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The Harvest Moon Wiki

Foraging is an activity that the player can partake in from the beginning of Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos.

Foraging for items is an immediate way of making some money and restoring stamina without the need of using any tools whatsoever because foraged items will spawn on their own every few days all across Anthos. Depending on the season, foraging will yield different items.

Foraged Items[]

Image Name Effects Shipping Price Location
Mussel (TWoA) Mussel 0.5 Stamina 110 G
Oyster (TWoA) Oyster 1 Stamina 550 G
RazorClam (TWoA) Razor Clam 0.5 Stamina 33 G
Clam (TWoA) Clam 0.5 Stamina 11 G
LargeClam (TWoA) Large Clam 1 Stamina 330 G
SurfClam (TWoA) Surf Clam 0.5 Stamina 110 G
File:ArkClam (TWoA).png Ark Clam 0.5 Stamina 55 G
EggCockle (TWoA) Egg Cockle 0.5 Stamina 33 G
YessoScallop (TWoA) Yesso Scallop 0.5 Stamina 220 G
AkoyaPearl (TWoA) Akoya Pearl Oyster 2 Stamina 1,100 G
Geoduck (TWoA) Geoduck 0.5 Stamina 55 G
Mushroom (TWoA) Mushroom 0.5 Stamina 6 G
WhiteMushroom (TWoA) White Mushroom 0.5 Stamina 110 G
JumboMushroom (TWoA) Jumbo Mushroom 0.5 Stamina 220 G
ShiitakeMushroom (TWoA) Shiitake Mushroom 0.5 Stamina 6 G
PorchiniMushroom (TWoA) Porcini Mushroom 0.5 Stamina 88 G
MatsutakeMushroom (TWoA) Matsutake Mushroom 1 Stamina 550 G
MorelMushroom (TWoA) Morel Mushroom 0.5 Stamina 110 G
EnergyMushroom (TWoA) Energy Mushroom 0.5 stamina
30 seconds stamina
110 G
HotMushroom (TWoA) Hot Mushroom 0.5 stamina
30 seconds hot resistance
110 G
ColdMushroom (TWoA) Cold Mushroom 0.5 stamina
30 seconds cold resistance
110 G
Truffle (TWoA) Truffle 0.5 Stamina 935 G
WhiteTruffle (TWoA) White Truffle 1 Stamina 2,530 G
MiracleTruffle (TWoA) Miracle Truffle 1.5 Stamina 5,500 G
Bamboo (TWoA) Bamboo Shoot 0.5 Stamina 11 G
TimberBamboo (TWoA) Timber Bamboo Shoot 0.5 Stamina 55 G
CurlyBamboo (TWoA) Curved Bamboo Shoot 0.5 Stamina 110 G

Fruit Trees[]

Trees are scattered all over the wilds of Anthos and can be chopped down or bear fruit. Fruit bearing trees will grow fruit at a rate of one a day and can grow up to three fruit at a time. All fruit will sell for 33 G and recover 0.5 hearts when eaten.

Image Name Location
Apple (TWoA) Apple
Banana (TWoA) Banana Lilikala Region
Peach (TWoA) Peach
Orange (TWoA) Orange Zimagrad Region
Walnut (TWoA) Walnut
Olive (TWoA) Olive Herbstburg Region
Coffeebean (TWoA) Coffee Bean
Cacao (TWoA) Cacao Lilikala Region
Cherry (TWoA) Cherry
Coconut (TWoA) Coconut Lilikala Region

Other Foragables[]

Other than fruit and the various foragable food items the player may use tools to gather materials from the overworld in order to craft.



Tall grass will grow in small fields all across Anthos and the player can use the sickle to harvest weeds from it. Additionally, it is common for both red and blue Harvest Wisps to hide in this tall grass. Each section gives 1-3 weeds and each tier of sickle can destroy more grass at a time.

  • Basic Sickle: 3 grass

Grass fields will automatically regrow at the start of the following day.


Trees will grow scattered across Anthos and the player can use an axe to chop them down so long as they are not fruit bearing trees. Additionally, harvest wisps can occasionally be found hiding once it is fully chopped down. Each tree gives 10 lumber (5 for the main tree, and 5 for the stump).

It will take a few days for trees to regrow back to their full state.


You don't just have to go to the mines to find stones! Stones can be found scattered across Anthos and the player can use a hammer to break them. Additionally, harvest wisps can occasionally be found hiding in extra-large stones once broken. There are a few different size stones, each giving one stone for each hit.

  • Small: 4 stone
  • Medium: 8 stone
  • Large: 10 stone
  • Giant: 16 stone
