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The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki

Chickens are a livestock animal that appear in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. They have two separate appearances (white and brown). The only difference in the two colors in the appearance as both will lay regular eggs.


Incubated Egg Chick Chicken
White White SoSFoMTChick
Brown Brown


When raising chickens be sure to feed them Chicken/Rabbit Feed every day. If you forget to feed them the won't grow or lay Eggs. They cannot die of sickness or old age.

You can feed your chickens in 3 ways.:

1.) Leave the Feed in the Feeding Bins for each Chicken/Rabbit. It is best to do this after they have eaten on the day before there is a storm, that way your animals stay fed even if you cannot go out and have no Nature Sprites helping out.

2.) You may ring the bell outside of the Coop to send your Chickens/Rabbits out to pasture. If you leave them out for several hours the will feed themselves and automatically return to the coop at 8:00pm every night. (In order to produce Platinum Eggs, Chickens will need to spend 1,000 hours outside)

3.) You can give your chickens Feed directly to help raise their affection, that, as well as talking to your chickens every day is the best way to raise their affection and produce better eggs!



A Chicken will lay an Egg once a day if they are fed and happy. A chicken freshly purchased from PoPoultry will have a maximum of 5 ❤'s. In order to produce eggs of higher quality than a Good Egg, you must breed your chickens by putting an Egg in the Incubator for a few days before it hatches into a chick. The newly hatched chick should have the Affection Level of the highest affection Chicken, and have increased their maximum ❤ Level by 1.

Egg Product Description
Shipping Price Affection Needed
Normal Egg A chicken Egg. Can be eaten, used for cooking, or shipped 0 + 3 50 G 0 - 3 ❤'s
Good Egg An Egg from a chicken with a relatively high affection level. Can be eaten, used for cooking, or shipped. 0 80 G 4 - 7 ❤'s
Excellent Egg 150 G 8 - 10 ❤'s
Gold Egg 200 G 8 - 10 ❤'s & Won the Cluck-Cluck Festival ♚
Platinum Egg 240 G 8-10 0 - 3 ❤'s, Won the Cluck-Cluck Festival ♚, & Spent 1,000 hours outside.
X Egg 240 G 1 in 255 chance from a Platinum Egg laying chicken, or Cooking.


Product Description
Profit How to Produce:
Mayonnaise (S) 0 +1 100 G Normal Egg into Mayo Maker or Cooking
Mayonnaise (M) 0 +2 150 G Good Egg into Mayo Maker or Cooking
Mayonnaise (L) 0 +3 230 G Excellent Good Egg into Mayo Maker or Cooking
Mayonnaise (G) 0 +4 300 G Golden Egg into Mayo Maker or Cooking
Mayonnaise (P) 0 +5 450 G Platinum Egg into Mayo Maker or Cooking
Mayonnaise (X) 0 +6 800 G X Egg into the Mayo Maker or Cooking


The following table lists all the recipes that require an Egg as an ingredient.

