The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki
File:FireworkFestival (SoM).jpg

The Fireworks Festival is an annual event that takes place in Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories.

It is a romantic festival where the player gets to spend with the bachelor or bachelorette of their choice. The festival is held on top of the mountain where the white pillars are.

  • Time : 5pm – 9pm
  • Date : 12th of Summer
  • Venue: Mountain, meet in your house

When the player is sinlge, on Summer 4, Rowan will appear in your house first thing in the morning. He let you know about the upcoming Fireworks festival and recommends you invite a marriage candidate along. You may then talk to the marriage candidate of your choice, and a prompt will ask if this is the person you want to invite. When the person accepts, he or she will tell you that they will pick you up on your farm between 5pm and 7:59pm. Enter your house between those times and a cut scene will trigger. However, if the player is married they will go through the event with their spouse instead.

After the fireworks festival, you will appear back in your house on the same night at 9pm. You will earn about a half-note of friendship with the person you invite and the 'Fireworks Festival' memory the first time you play through the event.



