Choral Clinic is a small hospital located in Harmonica Town. Like all other businesses in the town, it is closed on Sundays and holidays. Its store hours are from 8am to 8pm (8:00-20:00).
The clinic is run by Irene and her grandson, Jin. At the beginning of the game, you will learn that Jin is abroad doing research, leaving Irene to manage the clinic herself. Jin will not return until you have rung the Blue Bell. This will result in the clinic upgrading to Level 2, thus prompting Irene to expand her shop inventory.[ 1]
Choral Clinic serves an important function in the game, as it is where not only you or your wife will give birth to your children, but where rival children will be born as well, with Irene working as the midwife. It is also where you will wake up if you run out of stamina while completing tasks or by getting hit with too much poison gas while mining. If you get sick, you can stop by the clinic to pick up cold medicine. The clinic is also useful for bodigizers and other energizing drinks.