Recipe Number Name Obtain Ingredients
001-006 Mayonnaise Watch the Tasty Time Show (Airs every Tuesday, Episode 4) on TV Egg + Oil + Whisk + Seasoning Set 0 +1 - +6 (Depends on Quality of Egg) 100 G - 800 G (Depends on quality of Egg)
007 X Egg Inspiration after cooking 50 recipes that used Regular Egg, 25 recipes that used Good Egg, and 10 recipes that used Excellent Egg Regular Egg + Good Egg + Excellent Egg + Golden Egg + Platinum Egg 0 +6 350 G
014 Miso Soup Inspiration after cooking 5 recipes that used Medium Fish, and 10 recipes that used Onion Spinach + Onion + egg (any size) + Medium Fish + Pot + Seasoning Set 0 +5 80 G / 170 G
016 Fried Rice Learn from Harris at 4 Friendship Notes or Watch the Tasty Time Show (Episode 2) on TV Onigiri + Oil + egg (any size) + Frying Pan 0 +40 118 G / 127 G
017 Okonomiyaki Learn from Gotts at 4 Friendship Notes Wheat Flour + Cabbage + Oil + egg (any size) + Moch 0 +50 118 G / 127G
018 Sandwhich Learn from Ellen at 4 Friendship Notes Bread + Cucumber + Tomato + Boiled Egg + Knife 0 +40 118 G / 127 G
030 Yam Desert Learn from Cherry the Nature Sprite at 4 Friendship Notes egg (any size) + Yam + Butter + Pot + Oven + Seasoning Se 0 +40 248 G / 257 G
032 Tamagoyaki Learn from Lillia at 4 Friendship Notes egg (any size) + Oil + Frying Pan 0 +40 178 G / 187
033 Omelet Rice Inspiration after cooking 5 recipes that used egg (any size) and 5 recipes that used Onigiri egg (any size) + milk (any size) + Onigiri + Oil + Frying Pan 0 +60 248 G / 257 G
034 Boiled Egg Inspiration after cooking 1 recipe that used egg (any size) egg (any size) + Pot 0 +20 80 G /170 G
035 Pudding Participate in Anna's Dessert Class event egg (any size) + milk (any size) + Pot + Oven + Seasoning Set 0 +30 180 G / 270 G
037 Cheesecake Participate in Anna's Dessert Class event cheese (any size) + egg (any size) + milk (any size) + Pot + Whisk + Oven 0 +50 558 G / 567 G
039 Apple Participate in Anna's Dessert Class event Apple + egg (any size) + Butter + Wheat Flour + Seasoning Set + Knife + Pot + Rolling Pin + Oven 0 +50 480 G / 570 G
047 French Toast Inspiration after cooking 10 recipes that used eggs (any size) and 3 recipes that used Bread Egg (any size) + Bread + Oil + Frying Pan 0 +30 348 G / 357 G
055 Tempura Inspiration after cooking 3 recipes that used eggs (any size), 3 recipes that used Wheat Flour, and 3 recipes that used Oil Egg (any size) + Wheat Flour + Oil + Eggplant + Yam + Pumpkin + Frying Pan 0 +20 280 G / 370 G
057 Cookies Participate in Anna's Dessert Class event egg (any size) + Wheat Flour + Butter + Seasoning Set + Rolling Pin + Oven 0 +15 280 G / 370 G
058 Chocolate Cookies Learn from Sasha at 4 Friendship Notes egg (any size) + Wheat Flour + Butter + Chocolate + Seasoning Set + Rolling Pin + Oven 0 +30 480 G / 570 G
059 Ice Cream Participate in Anna's Dessert Class event

OR Learn from Mugi at 4 Friendship Notes

egg (any size) + milk (any size) + Seasoning Set + Whisk + Po 0 +30 280 G / 370 G
060 Cake Participate in Anna's Dessert Class event

OR Inspiration by cooking 10 recipes that used egg (any size), 10 recipes that used Wheat Flour, and 10 recipes that used Butter

