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The Harvest Moon Wiki

The Decoration Shop is a shop in Harvest Moon: My Little Shop.

It is run by Takakura and his apprentice Danica. They sell upgrades and decorations for your shop to make it more aesthetically pleasing, as well as additional fields to grow crops in.


Store Upgrades[]


Item Cost Requirements
CuteStore (MLS) Cute Storefront 500G Default
CastleStore (MLS) Castle Storefront 500G Default
QuaintStore (MLS) Quaint Storefront 500G
File:ModernStore (MLS).png Modern Storefront 500G
File:FelineStore (MLS).png Feline Storefront 500G
File:DaintyStore (MLS).png Dainty Storefront 500G
JuiceStore (MLS) Juice Storefront 800G Juice Bar Set DLC
EggStore (MLS) Egg Storefront 800G Egg Stand Set DLC
SweetsStore (MLS) Sweets Storefront 800G Ice Cream Set DLC


Item Cost Requirements
CuteStore (MLS) Cute Awning 500G Default
CastleStore (MLS) Castle Awning 500G Default
QuaintStore (MLS) Quaint Awning 500G
File:ModernStore (MLS).png Modern Awning 500G
File:FelineStore (MLS).png Feline Awning 500G
File:DaintyStore (MLS).png Dainty Awning 500G
JuiceStore (MLS) Juice Awning 800G Juice Bar Set DLC
EggStore (MLS) Egg Awning 800G Egg Stand Set DLC
SweetsStore (MLS) Sweets Awning 800G Ice Cream Set DLC


Item Cost Requirements
CuteStore (MLS) Cute Roof 500G Default
CastleStore (MLS) Castle Roof 500G Default
QuaintStore (MLS) Quaint Roof 500G
File:ModernStore (MLS).png Modern Roof 500G
File:FelineStore (MLS).png Feline Roof 500G
File:DaintyStore (MLS).png Dainty Roof 500G
JuiceStore (MLS) Juice Roof 800G Juice Bar Set DLC
EggStore (MLS) Egg Roof 800G Egg Stand Set DLC
SweetsStore (MLS) Sweets Roof 800G Ice Cream Set DLC


Item Cost
Stardecoration Star Decoration None
Heartdecoration Heart Decoration None
Balloondecoration Balloon Decoration None
Belldecoration Bell Decoration None
Mushdecoration Mushroom Decoration None
UmbrellaDecor (MLS) Umbrella 300G
AcornDecor (MLS) Acorn Decoration 300G
CactusDecor (MLS) Cactus Decoration 300G
RibbonDecor (MLS) Ribbon Decoration 300G
NoteDecor (MLS) Note Decoration 300G
File:SnowmanDecor (MLS).png Snowman 300G
File:ButtonDecor (MLS).png Button Decoration 300G
File:FlowerDecor (MLS).png Flower Decoration 300G
File:SunflowerDecor (MLS).png Sunflower 300G
Cloverdecoration Clover Decoration 500G
File:FlagDecor (MLS).png Flag Decoration 300G
Violindecoration Violin Decoration 300G
File:BarrelDecor (MLS).png Barrel Decoration 300G
File:RainbowDecor (MLS).png Rainbow 300G
File:LampDecor (MLS).png Lamp Decoration 500G
Jackolantern (MLS) Jack-O'-Lantern* 600G
NestDecor (MLS) Nest Decoration* 600G
CowDecor (MLS) Cow Decoration* 600G

* This decoration requires DLC to be eligible for purchase.

Additional Fields[]

Item Cost
NewField (MLS) First Additional Field 700G
NewField (MLS) Second Additional Field 1200G
NewField (MLS) Third Additional Field 2000G