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Fishing is a skill in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope.

Fishing rod

How To Fish[]

  1. To fish you must first acquire the fishing rod, which is obtained the next morning after repairing Cyril's house.
  2. To cast the fishing line, stand facing any body of water (ponds, rivers or the ocean) and press the Action button once the green targeted square appears in the water (directly in front of your character).
    • You will be prompted to select a bait to use - No bait can be used as well (see Fishing Bait for more information).
  3. After selecting your bait, press the Action Button to confirm and cast your line.
  4. You should now see fish near your bob displayed as shadows of fish lurking about in the water.
    • If no fish are shown in the water after casting, you will need to reel in and cast again.
      • Reeling in an empty fishing line does not use the selected bait.
  5. Wait for a fish to bite, denoted by a red exclamation point ❗ to appear over your character's shoulder, then press the action button (or press the touchscreen on your character).
    • If the action button is not pressed within a short period of time after the fish bites the lure (❗), the fish will get away and you have to cast a new line with your fishing rod.
    • An exhaustion bar will appear, and will be fully filled from left to right - This is the fish's stamina bar.
      • Continue to spam-press the action button until the Fish's stamina bar has been drained all the way to the left, at which point your character should automatically reel in the fish and catch it.

Fishing Rods[]

There are some locations and fish which require upgraded rods to fish. After you receive the fishing rod from Cyril, Gus will be able to upgrade it given sufficient materials and payment. An upgraded rod won't allow you to catch anything you can't with the basic one you received from Cyril, but it does allow you to occasionally catch multiple fish. This makes it invaluable for winning higher ranks of the monthly Fishing Contest. The Master Rod upgrade is also required to fish at the Beach and Lighthouse Outlook.

Name Effect Materials Price
Master Fishing Rod Chance to catch two fish Softwood x10, iron x10, Orichalcum x5 10,000 G
Glorious Fishing Rod Chance to catch three fish Hardwood x10, Soul Gem x3, Adamantite x5 50,000 G

Fishing Bait[]

You can catch most fish without using bait, but there are some fish out there that have more particular tastes. Bait will making fishing easier and will cause fish to bite down faster, which is nice as it saves you a lot of time. Regular bait is the first kind of bait you will get your hands on, and can be bought from Sam 's shop in the second tab. He sells it quite cheaply, so it is definitely worth your while to buy some. There are also some specialty baits which can only be made in your windmill, and which require a recipe to unlock. You can acquire recipes for additional baits by completing Cyril's requests.

Bait Recipes
Bait Unlock Ingredients
Regular Bait Cyril's 1st Request Cornmeal x4
Good Bait Cyril's 3st Request Cornmeal x4, Mosquitofish x2 / Crucian Crap x2 / White Crucian Crap x1 / Barbatus x1
Excellent Bait Cyril's 5st Request Fodder Cornmeal x4, Goby x1 / Black Bass x2 / Rainbow Trout x2
Delectable Fish Feed Cyril's 7st Request Fodder Cornmeal x4, Asparagus x3, Goby x1 / Black Bass x2 / Rainbow Trout x2
Fertilizer Fish Feed Cyril's 8st Request Fodder Cornmeal x4, Tomato x3, Mosquitofish x2
Tropical Fish Feed Cyril's 9st Request Sunset Cornmeal x5, Watermelon x2, Piranha x3
Ragnarok Fish Feed Cyril's 10st Request Yellow Cornmeal x5, Phalanx x2, Electric Eel x1


The following table shows all of the 34 unique fish which can be caught in LoH, including their favorite bait, time and place.

Fish Season Time Location Bait
Akame Fall, Winter 7pm - 5am Mountain Ragnarok Feed
Alligator Gar Summer 6am - 7pm Farm, Mountain Tropical Feed
Arapaima Spring, Summer 11am - 7pm Farm Tropical Feed
Arowana Fall 11am - 7pm Farm, Mountain Good Bait
Banjar Arowana Fall 11am - 7pm Farm, Mountain Excellent Bait
Barbatus Spring, summer, Fall 6am - 4pm Farm, Mountain Regular Bait
Black Bass Spring, Fall 6am - 4pm Farm, Mountain Regular Bait
Bluegill Spring, Summer, Fall 11am - 5am Mountain Regular Bait
Bullhead Fall, Winter 4pm - 5am Farm, Beach, Lighthouse Delectable Feed
Calico Goldfish Summer, Winter 6am - 11am, 4pm - 5am Farm pond, Mountain pond Good Bait
Cod Summer, Winter 6am - 4pm Beach, Lighthouse Good Bait
Crucian Carp Any 6am - 11am, 4pm - 5am Farm, Mountain Regular Bait
Electric Eel Summer 7pm - 5am Ponds Tropical Feed
Goby Summer, Fall All Day Farm, Beach Good bait
Golden Arowana Fall 11am - 7pm Farm, Beach Excellent Bait
Goldfish Spring, Fall 6am - 11am, 4pm - 5am Mountain, Farm Pond Good Bait
Green Arowana Fall 11am - 7pm Farm, Mountain Good Bait
Olive Flounder Fall, Winter 6am - 11am, 4pm - 7pm Beach Delectable Feed
Mosquitofish Any All Day Everywhere Regular Bait
Perch Any All Day Farm, Mountain Regular Bait
Piraya Piranha Any All Day Farm, Mountain Delectable Feed
Piranha Any All Day Farm, Mountain Regular Bait
Rainbow Trout Summer, Fall 6am - 4pm Farm, Mountain, Beach, Lighthouse Regular Bait
Redbelly Tilapia Spring, Summer 6am - 7pm Farm, Mountain, Beach, Lighthouse Good Bait
Righteye Flounder Spring, Winter 6am - 7pm Beach, Lighthouse Fertilizer Feed
Sardine Any 6am - 4pm Beach, Lighthouse Regular Bait
Sea Bream Spring 6am - 4pm Beach, Lighthouse Excellent Bait
Spotted Gar Summer, Fall 6am - 7pm Farm, Mountain Fertilizer Feed
Striped Beakfish Fall 6am - 4pm Lighthouse Excellent Bait
Super Red Arowana Fall 11am - 7pm Farm Pond Ragnarok Bait
Tilapia Spring, Summer 6am - 7pm Farm, Mountain, Beach, Lighthouse Regular Bait
Tuna Winter 6am - 4pm Beach, Lighthouse Tropical Bait
White Crucian Carp Any 6am - 11am, 4pm - 5am Farm, Mountain, Beach Regular Bait
Yellow Perch Any All Day Farm, Mountain Good Bait

