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Cows are animals available in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.

Cows are available to purchase from the ledger from the start. You will be able to buy a regular black and white cow as well as four different types of cows. The player can purchase female cows to produce milk or male bulls to breed females.


The selling price of cows will always be half of the cost for that breed and gender.

Cow Type Female Buy Value Male Buy Value Female Sell Value Male Sell Value
Normal Cow 5,000G 2,500G 2,500G 1,250G
Marble Cow 20,000G 10,000G 10,000G 5,000G
Brown Cow 20,000G 10,000G 10,000G 5,000G
Star Cow 50,000G 25,000G 25,000G 12,500G


Cows are fed with Fodder. Fodder can be retrieved from the silo within the Barn on the bottom right of the room. The player will get a pop-up asking how many units of Fodder you wish to take. The player can then go to each empty feed trough and place one unit of Fodder per empty food slot in the trough. Cows come with two food slots in their trough. Fodder can be replenished by using the sickle on tall grass within your pasture, or purchased at the ledger. Tall grass will replenish over time after being trimmed. One square of grass equals one unit of Fodder that will be transferred automatically into your silo. Cows and other Fodder fed animals in your barn will automatically consume tall grass in your pasture in place of Fodder when outside.

Cows can have their status checked on the chalk board within the Barn located to the left of the northern door. Cows will have their affection hearts, their pregnancy, and milk status shown. Cows that can be milked will have a lit milk icon to the left of their hearts; after milking this icon will be faded out until they are available to be milked again. Pregnant Cows will show a lit bow icon between the milk icon and their hearts.

The player can use the snuggle action to further their affection with their Cows as well as talking to them. A player can purchase a Brush from Van and use the Brush to clean their Cows and further increase their happiness and bonding to improve health and happiness.


Cows have two stages of life. They start as claves and grow into adult Cows or Bulls. When purchasing a Cow you will receive an adult, however, when breeding your own they will begin in the calf stage. During the calf stage they will produce nothing of value. Encyclopedia entries unlock before the calf is born, allowing the player to gain insight into which gender their calf will be before birth. This will obviously not be viable for later births.

Stage Name Encyclopedia Description Stage
Normal Cow (F) "A normal cow. Produces normal milk." Adult Female
Normal Cow (M) "A normal bull. If raised together, they may naturally mate with female cows of the same type." Adult Male
Normal Calf (M) "A male calf. Their horns are much smaller than an adult bull's, and their fur is almost completely black." Immature Male
Normal Calf (F) Immature Female



Cows can be milked twice a day; every ten hours. A player will be able to receive more milk than usual for twenty days after their Cow gives birth. After such time, the player will need to have their Cow give birth again.

Cows will also produce mothers milk for a few days after giving birth. Mothers milk must be fed to their calf.

Different cow types will produce different types of milk, with varying selling prices. Brown cows and marble cows produce the same priced milk at each of the quality levels.

Normal Cow - Production
Name Encyclopedia Description Value
Normal Milk (C) "Milk from a normal cow. Too low-quality to ship or cook with." 0G
Normal Milk (B) "Average-quality milk from a normal cow." 100G
Normal Milk (A) "Quality milk from a normal cow." 125G
Normal Milk (S) "High-quality milk from a normal cow. Rich and delicious." 150G
Normal Milk (S*) "Top-quality milk from a normal cow. Every sip is packed with sweet, creamy goodness!" 275G
Brown Cow / Marble Cow - Production
Name Encyclopedia Description Value
Normal Milk (B) 175G
Normal Milk (A) 220G
Normal Milk (S) 270G
Normal Milk (S*) 405G
Star Cow - Production
Name Encyclopedia Description Value
Normal Milk (B) 325G
Normal Milk (A) 400G
Normal Milk (S) 520G
Normal Milk (S*) 750G

Butter & Cheese[]

By purchasing the Processing Room from the ledger, you can process your milk into butter or cheese.

Depending on the cow, some milk is better to be processed before being sold as the milk and/or cheese will fetch a higher selling price. For others, the milk is worth more being sold as is (without being processed into cheese or butter). For example: for Brown Milk (S), it is most efficient to process into butter. For Marble Milk (A) and Marble Milk (S), it is most efficient to process into cheese. For Star Milk (B), it is most efficient to just sell the milk as is.

Milk to Cheese Conversion (*table still WIP)
Milk Type Cheese Type Produced Value
Normal Milk (B)
Normal Milk (A)
Normal Milk (S)
Normal Milk (S*)
Brown Milk (B) Cheese (B)
Brown Milk (A) Cheese (A)
Brown Milk (S) Cheese (S)
Brown Milk (S*) Cheese (S*)
Marble Milk (B) Cheese (A)
Marble Milk (A) Cheese (S)
Marble Milk (S) Cheese (S*)
Star Milk (B) Cheese (B)
Star Milk (A) Cheese (A)
Star Milk (S) Cheese (S)
Star Milk (S*) Cheese (S*)
Milk to Butter Conversion (*table still WIP)
Milk Type Butter Type Produced Value
Normal Milk (B)
Normal Milk (A)
Normal Milk (S)
Normal Milk (S*)
Brown Milk (B) Butter (A)
Brown Milk (A) Butter (S)
Brown Milk (S) Butter (S*)
Brown Milk (S*) Butter (S*)
Marble Milk (B) Butter (B)
Marble Milk (A) Butter (A)
Marble Milk (S) Butter (S)
Marble Milk (S*) Butter (S*)


You can breed a male bull on your farm and female cow together to make calves. Cross-breeding is allowed, meaning you can breed a normal bull/cow with any other breed. The resulting calf will be a random gender and the breed of the calf will be that of one of the parents. You can restart your game to the day before to attempt getting the calf you want again.

Alternatively, you can also use your ledger to make one of your cows pregnant for 3,500G. The calf will be a random gender and the breed will be that of the mother.

Note that if you have a bull on the farm then there is no way to control pregnancies on your farm and they could very likely be one after the other. Having only one isolation fencing prevents there from being multiple pregnancies, so if you have two cows then you can still have milk to sell in your shipping bin.


The first sign that your cow is pregnant will be shown when you talk to her. The dialog will indicate that something seems off with your cow. If you go to the chalk board in your barn, it will then show a pink ribbon indicating that the cow is pregnant.

Pregnancy takes two months. During this time, the cow will still produce milk as normal, up until the last 5 or so days where the cow will have red cheeks. When you talk to your cow, the dialog will indicate that her cheeks are rosy and utters are swollen. If this is your first pregnant cow, the harvest sprites will appear and take her to the isolation corner of your barn. Otherwise, you will have the option to separate the cow.

The cow will remain in isolation for the last days of the pregnancy (about another 5 days). During this time, the cow will not come outside when you ring the bell and as such, you will have to keep an eye on her food bin. She will no longer produce milk during this time.

When the calf is born, both it and the mother will be removed from isolation and will move in and out of the barn when you ring the bell with the rest of your animals. The calf will be given a food bin, but for the first 3–7 days it will only drink the unique milk that the mother produces during this time. When the mother stops producing this milk, you can begin feeding the calf as normal by filling its bin.

When the mother stops producing the unique milk for the calf, her cheeks will return to normal and utters will no longer be swollen. She will now begin providing her normal milk again, as well as at an increased quantity for the first few days after this point.

