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This article is about Ann a character from Magical Melody. You may be looking for Ann in her other appearances throughout the series.

Ann (アン An?) is one of the available bachelorettes in Harvest Moon: Magical Melody.

Ann is an aspiring inventor. She lives at the Junk Shop with her father Michael, and her mother died long ago. She is always thinking of ideas for new inventions.

Ann has a tomboy nature, which her father feels may hinder her chances of marriage. As she is befriended, the player will learn that she struggles with her femininity. Although she's good at inventing, she is a horrible cook.

Befriending Ann and her father are necessary for Louis to move into town. She and her father will never move out of town.


  • Junk Shop (except for Tuesdays)
  • Moonlight Cave (outside of the Junk Shop's operation hours)


Gift Preferences  
Loved "Wow! Is it okay if I have this? Thank you! I'm really happy!"
Amethyst Brooch, Amethyst Ring, Baked Corn, Corn, Deviled Egg, Rare Ore, Spicy Fried Veggies, Spicy Stew
Liked "All right! I like it! Thank you!"
Anchovy, Aquamarine Brooch, Aquamarine Ring, Baked Chestnut, Baked Potato, Baked Yam, Bonito Steak, Bouillabaisse, Bread, Bravo Drink, Broiled Blowfish, Broiled C. Carp, Broiled Chulowfish, Broiled Clam, Broiled Crawfish, Broiled Flounder, Broiled Grilled Crawfish, Broiled Grilled Halibut, Broiled Grilled Lobster, Broiled Grilled Mackerel, Broiled Grilled Saury, Broiled Grilled Shrimp, Broiled Grilled Snapper, Broiled Grilled Snadore, Broiled Grilled Squid, Broiled Grilled Tuna, Broiled Halfback, Broiled Halibut, Broiled Lobster, Broiled M. Flounder, Broiled Mackerel, Broiled Opaleye, Broiled R. Trout, Broiled S. Carp, Broiled Salmon, Broiled Shinapper, Broiled Shrimp, Broiled Smelt, Broiled Snadore, Broiled Snapper, Broiled Squid, Broiled Tuna, Broiled Yellowtail, Caffeine, Caramelizedamago, Caramelized C. Carp, Caramelized S. Carp, Caramelized Smelt, Char Meuniere, Cheese Omelette, Clam, Coral Brooch, Coral Ring, Corn, Corn Bread, Corn Soup, Cream Salmon, Diamond Brooch, Diamond Ring, Egg, Eggplant Gratin, Emerald Brooch, Emerald Ring, Flounder Meuniere, Fried Veggies, Gold Brooch, Gold Ore, Gold Ring, Good Clay, Good Egg, Good Milk, Grilled Clam, Grilled Crawfish, Grilled Halibut, Grilled Lobster, Grilled Mackerel, Grilled Saury, Grilled Shrimp, Grilled Snapper, Grilled Smelt, Grilled Squid, Grilled Tuna, Halibut Meuniere, Jamasquid Teriyaki, Lampsquid Teriyaki, Milk, Miso Mackerel, Moonstone Brooch, Moonstone Ring, Mushroom Gratin, Mushroom Saute, Mushroom Soup, Nice Squid Teriyaki, Onion Soup, Pancake, Plain Omelet, Pizza, Popcorn, Potion, Potage Soup, Pumpkin Soup, Ruby Brooch, Ruby Ring, S. Carp, Sardine Meuniere, Seafood Gratin, Seafood Pizza, Silver Brooch, Silver Ore, Silver Ring, S. Trout Meuniere, Saltedamago, Salted C. Carp, Salted Char, Salted Cureall, Salted Dace, Salted Halfback, Salted Huchen, Salted R. Trout, Salted Salmon, Salted Saury, Salted Smelt, Salted Squid, Salted Yamame, Sapphire Brooch, Sapphire Ring, Special Egg, Special Milk, Spinach Saute, Squid Teriyaki, Stewed Eggplant, Stewed Flounder, Stewed Potato, Stewed Pumpkin, Stewed Snapper, Stewed Yam, Stewed Yellowtail, Steamed Clam, Stamina Drink, Spinach Saute, Spicy Fried Veggies, Spicy Stew, Sunny-Side Up, Tuna Steak, Topaz Brooch, Topaz Ring, Tomato Omelette, Tomato Soup, Tomato Sardine, Tomato Squid, Tortilla, Truffle Saute, Yamame Meuniere, Yellowtail Teriyaki, Yogurt
Neutral "Thank you!"
All other items not listed.
Disliked "Hmm. I don't like this"
Boot (Left), Boot (Right), Can, Failed Dish, Grass Juice, Onion, Toadstool, Toadstool Sauté, Veggie Juice, Weed, Weird Dish

Heart Events[]

2-Heart Gift

Ann will come to your door as you leave in the morning (regardless of which gender you're playing as) when she reaches two hearts.

She will give you a piece of Good Clay as a gift, and you will also get the "Explosive Girl" note.

5-Heart Gift

Ann's second gift will come at 5 hearts, if you are playing as a male character and she has five hearts or more.

Ann will knock on your door in the morning and give you a dish of Stir Fry Veggies that she's made.


After meeting all the of the marriage requirements and receiving your Blue Feather, the player will be able to propose.

Whichever character you're proposing to must have a minimum of 8 hearts. If they accept your Blue Feather, the wedding will take place the following day (unless the following day is a festival). The wedding will take up one full day.


In Harvest Moon: Magical Melody, each bachelor and bachelorette can be paired off to what is considered as the protagonist' rival.

Each rival couple has one heart event between them, but they will never marry. You must have 4 hearts only with your rival (the person of same gender), and the opposite marriage candidate must have less than 4 hearts.

Your rival for Ann is Blue. Their event takes place on the second floor of the Junk Shop. The Junk Shop must have its expansion.

Musical Note[]

Ann provides you with the 81st musical note, "Explosive Girl", when she brings you a gift for building her friendship level up to 2 hearts.

Note Description:

"An inventor brimming with vim and vigor. Unending brightness like the sun, brightening up everyone around you."
