The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki
My LIttle Town

There are many characters that can be unlocked as you develop your farm and shop. Most of them are characters that are appearing from previous games, a few were introduced with this one, and a few are avvailable only through an add-on.

MLS Characters[]

These are characters that have been introduced with this game but haven't been seen in previous ones and do not require add-on content.

Returning Characters[]

These are characters brought back from previous games that do not require add-on content.

Add-On Characters[]

These are characters that require an add-on to unlock.

  • Popuri (Juice Bar Set)
  • Skye (Egg Stand Set)
  • Ann (Ice Cream Set)
  • Cliff (New Friends Set)
  • Leia (New Friends Set)
  • Amanda (New Friends Set)
  • Adam (New Friends Set)
  • Sara (New Friends Set)