The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki


  • "I never tire of strolling around the town! I make it part of my daily routine."
  • "The evening special parfait of the day is not to be missed...!"
  • "Tsk tsk! A farm? Why would I ever wish to go to such a smelly, common place?!"
  • "What business do you have with me? If you have none, than be so kind as to refrain from addressing me!"
  • "What is the meaning of this breach of protocol?! If you wish to socialize, you must make an appointment!"
  • "Working late is taxing on me... But at least it means I am at leisure during the day!"
  • "I must say that I--I have never--I have never had such a trustworthy you. Hmph!"
  • "I wasn't alone after all... I had that kindly old farm couple who were friends to me."
  • At the Bar: "Oh, it's you! I suppose you will want to be served, since... tsk... you ARE a... a customer."
  • Low Stamina: "You there! You are on the verge of fainting. I insist that you rest and eat at once. AT ONCE!"
  • You had a second child: "However much the new baby demands your attention, ensure you do not neglect your firstborn!"

Gift Reactions

  • Loved Gift: "You have given me... My goodness, it's exquisite!~ Thank you! I must say thank you for this!"
  • Liked Gift: "Tsk, tsk! I will do you the favour of accepting your gift!"
  • Disliked Gift: "How disgraceful that you would even THINK of giving this... this... THING to me!"
  • Birthday Gift: "A birthday present? Well, to my surprise, you seem to have chosen something I quite fancy!"
  • Multiple Gifts: "Just one gift a day will suffice!! Tsk, tsk!"


  • Spring: "Of all times, springtime is no time for that sleepy face of yours! Or do you always look that way?"
  • Winter: "I adore the winter! Cold? What about the cold? It does not bother me in the least!"
  • Sunny: "Sunny days are simply glorious! They make me feel that all will be to my liking -- as it should be!"

Festivals/Other Events

  • Fishing Contest (Lost): "The Fishing Contest proved beyond your meager abilities I see. Tsk tsk! No excuse for sulking!"
  • New Year's Day: "Hmph! I suppose I will be seeing you at Luke's Bar again this year."
  • New Year's Eve: "The year will soon be at an end. What are your plans for celebrating the New Year?"
  • On her birthday: "You wish me a happy birthday? You spend too much time on such frivolities, but...thank you."