egg (any size) + Wheat Flour + Butter +Seasoning Set + Whisk + Oven 0 +40 380 G / 470 G
061 Pancakes Inspiration after cooking 5 recipes that used Wheat Flour, 5 recipes that used egg (any size), 5 recipes that used milk (any size), and 5 recipes that used Butter Wheat Flour + Oil + egg (any size) + milk (any size) + Butter + Honey + Frying Pan 0 +20 548 G / 557 G
074 Autumn Sun Know all 10 recipes from Lou's required list of recipes X Egg + Mayonnaise (X) + Milk (X) + Cheese (X) + Wool (X) + Yarn (X) Inedible Inedible 28,000 G / 37,000 G
077 Baumkuchen Watch the Tasty Time Show (Airs every Tuesday, Episode 9) on TV Egg (any size) + milk (any size) + Wheat Flour + Butter + Seasoning Set + Oven + Whisk 0 +25 380 G / 470 G
080 Churros Watch the Tasty Time Show (Airs every Tuesday, Episode 7) on TV Wheat Flour + egg (any size) + Seasoning Set + Rolling Pin + Oven 0 +5 180 G / 270 G
087 Oden Inspiration after cooking 20 recipes that used Turnip, 20 recipes that used Potato, and 20 recipes that used egg (any size) Turnip + Potato + Mochi + egg (any size) + Seasoning Set + Pot 0 +12 380 G / 470 G
089 Eggs Benedict Inspiration after cooking 30 recipes that used egg (any size) and 30 recipes that used mayonnaise (any size) Wheat Flour + egg (any size) + mayonnaise (any size) + Butter + Oven + Frying Pan 0 +20 380 G / 470 G
093 Quiche Inspriation after cooking 30 recipes that used milk (any size) and 30 recipes that used egg (any size) milk (any size) + egg (any size) + Mushroom + Onion + cheese (any size) + Seasoning Set + Frying Pan 0 +4 480 G / 570 G
094 Cheese Souffle Inspiration after cooking 10 recipes that used cheese (any size milk (any size) + egg (any size) + cheese (any size) + Wheat Flour + Seasoning Set + Oven + Rolling Pin 0 +6 380 G / 470 G
099 Fish Fritters Inspiration after cooking 10 recipes that used Small Fish Wheat Flour + Small Fish + egg (any size) + Oil + Seasoning Set + Frying Pan 0 +12 380 G / 470 G
101 Madeleine Inspiration after cooking 5 recipes that used egg (any size) and 5 recipes that used Wheat Flou egg (any size) + Wheat Flour + Honey + Butter + Seasoning Set + Whisk + Oven 0 +8 380 G / 470 G
102 Strawberry Cake Inspiration after cooking 5 recipes that used Strawberry, 14 recipes that used egg (any size), 14 recipes that used milk (any size), and 14 recipes that used Butter Strawberry + egg (any size) + milk (any size) + Butter + Pot + Whisk + Oven + Seasoning Set 0 +45 380 G / 470 G
103 Bibimbap Inspiration after cooking 5 recipes that used Onigiri and 10 recipes that used egg (any size) Onigiri + Hot Spring Egg + Carrot + Oil + Seasoning Set + Knife 0 +25 380 G / 470 G
104 Vegetable Pizza Inspiration after cooking 15 recipes that used Wheat Flour, 10 recipes that used Tomato, 20 recipes that used cheese (any size), and 5 recipes that used Mushroom Wheat Flour + Tomato + Yam + Potato + Mushroom + egg (any size) + cheese (any size) + Rolling Pin + Oven 0 +20 680 G / 770 G
106 Ramen Inspiration after cooking 20 recipes that used Wheat Flour, 25 recipes that used egg (any size), and 20 recipes that used Small Fish Wheat Flour + egg (any size) + Bamboo Shoots + Small Fish + Pot + Rolling Pin + Seasoning Set 0 +20 380 G / 470 G
108 Dorayaki Inspiration after cooking 3 recipes that used Azuki Beans Wheat Flour + Azuki Beans + egg (any size) + milk (any size) + Honey + Pot + Seasoning Set + Frying Pan 0 +15 480 G / 570 G
115 Mont Blanc Inspiration after cooking 5 recipes that used milk (any size), 5 recipes that used eggs (any size), and 5 recipes that used Chestnut Wheat Flour + milk (any size) + egg (any size) + Chestnut + Pot + Whisk + Oven + Seasoning Set 0 +9 380 G / 470 G
117 Spicy Ramen Inspiration after cooking 5 recipes that used Wheat Flour, 5 recipes that used eggs (any size), 5 recipes that used Bamboo Shoots, and 5 recipes that used Small Fish Wheat Flour + egg (any size) + Bamboo Shots + Small Fish + Chili Pepper + Pot + Rolling Pin + Seasoning Set 0 +20 480 G / 570 G
119 Spicy Sandwich Inspiration after cooking 5 recipes that used Bread, 5 recipes that used Cucumber, 5 recipes that used Tomato, and 5 recipes that used Boiled Egg Bread + Cucumber + Tomato + Boiled Egg + Chili Pepper + Knife 0 +40 480 G / 570 G