The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki

The Cooking Festival is a special festival that occurs every year on the 22nd of Spring at 10AM in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town and Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town.

When the day of the Cooking Festival arrives, Gourmet will tell you the theme of food (desserts, juices etc.) that you must try to bring, and Gourmet will judge you based on how tasty the food is. Once you make it there, talk to Gourmet and he will tell you what the theme of the year is. To start, leave the area then cook a dish and then go back to Rose Square and give the dish to Thomas. He will then ask if you want to begin.

There are 6 stages that the Gourmet will show/tell you after you give him the food.

  • Angry bubble saying that you chose the wrong category - You are disqualified
  • Snowy Mountaintop - Your food is bad; You have no chance of winning
  • He says "Very Homemade" - You have a small chance of winning
  • Rainy Mountain - He says it is good but something is missing - You have a small chance of winning
  • Mountain - He says it is good - You have a good chance of winning
  • Shooting Stars - It is very good - 100% of winning


The more ingredients you put in, the greater chance of winning you have

Prepare for the recipes for the whole year; Truffles don't grow in spring!!!


  • Gourmet (as a judge only)
  • Manna
  • Karen - never wins with her black stuff
  • Ann
  • Doug
  • Lilia


  • Year 1 = Juice
  • Year 2 = Dessert
  • Year 3 = Bread
  • Year 4 = Noodles  
  • Year 5 = Rice

Best Recipes[]

  • Year 1 best recipe = Fruit Latte and Relaxation Tea
  • Year 2 best recipe = Chocolate Cake, Cheesecake, Apple Pie
  • Year 3 best recipe = Sandwich
  • Year 4 best recipe = Fried Noodles
  • Year 5 best recipe = Fried Rice