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The Harvest Moon Wiki

Brownie Ranch is a location in Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility.

Brownie Ranch is the most northern area on Waffle Island. Here, you are able to buy animals and everything you need to care for them. The store is run by Hanna. Her husband, Cain, and daughter, Renee, work at the Ranch as well.

The store is open from 9:00 AM-6:00 PM and is closed on Mondays and festival days.

The Harvest Festival, Starry Night Festival, and Animal Festival are held here.

What to find near

The Boar, White Rabbit, and Medium-sized dog live near Brownie Ranch.

You are able to gather various colored herbs, blueberries, and very berries near the Ranch.

The shop

Item Price Rank Description
Animal Medicine 600G One Heals sick animals
Brush 1200G One Use it to brush animals. Brushing = +10 LP
Milker 1500G One Use it to milk cows and goats. Milking = +3 LP
Shears 1200G One Use it to shear sheep. Shearing = +3 LP
Cow bell 750G One Call your animals with it.
Saddle 2400G Two Use it to ride your horse and ostrich.
Wonderful Mayonnaise 180G One Made from a chicken egg.
Wonderful Butter 225G One Made from cow milk.
Wonderful Cheese 225G One Made from cow milk.
Honey 135 G One
Animal Food
Fodder 15G One Feed to cows, sheep, goats, horses and ostriches.
Bird feed 15G One Feed to chickens, ducks and silkworms.
Calf 4500G One Grows to an adult after 28 days. Produces milk every day as an adult.

Average lifespan: 3 years.

Lamb 4200G One Grows to an adult after 14 days. Produces wool every 4 days as an adult.

Average lifespan: 2.5 years.

Chicken 2100G One Lays eggs every day. Chicks grow up after 7 days.

Average lifespan: 2.5 years.

Silkworm 2850G One Produces raw silk every 4 days.

Average lifespan: 1.5 years.

Colt 6300G Two Grows to adulthood after 28 days. You can ride it when it is an adult.

Average lifespan: 4 years.

Kid 3600G Two Grow to adulthood after 14 days. Produces milk every day as an adult.

Average lifespan: 3 years.

Ostrich chick 13500G Three Grows to adulthood after 24 days. As an adult you can ride it.

Produces an egg every 4 days as an adult.

Average lifespan: 4 years.

Duck 2400G Three Bought as an adult. Ducklings grow to adulthood after 7 days.

Ducks lay eggs every 2 days.

Average lifespan: 2.5 years.

Horse seed 2700G Two Impregnate a horse. The horse will give birth in 14 days.
Cow seed 2100G One Impregnate a cow. The cow will give birth in 14 days.
Goat seed 1800G Two Impregnate a goat. The goat will give birth in 7 days.
Sheep seed 1800G One Impregnate a sheep. The sheep will give birth in 7 days.