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The Harvest Moon Wiki

Beach Cafe (カイの(うみ)(いえ) Kai no Umi no Ie?) is a location in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. It's located on Mineral Beach.

The Beach Cafe is a local shop where you may purchase meals to eat in the Summer (NOTE: You will immediately eat any meals you buy and cannot save them for later). The cafe is owned and run by Kai and you can buy things from him when he's standing behind the counter during business hours.


Name Price Stamina
SoSFoMTWater Water 0 G +1
SoSFoMTRoasted Corn Roasted Corn 250 G +20
SoSFoMTSpaghetti Spaghetti 300 G +40
SoSFoMTPizza Pizza 200 G +30
SoSFoMTShaved Ice Shaved Ice 300 G +1