The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki

This article is about Chet, a character from Harvest Moon GBC 3. You may be looking for Chet, a character from Harvest Moon GBC 2.

Chet (シェット Shetto?) is a character in Harvest Moon GBC3. He comes from Flowerbud Village and, thus, know Pete. He has come to the mainland because it's one of the only places he can see fish naturally.

He can be found in the upper part of the aquarium on the mainland everyday.


Gift Preferences  
Liked ""Is this for me? Thanks [Player].""
All animal products, All crops
Neutral ""Thank you. It's wonderful!!""
All fish, Cherry, Mushroom, Wild Berry
Disliked ""I don't like this.""
Fence, Fodder, Stone, Weed

