The Gelato Mine can be found in the Mt. Gelato, as it's name shows. It's located high at Mt. Gelato by across Ben's Rainbow or pass through way under the fallen tree at Caramel River District. The other one is Ganache Mine in Ganache Mine District.
Gelato Mine has 50 floors. Some of them are a bit special:
- 10th and 30th floors: you can find some caverns here.
- 18th floor: has a lot of pitfalls. Only one pit that goes down.
- 31st, 32nd, 33rd, and 49th floor: this floor is really dark and it's more difficult to find the stairs.
- 36th floor: has a lot of toadstool and mushrooms.
- 38th floor: has a lot of red crystals.
- 40th floor: has a lot of blue crystals.
- 42nd floor: has a lot of yellow crystals.
- 44th floor: has a lot of green crystals.
- 46th floor: has a lot of purple crystals.
- 48th floor: has a lot of white crystals.
- 50th floor: here you'll find a cavern where you will get cutscene that you found Shining Baumkuchen. Take note, however, that you can only obtain one Shining Baumkuchen per save file.
- Floors ending in 5 (5, 15, 25, 35, 45, etc.): Moles will appear here.
Breaking some stones and crystals will sometimes activate traps: some of them will be good and others will be bad for your character. As each type of trap has a different color, you'll be able to recognise if they're going to favor you or not.
- Red: Lose stamina
- Yellow: Recover a little stamina
- Green: Recover a lot of stamina
- White: Either go faster or slower
- Purple: Directions will become confusing (example: go right = go down). Cancel this by going to a different floor.
- Blue: Can't move for a few seconds
- Black: Only able to see in a very small circle surrounding your character. Cancel this by going to a different floor.
Go Mining[]
To go mining, you only need your hammer, foods to recover your stamina (if you don't have, you can find mushrooms in the mine) and as much storage space as possible (Unrefined Wonderfuls and Ores won't stack up in your rucksack). Keep in mind that good gems and ores have sparkles around it, everything else will be Glasses or Scrap Ores.
These are the things you can get from the mine (apart from the mushrooms and toadstools):
- Red Wonderful
- Blue Wonderful
- White Wonderful
- Yellow Wonderful
- Green Wonderful
- Purple Wonderful
- Iron Ore
- Copper Ore
- Silver Ore
- Gold Ore
- Rare Ore
If you take any of these items to the blacksmith's and talk to Mira, she will refine them. This are the possible refined items you can get:
- Any non-sparkling Ore
- Scrap Metal
- Sparkling Iron Ore
- Iron
- Sparkling Copper Ore
- Copper
- Sparkling Silver Ore
- Silver
- Sparkling Gold Ore
- Gold
- Sparkling Rare Ore
- Rare Metal
- Any non-sparkling Wonderful
- Glass
- Sparkling Red Wonderful
- Rose Stone
- Spinel
- Ruby
- Sparkling Yellow Wonderful
- Topaz
- Amber
- Sparkling Green Wonderful
- Peridot
- Jade
- Emerald
- Sparkling Blue Wonderful
- Lapis Lazuli
- Sapphire
- Aquamarine
- Sparkling Purple Wonderful
- Garnet
- Amethyst
- Sparkling White Wonderful
- Moonlight Stone
- Crystal
- Diamond
You can sell these refines items or use them to make jewels. Mira will make them, if you have the materials, and will also sell some of them ready-made at the Art Festival.
Shining Baumkuchen[]
The Shining Baumkuchen is a dessert found at the 50th floor of Gelato Mine. Despite it's being a dessert, it's impossible to eat it. Shining Baumkuchen also can't be cooked despite you can get recipe from Chase's House, General Store, Mira's House, or Yolanda's House. However, it can be given to people as a gift since it was loved by all people in Waffle Island, as well as people in Toucan Island.