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The Harvest Moon Wiki

The clinic (ミネラル()(いん), Mineraru Iin) is a location in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. Located in the Northside part of town.

The clinic is owned and run by Doctor and you can buy things from Elly when she's standing behind the counter during business hours. You can also get an examination by talking to Doctor when he's behind his desk.

Doctor and Elly live here and your character can gain access to their bedrooms upstairs by befriending them.


Name Price Requirement
SoSFoMTStamina Booster Stamina Booster 500G
SoSFoMTStamina Booster XL Stamina Booster XL 1,000G Ship 50 Blue Grass
SoSFoMTCaffeine Caffeine 1,000G
SoSFoMTSuper Caffeine Super Caffeine 2,000G Ship 50 Green Grass


By talking to Doctor, while he is at his desk, you will have the option to have an examination for 10G. This examination will tell the player of they have any issues with their stamina or fatigue level as well as a recommendation on how to fix the issue; whether that be sleeping, eating, or medicine.
