33.png"]Seems like a
maybe the body's
always on the
warm side... [close]
104 0x218C:
[icon="29.png"]Whoaa, you drink
a lot! You're my
baby, alright. [close]
105 0x21C8:
[icon="28.png"]Oh, what a good
stool! Health is
the most
important thing! [close]
106 0x2210:
[icon="28.png"]Hungry? Wet
diaper? Which do
you think,
honey? [close]
107 0x224C:
[icon="28.png"]Babies are like
animals. They
communicate with
words, but they
can understand
feelings. [close]
108 0x22C0:
[icon="29.png"]It's like babies
live on
instinct... [close]
109 0x22F0:
[icon="29.png"]Babies seem to
understand all
of our feelings.
Amazing. [close]
110 0x2334:
[icon="29.png"]Who do you think
[reg=4] looks
like? People say
that boys look
like their
mothers and
girls look like
their fathers. [close]
111 0x23B8:
[icon="28.png"]Don't you think
the baby would
like a brother
or sister? [close]
112 0x2400:
[icon="28.png"]I wonder if
[reg=4] will be
the kind of kid
who likes
animals. [close]
113 0x2448:
[icon="28.png"]The Spirit
Festival is
tonight. I heard
if you listen to
the performance,
you'll live
happily next
year! It starts
from 7:00 at the
square. Don't
forget. [close]
114 0x2500:
[icon="28.png"]I only feel at
ease when the
baby is smiling
or sleeping... [close]
115 0x2548:
[icon="28.png"]Sometimes the
baby just
stares. I wonder
if he can see
something. [close]
116 0x2598:
[icon="28.png"]Sounds like the
baby is talking,
doesn't it...? [close]
117 0x25D4:
[icon="28.png"]Honey, look, a
tooth's coming
out. It's so
teeny. [close]
118 0x2614:
[icon="28.png"]The baby can sit
up now. He's
growing so fast. [close]
119 0x2650:
[icon="28.png"]The baby's
started to crawl
a little. Isn't
it great...? [close]
120 0x2698:
[icon="31.png"]Ouch, the baby
bit me while
nursing. I want
to wean it away
from milk. [close]
121 0x26F0:
[icon="28.png"]Our baby has
good reflexes.
It can walk
already. [close]
122 0x272C:
[icon="28.png"]Anyway, I'm
happy our baby
is healthy. [close]
123 0x2760:
[icon="28.png"]The baby's
sleeping. Don't
wake him. [close]
124 0x2790:
[icon="32.png"]... Never mind. [close]
125 0x27A8:
...oh, never
mind. [close]
126 0x27D4:
cry at night.
You're making me
cry. [close]
127 0x2810:
[icon="33.png"]I feel tired. My
body is OK,
though...... [close]
128 0x2844:
[icon="28.png"]Hi [reg=0].
How's the farm
doing? [close]
129 0x286C:
[icon="28.png"]You know,
Cliff's become a
real fighter. [close]
130 0x28A0:
No need [close]
131 0x28B0:
[icon="28.png"]I never expect
people's basic
feelings to
change. Maybe I
believe they
won't change. Am
I fooling
myself? Well...
I guess it's OK. [close]
132 0x294C:
[icon="29.png"]Cliff's problem
is that he
worries too much
about what to do
if things go
wrong. But if I
call him
foolish, we'll
have another big
fight. [close]
133 0x29F0:
[icon="30.png"]We always have
big arguments.
But we need to
talk to
understand. [close]
134 0x2A40:
People have to
talk to
understand each
other. We have
to argue to
solve problems
one at a time. [close]
135 0x2AD0:
[icon="28.png"]It may not be
good to have
arguments about
But I don't want
to just put up.
There are many
things you can't
unless you talk. [close]
136 0x2B84:
[icon="31.png"]...I can't ride
the horse for a
while because of
the pregnancy.
[icon="30.png"]No, not the
horse...Me, I'm
pregnant! [close]
137 0x2C04:
[icon="33.png"]Before, I never
thought about
getting married
and having a
[icon="29.png"]I'm a bit
confused, but
there's no time
to be depressed! [close]
138 0x2C98:
[icon="31.png"]My brother's
more annoying
than Cliff. [close]
139 0x2CCC:
[icon="28.png"][reg=0], you're
not going to
marry her? You
better make that
clear. [close]
140 0x2D1C:
[icon="28.png"]A present...?
For my birthday?
You've made me
happy. Thank
you. [close]
141 0x2D6C:
[icon="29.png"]Oh, for me?
Really? Thank
you. I'm very
happy!! [close]
142 0x2DA8:
[icon="28.png"]I'm helping Rick
study. [close]
143 0x2DC8:
[icon="28.png"]Isn't it
exciting to
create something
new? [close]
144 0x2E00:
[icon="28.png"]Our grandma was
an inventor. She
left lots of
blueprints and
stuff. [close]
145 0x2E54:
[icon="55.png"]But everything
always ended in
failure. [close]
146 0x2E88:
[icon="29.png"]It's the same
for Rick. [close]
147 0x2EA8:
[icon="28.png"]Karen's usually
not interested
in other people
.....But she
asked about you
the other day. [close]
148 0x2F14:
[icon="28.png"]Karen and I have
been friends
since childhood.
everybody in
this village
knows each
other, but we're
the same age and
think the same. [close]
149 0x2FBC:
[icon="28.png"]An only child
feels lonely.
But that's not
in our hands... [close]
150 0x3004:
[icon="33.png"]I agree. My body
won't last
forever. [close]
151 0x3034:
[icon="33.png"]Here I am, on
one of my rare
days off,
helping in an
invention. How
[icon="55.png"]Ha, ha, ha.
That's a good
one, Ann.
[icon="30.png"]Rick! What are
you laughing
about!! [close]
152 0x30EC:
[icon="28.png"]Hey, it's New
Year's Eve and
we're having a
party at the bar
tonight! Come
join us. [close]
153 0x3154:
[icon="127.png"]Go with the
Spirit ...... [close]
154 0x3178:
Don't invite [close]
155 0x3194:
[icon="33.png"]Sorry, but I'm
tired today. [close]
156 0x31B8:
[icon="28.png"]OK. But I don't
know if I can
help much. [close]
157 0x31EC:
[icon="28.png"]My, the Spirit
Festival already
... I haven't
practiced much,
but I'll do my
best! [close]
158 0x3250:
[icon="28.png"]What? [close]
159 0x325C:
[icon="30.png"]Ahhhh. You
surprised me!
[icon="31.png"]Huh? What am I
doing? ...
Nothing, just
taking a walk. [close]
160 0x32C0:
[icon="30.png"]I'm not shell
hunting! Never
mind! Good
night! [close]
161 0x32FC:
[icon="124.png"]You. Who's more
beautiful, her
or me? [close]
162 0x332C:
Princess [close]
163 0x333C:
[icon="126.png"]What! You're so
rude! [close]
164 0x335C:
[icon="125.png"]I know you can't
compare such an
unromantic girl
with me. [close]
165 0x33A4:
[icon="28.png"]Wow, a
Neat. [close]
166 0x33C4:
[icon="31.png"]What are you
saying? [close]
167 0x33E0:
[icon="30.png"]Oh, how
insolent! I'll
never forget
this! [close]
168 0x3414:
[icon="33.png"]We can't be
together all the
time. [close]
169 0x3440:
[icon="28.png"]Hey, looks just
like you. Cute. [close]
170 0x3468:
[icon="28.png"]Rest when you
feel tired. [close]
171 0x348C:
[icon="127.png"]Got the ”Mashed
Potato” recipe! [close]