- "A shy and quiet girl. Has amazing tailoring skills, but not much of a people person. Currently living with her little sister and grandma."
- ―Town Hall Description
Candace (コトミ Kotomi?) is one of the available bachelorettes in Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility.
Candace and her younger sister Luna live and work with their grandmother Shelly at the Tailor Shop. She and her family will open up the tailor shop next to Meringue Clinic after Daren's Rainbow has been completed. Candace is extremely shy and timid; she prefers wandering outside than working away in the Shop, despite her amazing abilities as a seamstress.
She has a difficult time talking with people and is the polar opposite of her sister Luna. Your rival for Candace' hand in marriage is Julius, who shares her love for fashion.
Regular Day Before Marriage | |
All Day | Tailor Shop |
Sundays and Festival Days: | |
6am – 7:50am | Tailor Shop |
8am – 9:50am | Waffle Town |
10am – 11:20am | Maple Lake District |
11:30am – 5:20pm | Church |
5:30pm – 6:30pm | Maple Lake District |
6:30pm – 8:30pm | Waffle Town |
8:30pm – 6am | Tailor Shop |
Gift Preferences | ||||||||
Heart Events[]
2-Heart Event
Exit your house in the morning and you'll find Candace standing on your doorstep. She will present you with an Orange Herb, which you can accept or reject.
If rejected, you will lose heart points with her.
Candace: "Ah... Umm... Hello..." (Pulls out an Orange Herb) "Well... I thought you might want this. You can use it to dye yarn..."
Player: "Thank you" (Takes an Orange Herb)
Candace: "Oh, it's really nothing... I-I am glad you like it. E-Excuse me, I should go now, Bye." (Walks off.)4-Heart Event
Talk to Candace when she has 4 hearts before 11am on a sunny day. She will ask you to meet her at the beach for a date at 12pm. Make sure to meet Candace down the stairs by On the Hook between 12pm and 12:50pm in order to see the event.
If you don't show up on time, the event cannot be triggered. Candace will be upset next time you speak to her and remind you that you didn't show up. You will also lose some affection.
Candace: "H-Hello... I'm glad you came."
Player: (Nods. Three Hearts appear whilst the two are sitting, looking at the sun.)
Candace: "I'm not sure if you'll like it. but p-please try it...Eat as much as you want.."
Player: For best results: "Delicious."
Candace: "I'm so glad. You know I had to gather a lot of courage to ask you out."
Player: (Musical Notes appear over his head.)
Candace: "I'm... really happy that you ate all of it. Thank you very much."5-Heart Event
Exit your house in the morning and you'll see Candace standing on your doorstep. She will present you with silk yarn, which you may accept or reject.
If rejected, you will lose heart points with her.
Candace: "H-Hello..." (Pulls out Silk Yarn.) "...Ah, well, this... this silkworm I have makes some beautiful yarn. W-Would you like some?"
Player: For best results: "Thank you." (Take the Silk Yarn.)
Candace: "Oh, it's really nothing... Excuse me, I'll be going now." Walks off.Candace's Request
Enter the tailor shop when Candace has 5 hearts to hear Candace's request. She will ask that you give her a Blue Mist Flower, which can only be grown in the Fall season. The seeds must be bought from Souffle Farm with a three star rating.
Once you give Candace the flower, the request will be complete.
Note: This request is identical to her sister's request.
Candace: "H-Hello... Well you see... um... Luna really wants a blue mist flower... I want to give her one as a gift, but I can't grow it, so... I... I don't know what to do."
Player: For best results: "You got it!" Nods
Candace: "What? You will, [Player]? ...Oh, but it... it's not too much trouble, is it?"
Player: Psyched.
Candace: "Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help!" (Bows.)
Upon returning to her with a Blue Mist Flower...
Candace: (Takes flower.) "Oh my... What a beautiful flower.... I'm impressed. You must be a really good gardener, [Player]."♥
Player: (Blushes)
Candace: "Thank you very much. I'm sure Luna will be happy, too. I appreciate your effort." (Bows)6-Heart Event
Talk to Candace before 11am on a sunny day and she'll ask you to meet her later at Alan's tree between 12pm and 1pm. Upon meeting with her, she will take you somewhere more private and confess her love, you may accept or deny it.
