Gareth is one of the five available bachelors for the female player to marry in Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories.
As far as Gareth is concerned, he's the most talented magician in the area – despite what Tabitha might say about her own powers. Unfortunately, Gareth is completely socially inept and lacks common sense. This causes him to often be blunt in the way he speaks and makes any form of conversation easily exhausting to him.
Gareth attended the same wizard school as his rival Tabitha, though their studies were each in a different area. He does not deal well with brash personalities, being a little shy. With a lot of intelligence but little common sense, Gareth often ends up in socially awkward situations, and has no idea how to extract himself from the messes that he creates for himself.
As the resident Wizard and official competition to Tabitha, his schedule will never overlap hers, though their magic is quite complimentary. Unlike Tabitha, Gareth is willing to use his magic to aid others, though if he focused his razor sharp wit on the task at hand he may fare a little better. If only the two could get along, perhaps their combined magic could make something truly amazing happen.
Monday | |
6am - 2pm | Home (Locked) |
2pm - 6pm | Home |
6pm - 10pm | Bar |
10pm - 2am | Mountaintop |
2am - 5am | Home (Locked) |
Tuesday - Thursday, Saturday | |
6am - 10am | Gareth's House (Locked) |
10am - 10pm | Home |
10pm - 2am | Mountaintop |
2am - 5am | Home (Locked) |
Wednesday (Farm Visits) ¹ | |
6am - 10am | Gareth's House (Locked) |
10am - 6pm | Gareth's Fortunetelling |
6pm - 2am | Farm |
2am - 5am | Home (Locked) |
Friday | |
6am - 10am | Home (Locked) |
10am - 6pm | Gareth's Fortunetelling |
6pm - 10pm | Bar |
10pm - 2am | Mountaintop |
2am - 5am | Home (Locked) |
Sunday | |
6am - 2pm | Home (Locked) |
2pm - 10pm | Home |
10pm - 2am | Mountaintop |
2am - 5am | Home (Locked) |
- ¹ After reaching 2.5 music notes with Gareth, he will begin to visit your farm on Wednesdays instead of his previous schedule.
Gift Preferences | |||||||||
Events / Memories[]
The Curious Wizard
Meeting Gareth for the first time will automatically unlock this memory.
???: "...I don't recall seeing you face previously, human."
*Gareth introduces Himself*
Gareth: "This is my fortuneteller's shop. I can foretell matters animal, vegetable, or mineral in nature. My hours of Business are Tuesday through Saturday, 10am to 6pm. If you require any fortunes told, please approach me during those hours. And a word of wizardly advice... avoid the fortunetelling shop of the witch next door.... I have nothing further to say."
*Got Silver!*
Gareth's Confusion
This memory may be triggered after you befriend Gareth to at least one musical note and speak to him in his home on his day off between 6pm and 9pm. You will be gifted ten good bait.
Gareth is confused as to why the player keeps visiting him when they don't want anything
Gareth: "...Do you require anything from me? I observe that you often speak to me without a specific purpose... Curious. What is your intention? Why waste time and mental energy like that? I am unable to see the logic in it. That obstreperous witch has a proclivity for chatter. One of her many aberrant traits. I believe in minimizing interaction with others to only those which are strictly necessary. How does it benefit a scholar like myself to engage in idle interactions with ordinary people? I consider it incomprehensible."
*Got Pink Rose Seeds: 5!*
Gareth's Fortunetelling
Befriend Gareth to 1.5 Music Notes, and visit the bar on Monday night.
Enter to find Gareth in the middle of telling a negative fortune to the townsfolk. Afterwards, it is your turn. He explains that, in order to best Tabitha, he has opened up a fortune telling shop, but all the people's requests have exhausted his ability of speech. You will have the ability to respond.
- How does that happen?
- Why not go home, then?
- Then how are you speaking now?
Gareth: "Hmmm... I have detected an anomaly in the motions of the heavenly bodies in recent months... It may indicate that any ventures undertaken now are ill-fated."
Sam: "N-Now why youse gotta go freakin' people out wit crazy predictions...! Youse can't be serious!"
Hanna: "Tee-hee-hee-hee! Don't get so flustered, Sam!"
Gareth: "The stars frown on new endeavors at this time. It would be wise to leave things be."
Sam: "Fine, fine. I hear youse already! I won't launch any new scams --er, BUISUNESSES-- for a while!"
- The player enters and sits down for their fortune to be told*
Gareth: "...Ahh, it's you. If you require fortunetelling services, there will be a breif wait. Since it is imperative that I not be bested by that witch, I opened a fortuneteller's shop here. But consulting with so many seekers of wizardly wisdom has temporarily exhausted my powers of speech.
