The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki

Seeds, saplings, and fertilizers, along with a limited amount of ready-grown crops can be found at Souffle Farm and at Festivals. They can also be bought from Taylor through the phone, once he moves to the island. The growing time varies depending on the crop. The crop can be decent, good, perfect, or shining. The selling price is the highest for shining crops. If you use fertilizer your crops grade will be higher.


Click A to harvest the crops.

Crops By Season[]


Spring Crops grow from Spring 1st to Fall 3rd.

Crop Where it's sold Selling Price

Souffle Farm, Taylor's Seeds

Cabbage Souffle Farm, Taylor's Seeds 80-260
Flax Taylor's Seeds 50-120
Potato Souffle Farm, Taylor's Seeds 60-140
Strawberry Souffle Farm, Taylor's Seeds 130-420
Turnip Souffle Farm 50-120
Hyacinth Flower Festival, Taylor's Seeds 80
Lavender Souffle Farm 50
Moondrop Flower Festival, Souffle Farm 40
Tulip Souffle Farm, Taylor's Seeds 60
Green Herb Flower Festival, Taylor's Seeds 30


Summer Crops grow from Spring 4th to Winter 3rd.

Crop Where it's sold Selling Price
Cocoa Pineapple Inn 120-300
Corn Souffle Farm, Taylor's Seeds 100-240
Honeydew Souffle Farm 200-660
Onion Souffle Farm, Taylor's Seeds 60-140
Tomato Souffle Farm, Taylor's Seeds 90-220
Watermelon Souffle Farm, Taylor's Seeds 120-360
Begonia Flower Festival, Taylor's Seeds 50
Hibiscus Pineapple Inn 80
Lily Flower Festival, Taylor's Seeds 70
Pansy Souffle Farm 30
Pinkcat Souffle Farm 50
Sunflower Souffle Farm, Taylor's Seeds 70
Blue Herb Flower Festival, Taylor's Seeds 70


Fall Crops grow from Summer 4th to Spring 3rd.

Crop Where Its Sold Selling Price
Bell Pepper Taylor's Seeds 60-140
Carrot Taylor's Seeds 80-200
Eggplant Souffle Farm 100-240
Pumpkin Souffle Farm 130-320
Rice Souffle Farm, Taylor's Seeds 50-180
Spicy Pepper Pineapple Inn, Taylor's Seeds 60-140
Spinach Souffle Farm 60-160
Yam Souffle Farm 50-170
Blue Mist Souffle Farm 320
Chrysanthemum Taylor's Seeds 50
Cosmos Souffle Farm 50
Morning Glory Souffle Farm 90
Rose Taylor's Seeds 100
Purple Herb Flower Festival, Taylor's Seeds 60
Red Herb Flower Festival, Summer Market (Item only) 50


Winter Crops grow from Fall 4th to Winter 28th.

Crop Where its Sold Selling Price
Buckwheat Souffle Farm, Taylor's Seeds, Harvest Festivial 50-160
Anemone Souffle Farm 30
Green Bell Pineapple Inn, Taylor's Seeds, Harvest Festival 70
Snowflake Souffle Farm 80
Yellow Herb Taylor's Seeds, Flower Festival, Harvest Festival 40