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Crops in Harvest Moon 3D: The Lost Valley feature Crop mutations. It enables a Crop mutating into a new species if several conditions are satisfied. To trigger a mutation, conditions such as the season the Crops in, the type of fertilizer, the altitude of the Crops are grown, etc. Some mutated Crops can also mutate to another variant. With such a large variety of Crops in the game, some species are harder to discover than others, prompting may players to join forces to discover them.

Each plant and its mutation have a chance to produce a Great version of itself, which has a higher shipping price.

The elevation of the ground proved to be one of the most important features for Crop-growing not only because some mutations require it to be grown at specific altitude, but it also determines the growth rate. For the sake of clarity, this article will abbreviate some of phrases regarding the ground elevation that the Crops are grown on. 'HE' stands for House elevation, which is the same height as the farm house, and 'WL' means Water level, which is the same level as the river floor. For example, HE -3 is three levels below the farm house, and WL +2 is two above water level.

Crop Mutations[]


Crop Base Crop Season Elevation Soil Type Confirmed
Cabbage N/A Spring HE -3 Any Yes
Huge Cabbage Cabbage Spring HE -16 Any Yes
Red Cabbage Cabbage Winter HE -3 Swampy Reports of working in all soil types
Green Cabbage Red Cabbage Spring HE -7 to HE Barren Still needs more testing
Dome Cabbage Huge Cabbage Winter HE +8 to +9 Lush Yes


Crop Base Crop Season Elevation Soil Type Confirmed
Spinach N/A Winter HE -5 Any Yes
Savoy Spinach Spinach Spring HE -5 (For mutation chance) Lush or Swampy Yes. HE -5 has more chance for mutation but HE is the fastest growth time
Baby Spinach Spinach Winter HE -5 Barren Yes
Pink Spinach Baby Spinach Winter HE -3 Dry or Patchy Yes
Lilac Spinach Savoy Spinach Autumn (Fall) HE -10 and HE -5 (Fastest) Swampy Yes


Crop Base Crop Season Elevation Soil Type Confirmed
Strawberry N/A Spring HE Any Yes
White Berry Strawberry Winter HE Any Yes
Angel Lantern Strawberry Summer HE Lush Yes. Must use Berry Blend.
Magical Berry White Berry Spring HE Lush Yes. You must use Berry Blend.
Princess's Eye Angel Lantern Summer HE +8 Grassy or Dry Unsure.


Crop Base Crop Season Elevation Soil Type Confirmed
Celery N/A Spring HE -3 Any Yes
White Celery Celery Autumn HE -3 Lush or Swampy Yes
Mystic Herb Celery Summer HE -3 Lush Yes
Royal Herb White Celery Winter HE +11, +6 and +5 Lush or Patchy Yes


Crop Base Crop Season Elevation Soil Type Confirmed
Onion N/A Spring HE -3 Dry or Barren Yes
Scallion Onion Spring HE -3 Barren Yes
Petite Onion Scallion Spring HE -4 Dry Yes
Pearl Onion Petite Onion Fall HE -4 Grassy No
Red Onion Scallion Summer HE -11 or WL -1 Barren or Lush Yes
Teardrop Red Onion Winter HE -10 and HE -5 Swampy Yes


Crop Base Crop Season Elevation Soil Type Confirmed
Tomato N/A Summer HE -3 All Yes
San Marzano Tomato Summer HE -3 Dry or Barren Yes
Red Zeplin San Marzan Spring HE -3 (Fastest grow) HE -2 (Fastest Regrow) Dry or Patchy Yes. Must uses Tomato Blend
Crimson Tomato Winter HE -16 (Fastest regrow) to HE -13 All Yes
Killer Tomato Crimson Autumn HE -18 to HE -12 All Yes. Must use Tomato blend and normal Fertilizer


Crop Base Crop Season Elevation Soil Type Confirmed
Corn N/A Summer HE -3 Any Yes
Fodder Corn Corn Summer HE -3 Lush, but may grow in others. Yes
Sunset Corn Fodder Corn Spring HE -2 Lush or Patchy Yes. Must use Corn Blend
Sweet Corn Corn Summer HE -3 Lush Yes.
Yellow Corn Sweet Corn Winter HE +2 Lush Needs more testing

Green Pepper[]

Crop Base Crop Season Elevation Soil Type Confirmed
Green Pepper N/A Summer HE -3 Any Yes
Red Pepper Green Pepper Summer HE -3 Dry Yes
Bell Pepper Green Pepper Summer HE -11 or WL -1 Lush Yes
Magic Pepper Bell Pepper Spring He -16 Dry Yes
Purple Pepper Red Pepper Spring HE -3 Barren Yes
White Pepper Magic Pepper Winter HE -16 Swampy or Lush Needs more testing
Golden Pepper Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No


Crop Base Crop Season Elevation Soil Type Confirmed
Wheat N/A Summer HE -5 Any Yes
Durum Wheat Unknown Summer HE +8 Unknown No
Barley Wheat Autumn HE -10 Lush Yes
Rye Barley Winter HE -10 Dry Yes

Hot Pepper[]

Crop Base Crop Season Elevation Soil Type Confirmed
Hot Pepper N/A Autumn HE -3 All Yes
Jalapeรฑo Hot Pepper Spring HE -3 or HE -2 (Fastest Regrow) Lush or Swampy Yes
Habanero Hot Pepper Autumn HE -7. Must use Orange Compost Any Yes
Dragon Pepper Jalapeรฑo Winter HE -3 Lush Yes. Must use Apple Compost
Devil Pepper Habanero Summer HE -3 Barren Yes. Must use Corn Blend


Crop Base Crop Season Elevation Soil Type Confirmed
Potato N/A Fall Any All Yes
Giant Potato Potato Fall High Grassy Yes
Purple Potato Potato Winter Medium Patchy Yes
Black Potato Purple Potato Summer Medium Dry Yes
Titan Potato Black Potato Winter Medium Dry Yes. Must use Durum Wheat Blend at least once


Crop Base Crop Season Elevation Soil Type Confirmed
Carrot N/A
Brown Carrot Carrot Summer Medium Swampy Yes
Mandrake Brown Carrot Fall HE-15 to HE-11 Dry/Patchy Yes. Requires Barbatus Blend.
White Carrot Baby Carrot Winter High Dry/Swampy Yes. White Carrots probably also grow in grassy and mixed soil
Baby Carrot Carrot Winter Medium Grassy/Patchy Yes. HE-4 and higher have been reported not to work.


Crop Base Crop Season Elevation Soil Type Confirmed
Pumpkin N/A Fall Medium Grassy Yes. Grows fastest at HE-3.
Squash Pumpkin Spring Medium Grassy Yes. Grows fastest at HE-3.
Zucchini Pumpkin Summer Medium Swampy Yes. Grows fastest at HE-3.
Giant Squash Squash Summer Medium Any Yes. Requires Goby Blend. Planting at HE-3 is advised
Cream Pumpkin Squash Winter High Grassy, Swampy Yes. Regrows fastest at HE+8.
Giant Pumpkin Giant Squash Fall Medium Dry Yes. Planting at HE-3 is advised


Crop Base Crop Season Elevation Soil Type Confirmed
Broccoli N/A
Broccolini Broccoli Fall
Evergreen Broccolini Summer
Romanesco Broccolini Winter
Dryad Romanesco Spring