- How does that happen?
- Gareth: "My personality is unlike yours. I must expend considerable energy to conduct casual conversation..."
- Why not go home, then?
- Gareth: "My urge to do so is like the heat of a thousand suns. But I cannot allow that witch to best me..."
- Then how are you speaking now?
- Gareth: "...? Your observation indeed has validity..."
Gareth: "Ah-ha...! Fascinating. Conversing with you does not tax my energy like others. What could explain this anomaly...? ...Ah, now I recollect that people were mentioning you in conversation at the bar... That may have sparked my curiosity about you. Thus, giving purpose to our conversation. Consider... You suddenly arrived here and settled down to restore that farm to its previous vitality, correct? Intriguing. There must be more to you than meets the eye, human. I find myself eager to study you..."
*Got Peridot Ore: 3!*
Gareth and Jimmy
Befriend Gareth to 2.5 Music Notes, and visit his house on Monday at 2pm.
Enter the room to find Jimmy in terror, yelling while Gareth tries to sooth him. Gareth explains that he ran around the house and broke a bottle, cutting himself, and is now full of terror. Jimmy exclaims that he thought Gareth is an evil wizard that will eat him. Eventually he is calmed down, treated, and leaves. Gareth thanks you for your help and mentions how he lacks 'people-skills'.
Gareth: "If you would just remain calm..."
Gareth: "And allow me to inspect the wound..."
*The player approaches the two of them*
Gareth: "Ah, you've, er, come at an oppurtune moment... Could you please deal with this individual? He came bursting into my premises some moments ago, ran around, then broke a bottle and injured himself. I would like to treat the wound, but in his state of uproar, it is impossible... He seems to he in an extreme state of terror for reasons which I cannot determine..."
Jimmy: "I-I'm because you're an evil wizard! You were going to eat me! ... I mean, I thought so... I guess I shouldn't have busted in like that... I just did it on a dare, y'know...? Sorry I broke your bottle..."
Gareth: "The bottle is of small consequence. Rather, please allow me to tend to your wound immediately..."
*Jimmy leaves Gareth and the Player alone together*
Gareth: "There. Now the treatment is complete. The wound was not serious, and it will heal in short order.... Are you surprised that I am able to give firet aid? Merely a case of first-hand familiarity. I often break bottles, drop cups, fumble dishes, knock over bookshelves, and incur injuries....... Er, are you familiar with the law of gravity? Objects fall by nature. Scientific inevitably. Thank you for rendering assistance.... Indeed, I am not proficient in human relations. My personality is inclined to solitary research. My mentor attempted to instruct me further in human relations, but I lack your "people skills"... I admire how easily you were able to calm that rascal with whom I could make no headway.... Of course, I reserve my greatest admiration for my mentor."
*Got Great Wool: 6!*
The Curious Wizard (#2)
Befriend Gareth to 3 Music Notes, and talk to him by your Chicken Barn on Wednesday from 6pm – 2am.
Gareth will explain that witches and wizards will always join a community of humans and aid them after becoming independent from their master, but he was never being able to understand this until you and him began to get along. He'll go on to say he probably needs to learn his own way of communicating.
- If you need my help, you've got it.
- I hope you find that way.
- Maybe there is, or maybe not...
Gareth: "This farm is a remarkable place. The people of the town seem to have an affection for it also.... Witches and wizards learn many things under their designated mentor... Once they become independent, they take up a position near a human community to offer aid. At least, that is what my mentor taught me to do. And yet, the element of relating to humans is very onerous to me... I find it exhausting... But recently, I've finally started to understand why my mentor wanted me to interact with people. Since you and I started conversing... How can I put it? I feel that my world has grown wider. It is a fact that closing myself off in my own small world prevents me from discovering some things... I believe there IS some way for me to relate to people, but not the same way as you and that witch do it..."
- "If you need my help, you've got it."
- Gareth: "I think that is the aspect of your personality that draws people in."
- "I hope you find that way."
- Gareth: "Yes... it may be a time-consuming process, however..."
- "Maybe there is, or maybe not..."
- Gareth: "...Surely there must be. If not, I would be very disappointed..."
Gareth: "You are an unusual person... Quite intriguing, in fact... If I could be as interested in other humans with whom I deal as with you, relating would be easier.... But at the moment, you are the only human who holds my interest. Please do not disappoint me by becoming less interesting, [Name]."
It is possible to propose marriage by using the Blue Feather once certain conditions have been met. You must have the large house, have watched all heart events with the candidate you wish to propose to and the candidate must have at least 3 musical notes.
