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Festivals in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town.


Mochi Bonanza[]


Speaking to Thomas at the festival.

  • Occurs: Spring 1 (6pm to 12am)
  • Weather: Clear
  • Location: Rose Plaza
  • Participants: Thomas, Ran, Saibara, Elly, Mei, Yu, Dudley, Duke, Mana, Gotts, Zack, Carter
  • Results: 9 mochi are given if there is space, +5 with those talked with (only once)

The Mochi-Pounding Festival (もちつき大会(たいかい), Mochi-Tsuki Taikai) is the first festival of the year and is held in the town plaza from 6pm to 12am. The protagonist can talk to other villagers and can talk to Thomas over the table to begin the festival. After the festival, the protagonist will wake up the next morning with 9 mochi, if there is an empty slot in his or her rucksack.

Mochi Bonanza Dialogue
  • トーマス「やぁやぁ、(主人公)くん。キミもおもちを食べにきたのかい? わたしも、おもちには目がなくってねぇ、今日はたくさん食べようと思うんだ。」
  • Duke:「もちって、ついつい食いすぎちまうんだよな。」

マナ「こんばんは、(主人公)さん。あなたも、おもち好きなの? わたしもねぇ、おもち好きなのよ。食べすぎると太っちゃうから、普段はひかえてるんだけどね。今日ぐらい、思いっきり食べてもいいわよねぇ。」
ザク「よぉ、おまえも食いにきたのか? 年に一回のもちつき大会だから盛大にやろうぜ。」

White Day[]

Doctor 6am - 7am
Cliff 8am - 9am
Rick 10am - 11am
Gray 2pm - 3pm
Brandon 4pm - 5pm
  • Occurs: Spring 14
  • Location: Farm
  • Other: Protagonist doesn't have a partner, partner candidate has at least 10000, space in rucksack
  • Results: Possible cookies (cookie from 10,000 and chocolate cookie from 40,000) from partner candidates and +1000 with each.

An event in which a male resident who is a candidate for partner receives a present with a sense of gratitude. If there is more than one affectionate degree, Doctor, Cliff, Rick, and Gray will come to the farm in order to give presents. Usually it is a "cookie", but if you have a love level of 5 or more, you will get a "chocolate cookie"

Spring Derby[]

  • Spring 18 (10am - 6pm)

Cooking Exhibition[]

  • Spring 22 (10am - 6pm)


Fetch Fest[]

  • Occurs: Summer 1 (10am to 6pm)
  • Weather: Clear
  • Location: Mineral Beach
  • Participants: Popuri, Kai, Sasha, Jeff, Thomas, Zack
  • Results: +5 FP with those talked with (only once), +20 FP if you win the contest, Power Berry for first time winning

The Fetch Fest (海開(うみひら)き, Umi Hiraki, lit. beach opening) occurs at Mineral Beach. The day before Zack comes to your house and asks if you want to join the frisbee contest with one of your pets and will take the selected pet with him for the festival. At the festival you'll play the frisbee mini-game and can check the current distance champion at the message board next to Zack's house.

Cluck-Cluck Clash[]

  • Occurs: Summer 7 (10am to 6pm)
  • Weather: Clear
  • Location: Rose Plaza
  • Participants: Popuri, Rick, Thomas, Dudley, Duke, Saibara, Mugi

The Cluck-Cluck Clash (鶏祭(にわとりまつ)り, Niwatori Matsuri) occurs in the Rose Plaza. If you selected to participate the day before, your chicken will take part in a three-round tournament.

Moo-Moo Festival[]

  • Occurs: Summer 20 (10am to 6pm)
  • Weather: Clear
  • Location: Rose Plaza
  • Results:+5 FP with those talked with (only once), +20 FP if you win the contest, gold trophy if you win
  • Participants: Popuri, Rick, Brandon, Thomas, Mugi, Mei, Doctor, Elly, Yu, Basil, Carter

The Moo-Moo Festival (牛祭(うしまつ)り, Ushi Matsuri) occurs in the Rose Plaza. If you decided to participate the day before, your cow will take part in the festival. The winning cow has now the chance to produce gold or platinum milk.

Fireworks Festival[]

  • Occurs: Summer 30 (6pm to Midnight)
  • Weather: Clear
  • Location:Mineral Beach


Harvest Festival[]

  • Occurs: Fall 9 (10am to 6pm)
  • Weather: Clear
  • Participants: Manna, Anna, Marie, Thomas, Sasha, Karen, Elly, Carter, Dudley, Ran, Gotts
SoSFoMTHarvest Festival

The Harvest Festival (収穫祭(しゅうかくさい), Shuukaku-sai) is a festival in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. If the protagonist leaves his or her house on Fall 8th, Thomas will invite him or her to the festival. It occurs in the town square. You can bring something edible to add to the soup, as everyone else will. Be sure to bring in the ingredients. However, the ones that increase fatigue, such as "poisonous mushrooms," will have the worst taste.[1]

SoSFoMTHealth SoSFoMTPower Result
+ +
+ 0
+ - Yucky
0 + Yummy
0 0 Yummy
0 - Yucky
- + Yummy
- 0
- - Yummy

Moonlight Night[]


The Moonlight Night (お(つき)(), Otsukimi) is a special night, where you and the marriage candidate with the highest affection points will watch the moon together. You cannot choose who to watch the moon with. If you are married, you will watch the moon with your spouse.


Fluffy Festival[]

  • Fall 21 (10am - 6pm)
  • Town Square

The Fluffy Festival (ふわふわ(まつ)り, Fuwa Fuwa Matsuri) is a contest for animals producing wool, such as sheep, alpaca, and angora rabbit.

Participants: Mugi, Rick (SoSFoMT), Anna (SoSFoMT), Harris (SoSFoMT), Mei (SoSFoMT), Karen (SoSFoMT), Gotz (SoSFoMT), Thomas (SoSFoMT), Gray (SoSFoMT), Jeff (SoSFoMT), Jennifer (SoSFoMT)


Valentine's Day[]

  • Occurs: Winter 14

The Valentine's Day ((ふゆ)感謝祭(かんしゃさい), Fuyu no Kanshasai) is a special day, where you'll receive Chocolate or Orangettes from Bachelorettes if you have a purple heart color or higher. Throughout the day the girls will visit your farm in a certain order:

  • 06am - 07am: Popuri
  • 08am - 09am: Ran
  • 10am - 11am: Elly
  • 12pm - 01pm: Karen
  • 02pm - 03pm: Marie
  • 04pm - 05pm: Jennifer

Starlight Night[]

  • Occurs: Winter 24

New Year's Eve[]

  • Occurs: Winter 30


  1. みんなでなべを作るお祭り。必ず食材を持って参加しよう。ただし「毒きのこ」など、疲労度が上がるものは、最悪の味になってしまうのだ。
