Cows are sold through Mirabelle's shop in Sunshine Islands.
Cows are a type of livestock that live in the player's barn. Healthy cows can compete in the Cow Festival on Fall 3 each year. As you increase friendship points with your cow, the quality of milk will go up. If you win at the festival (entering a cow with 8 hearts or more), they will start to produce s-rank milk, and you'll be able to purchase a Jersey Cow.
Cows have the longest lifespan of all farm animals (not pets) and will live for about 6 years.
You must first have a barn built by Gannon on your farm. Once you do, cows will become available for purchase for 5,000G each at Mirabelle's shop. A basic barn can hold a total of 4 animals at once. A medium barn can hold 8 animals at once, and the large barn can hold up to 16.
Cows must be fed every day. If cows are put outside, they will eat planted grass grown on the player's farm. They will only eat mature grass, so upkeep of grass is essential when letting your cows graze outside. When cows are inside the barn, they will eat one piece of fodder per day.
Milking, brushing and interacting with your cow are all good ways to increase friendship levels. Cows can also be left outside in good weather for additional friendship. Playing the petting mini-game when given the chance and playing the milking mini-game also provide additional boosts in friendship, although these happen at random. Utilizing Wonderfuls on tools like the milker and brush can also expedite the friendship process.
If your want your cows to give birth to a calf, buy the Cow Miracle Potion from Mirabelle for 3,500 G. You also need to have an available Birthing Pen, and the cow must be an adult. Use the Cow Miracle Potion on the cow you want to impregnate, and then remember to put Fodder in the Birthing Pen's feeder every day inside of the barn. After 21 days, the baby cow will be born. It will take 18 days for the baby cow to mature into an adult cow.
Sick cows must be cured with Animal Medicine, which can also be purchased from Mirabelle's.
A healthy adult cow can be milked every day. A cow who is sick or too young cannot be milked. The milker is purchased from Mirabelle's shop. The quality of a cow's milk is affected by its heart level.
Milk can be turned into yogurt, butter or cheese if these makers are purchased and put into the maker shed on the player's farm.