Do you want to offer the blue feather?
- Offer the blue feather.
- Triggers normal dialogue for the rest of the day
- Don't offer the blue feather.
- Triggers the proposal event
Gareth: "...? You need to discuss a matter of importance? Let us relocate, then."
* The pair travel to town square*
Gareth: "This place better fulfill the criteria for a serious discussion. What can I do for you?"
Your wedding will be set for a week after an accepted proposal.
You will automatically wake up on the day of your wedding and go to the town square for the ceremony. The wedding lasts the entire day and you will be unable to do any of your daily farm work either before or after the ceremony. Afterwards, you will wake up the following day to all the townspeople on your farm. The sprite tree has been revived and everyone remembers!
Gareth:" "Good morning... Yes, here I am braving the sun's rays... Did you sleep well? Today is the wedding. We will finish the ceremony before the sun rises too high, then hurry indoors. The townspeople have made all the preparations and now wait for us. Let us hasten to avoid the sun."
* The pair travel to town square, dressed in wedding attire, where all the townspeople are gathered.*
Sam: "Time ta get dis wedding ceremony underway, yeah? First of all da groom, Gareth... In sickness an' in health, as long as youse both is alive, do youse take [Name] ta be youse wife?"
Gareth: "I give my word as a wizard. She... [Name]... holds a unique facination for me..."
Sam: "Now for da bride. [Name]... Do youse vow ta stick wit Gareth in da good times and da bad, and help each others out along da way?"
- I do.
- Of course!
Sam: "Den seal it wit a kiss already!"
* The pair turn to face each other and exchange a kiss*
Sam: "I now pronounces youse man and wife! Congratulations, youse two! Youses got my blessing!"
Hanna: "Lookit the two of you, hoo boy! Such a nice couple, don'tcha know! Congratulations!!"
* It is now 10pm and the pair are back home in their normal attire*
Gareth:" "I am drained... My estimates of the festivities' duration fell far short... Night has come.... But you looked very happy amid the festivities, which... which pleases me very much. From now on, I will make this my residence. I wish to maximize our time together... I will continue to operate my fortuneteller's shop as before. And I will continue going to tje bar on Mondays and Fridays, so my return will be late those days. This will be my first time cohabiting with a human... please instruct me in all needed protocols. I have not mentally digested the reality yet, but it pleases me to know many years togeher lie ahead.... At the reception, I noted many comments to the effect that people would remember this as a happy day. I concur with their assessments. I have never been among such a large group of humans at one time.... Today's events greatly fatigued me, I require rest. Therefore... good night."
* Got Soul Gem!*
* The screen cuts to black, it is now 6am the following day*
Rowan: "[Name]! Come quick! Something big is happening at the Sprite Tree!"
* The player heads outside where the townspeople are gathered infront of the Sprite Tree*
Emily: "What's up, [Name]? Totally sorry for barging in on you first thing in the morning!"
April: "Um... It's... It's not that we all planned to meet here, but..."
Gareth: "Apperently, everyone had a dream about this tree which beckoned them. Fascinating phenomenon..."
Luke: "Check out the tree! It's really cool looking!"
* The screen pans up to the Sprite Tree that now appears to sparkle before going back down to the crowd*
Andrea: "Hey, [Name], you seem really pleased about something. What's the reason?"
Catherine:" "I just recalled it! When I was a little girl, the former owners of this farm held a party here!"
Hunter: "Huh, I reckon so... An' everybody in town had a great ol' time..."
Tony: "The breeze, the shade of the tree... It's all the same as it was then..m What a nice memory..."
Tabitha: "Seems like you've triggered everyone's memories, [Name]!"
Gilbert: "The good luck of this day I extol! The Bell of Memories has begun to toll!"
*Everyone cheers and the screen fades to black. Everyone leaves and the three harvest sprites appear, dancing and singing*
Rowan: "Hooray! The vitality has been restored to the Sprite Tree!"
Blossom: "Whoooooop-dee-doooooopty-doooooo!"
Rowan: "It's all thanks to you, [Name]! Thank you for making so many memories! And thanks for bringing back the fond memories of the past! I hope you'll stay here forever, and keep on making more and more wonderful memories...! You, uf Harvest Sprites, and everyone in town, making memories together!
* The player cheers with the harvest sprites and the screen cuts to the Bell of Memories, which is ringing away*
Gareth's Birthday
Talk to Gareth on his birthday at any time.
"You are correct, it is my birthday today. I do not relish the aging process, but I do your sentiment."