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Chickens are a poultry animal that appear in Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories. They have two different breeds of cow that the player is able to raise - the standard chicken and the brown chicken. Each breed has its own type of produce.

Chickens can be purchased from Hunter's Shop and will live in the chicken coop - where the player is capped at five animals as the coop is unable to be upgraded. They will then produce eggd once fully matured, which can be sold as is or cooked in some recipes.


All chickens must be cared for before 8pm each day. After 8pm they will be asleep and cannot be interacted with, resulting in their needs being neglected for that day. Neglecting their needs for five days can result in illness. Medicine can be purchased at Hunter's Animal Shop for 3,500G.


All chickens need to be fed daily. The player can either put feed into the feed troughs inside the coop or ring the bell to let chickens out to graze if they have mature grass on the property.

Though chickens may be fed any type of feed the higher quality feed used will increase the odds of getting higher quality produce (Grass -> Normal Feed -> Great Feed -> Delicious Feed). It should be noted that grazing does increase a chicken's affection. However, fresh grass will wilt after three days, and a chicken cannot be let out to graze if it is raining.


Chickens can be picked up and held daily in order to raise their affection with the player and lower stress, but it is not necessary for their survival or health.


Chicken (SoM)
Incubated Egg
7 days
9 days
3-year lifespan

Chicks can either be purchased at Hunter's shop, or if you already have an adult chicken, you can place an egg in the incubator and a chick will hatch after 7 days.


At this young premature stage, they are unable to produce eggs. Even if the player feeds a chick, their affection rate will not increase until they grow into an adult chicken.

It takes 9 full days for a chick to grow into a chicken and start producing eggs daily.


Adult chickens require love and proper care. Chickens need to be fed in order to increase their affection level and keep them healthy. You can also increase their affection level by picking them up once a day. After feeding them for many consecutive days, it will start to produce eggs which will give you a profit every day. The higher the affection level, the better quality the egg.

A chicken's lifespan is about 3 years, although the age is not stated in your animal log (located in the top left corner of the screen), it will die due to age eventually even though it is healthy, but you can always load back to your save file and sleep again as the event is randomly triggered and your chicken can live longer.


The better the quality of the egg, the higher the selling price. Higher quality eggs can also be used to make higher quality recipes.

Quality Sell Raw Sell Boiled or Fried Eggs
Egg 50G 170G
Great Egg 100G 300G
Ultimate Egg 200G 600G
Supreme Egg 300G 800G
Miracle Egg 500G 1200G