Not showing up to meet Candace or giving her a negative response will result in losing heart points.
Option 1 (I'm delighted)
Talk to Candace at the appropriate time and she will ask you to meet her later at Alan's tree. Go to the tree around 12.00pm. The following conversation will then take place:
Candace: "I uh...wanted to tell you something... Um, well, this may seem awkward, but I...love you, [Player]. It feels as if your name has been embroidered onto my heart..."
Player: Choose "I'm delighted", if you would like to further the relationship.
Candace: Really! I'm so...happy! It's like a dream. I'm speech...less..."
Player: (Nods.)
Candace: ♥ "Thank you. I'm going now." (Runs off.)
Player: (Blush and ♥)
Option 2 (I can't stay the same)
After Candace reaches 8 hearts, you can propose to her. If you have gotten the blue bird event and received the Blue Feather, showing it to her will result in a proposal event, granted that you have met all of the other marriage requirements.
Present the feather to Candace, who will ask if you really want to marry her. After professing your love, Candace accepts your proposal. You'll then both be at Town Hall in front of Hamilton, who'll congratulate you both on the news. You will be asked when to schedule the wedding and Hamilton will set a date.
... That's... If you don't mind, let's go somewhere else.
(Screen fades to black)
This, this is the blue feather! It means... you're proposing!
Do you really want to marry me? Are you sure?
(nods head yes)
I don't think I deserve this... Are you really sure about this? I'm so happy. If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up!Wedding
After proposing, Hamilton will set a wedding date. On your wedding day, you will be automatically taken to the Church. You will meet your fiancée here, along with wedding guests. At wedding ceremonies, the bride's/groom's family will always appear. Hamilton will always be the wedding officiant.
After saying "I do," you are officially married! You will be automatically transported back to your home after the ceremony. Wedding ceremonies only last until 10am, so you are still free to do farm chores for the remainder of the day afterwards. Your spouse will now live with you and your wedding anniversary will be marked on your calendar.
The child you have when marrying Candace will have very "proper" personality, often being serious and associating with people in a polite and formal manner. No matter the gender, they will have glasses, wear green, and have brown hair and matching eyes. The boy's hair will be medium brown and neat with his fringe parted to the side, ending with a slight cowlick whilst the girl's hair will be light brown and pulled back into low-set pigtails and will have two stray parts of hair.
Her child is similar to Gill, Jin and Anissa.
Rival Events[]
(NOTE: In order to trigger rival events, befriend the person of your character's sex to two hearts for the first event, and then later three hearts for the final event! These events will occur in the same location at approximately the same time with the same needed conditions to trigger them.)
These rivals have two events that can be triggered which will ultimately lead to them getting married and having a child together. The rival for Candace's affection is Julius.
2-Heart Event
The first rival event between Candace and Julius is at Waffle Town between 7:30am and 10:50am. Go inside the Tailor Shop and then come back outside. Julius tells Candace how they used to play, and Candace remembers him as the "mean girl" who used to bully her. Luna then comes and gets mad at Julius for this, since this is the reason why Candace is now very shy. Julius says that little boys usually tease the girls they like.
3-Heart Event
The second rival event between Candace and Julius is at Waffle Town between 7:30am and 10:50am. The rival must have three hearts.
Julius questions Candace on why she never wears the clothes he gives her. Candace just shakes her head and Julius assumes that she dislikes the clothes. He asks if she is still upset over their childhood and even though she denies this, he becomes upset and orders Candace not to touch him. Candace is shocked and runs off, as an angry Luna appears to defend her sister. Julius is in tears as he explains his actual motives; he was planning to propose to Candace all along. A blushing Candace overhears and all is well.
Rival Marriage
You will arrive at the church and sit down along with other guests. Soon after, Candace and Julius are seen walking down the aisle together and Hamilton begins the marriage vows. Julius and Candace both say "I do," they then proceed to seal their marriage with a kiss. The event ends with the guests' congratulations.
Rival Child
After triggering the two rival events between Candace and Julius resulting in their marriage, the two of them will eventually end up with a daughter named Angie who is kind and has a good sense of fashion.