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The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki

The Brass Bar is a location and shop in Harvest Moon: Animal Parade. It is located in Harmonica Town.

It is closed on Sundays and holidays and is open from 4pm until 1am on any other day.

The Brass Bar is run by Hayden and his daughter KathyChase cooks, and Selena performs as a dancer. Later in the evening some of the residents come here and drink. You will not be able to purchase drinks until you have helped Selena get a job and brought her letter to Toucan Island.

The Bar will be upgraded to Level 2 when you ship 100,000 G worth of items through your shipping box. It will be upgraded to level three once you've shipped 200,000 G worth of items and to level four once 350,000 G worth of items have been shipped. 


Drink Lv Price
Grape Cocktail 1 600 G
Apple Cocktail 1 680 G
Potato Cocktail 1 680 G
Wheat Cocktail 1 640 G
Cranberry Cocktail 2 240 G
Buckwheat Cocktail 2 920 G
Olive Cocktail 2 600 G
Raspberry Cocktail 3 200 G
Blueberry Cocktail 3 240 G
Coconut Cocktail 3 200 G
Blackberry Cocktail 4 240 G
Rice Cocktail 4 1080 G


Dish Lv Price
Squid Tomato Stew 1 510 G
Stir Fry 1 490 G
Mashed Potato 1 1610 G
Decent Marinated Fish 2 590 G
Decent Bouillabaisse 2 1060 G
Saury Tomato Stew 2 590 G
Decent Fish Meuniere 2 510 G
Pancake 2 1370 G
Yam Cake 2 1670 G
Good Marinated Fish 3 1100 G
Good Bouillabaisse 3 2220 G
Iwashi Tomato Stew 3 440 G
Good Meuniere 3 1050 G
Shortcake 3 2210 G
Oil Sardine 3 540 G
Perfect Marinated Fish 4 1700 G
Perfect Meuniere 4 1830 G
Perfect Bouillabaisse 4 2720 G


Recipe Lv Price
Apple Cocktail 1 280 G
Blueberry Cocktail 1 100 G
Cranberry Cocktail 2 100 G
Buckwheat Cocktail 2 370 G
Grape Cocktail 3 240 G
Raspeberry Cocktail 3 80 G
Olive Cocktail 3 240 G
Blackberry Cocktail 4 100 G
Rice Cocktail 4 440 G