The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki

Heart Lines

  • 0 hearts: "Extra land is necessary for building a barn. I think it'll be tough, but do your best."
  • 1 heart: "It'd be nice if they'd give away the land in this village for free since it's not being used anyway!"
  • 2 hearts: "__, it looks like animals like you, eh? I think folks liked by animals are good people!"
  • 3 hearts: "Thanks to you ___, it seems that Blue's ready and willing!"
  • 4 hearts: "I want to live quietly on this land. A small home is fine as long as it's a warm place to live."
  • 5 hearts: "I'm confident in my cooking. I change flavors after carefully observing the person's mood and preferences."
  • 6 hearts: "Sometimes I think how I'd like to go a place I've never been to before. But I'm convinced that the best place is right here"
  • 7 hearts: "I want to live in a place where there are a lot of animals. I'd be happy if there was a large ranch where they could all run about!"
  • 8 hearts: "____, you work hard and you're attentive and kind. I bet you're popular with the girls."
  • 9-10 hearts: "These days, it's weird... I see you, __, each night. Um, in my dreams... Weird, huh? Yeah, I know that."

Marriage Lines

  • Morning: "Good morning. I'm happy waking up and seeing you every morning!"


  • Rain day below ?? hearts: "On rainy days please put animals in the barn, okay?"
  • Rainy day above ?? hearts: "Animals don't like getting wet in the rain. It's also a source of sickness, so be careful."

Other Lines

  • Talking to her first time at Blue Sky Ranch: "Oh, ____! You came over! Welcome to Blue Sky Ranch!"
  • At the Egg Festival: "I think raising animals can be tough, but do your best. It's a ranch, so it's better to have lots of animals, right?!" 
  • When shown your baby: "Children are great, aren't they? I'm comforted when I watch them."