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Forums: Index > Help desk > Animal Product Quality (ToT)

Karen - cock-a-doodle-doo ♪
TALK - 19:01, April 23, 2012 (UTC)

Are animal affection levels not the sole factor in determining the quality of the products in Tree of Tranquility? I bought two new chickens with 0-hearts for me right now, and I would assume that they would lay decent eggs, but in the few days I've had them, they have produced a few good eggs, and today, strangely enough, one laid a perfect chicken egg. I checked their heart levels, and they're still at 0, so that's weird. I'm not complaining, of course, just wondering if there are other factors in determining the quality of animal products, or if anyone else had similar experiences.

I also have a cow that just turned into an adult and recently started giving milk. The first day I milked it, I got perfect milk from it, too, and it was at 5 hearts. Every day after that, though, it gave good milk. Is there like a small random chance for all animals to give perfect products once in a while, regardless of how much they like you?


Michelle Chibi
Mai Is Me
TALK - April 23, 2012 (UTC)
Their happiness is also a factor. So if they're really happy that day they will give higher quality stuff. I haven't played it for a while but I think you can make them happy by picking up your chickens and talking to your cow, hand-feeding your animal (Like feeding it to them instead of just putting it in the feeder), brushing any barn animal and milking or sheering any animal that requires you to do so. I think that putting them outside was most affective though, as long as its not raining or something.