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This article is about Doraemon, a character from Doraemon Story of Seasons: Friends of the Great Kingdom. You may be looking for Doraemon as he appears in Doraemon: Story of Seasons.

Doraemon (ドラえもん?) is the secondary main character in Doraemon Story of Seasons: Friends of the Great Kingdom if a second player decides to join the game. If not, he will function as an NPC as normally.

A blue cat-type robot from the twenty second century, Doraemon provides his friends with gadgets from the future in order to help Noby's farm life.



Gift Preferences  
Loved "These are my favorite! That's so considerate of you, pal! Thanks a ton!"
Giant Broccoli, Giant Carrot, Giant Pumpkin, Giant Turnip, Watermelon, Yummy buns
Liked "Oh, I like these! Thanks, Noby!"
Neutral "A present for me? Thanks, pal!"
All other items
Disliked "Is this for me? Hmm... I'm not sure why you felt I'd like this, but thanks..."


Doraemon does not have his own set of events. Instead he needs to be befriended for and is tied closely to Pip's full event storyline - which can be viewed here!
