The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki
This article is about Gus, a character from Light of Hope. You may be looking for Gus as he appears in Skytree Village.

Gus is a character in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope.

The player will find him standing in front of the mine, complaining that the mine was closed and that you can't mine without a hammer (when the mine is open).

He has a granddaughter, Melanie, who came back from the city to live with him.

The game does include an s after his name in titles of requests, such as Gus's Ore 1 (even though this is improper punctuation [1]).


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Monday Sunny Rainy
6am - 6pm Gus's Smithy Gus's Smithy
6pm - 5am Unavailable Unavailable
Tuesday Sunny Rainy
6am - 6pm Gus's Smithy Gus's Smithy
6pm - 5am Unavailable Unavailable
Wednesday Sunny Rainy
6am - 6pm Gus's Smithy Gus's Smithy
6pm - 5am Unavailable Unavailable
Thursday Sunny Rainy
6am - 6pm Gus's Smithy Gus's Smithy
6pm - 5am Unavailable Unavailable
Friday Sunny Rainy
6am - 6pm Gus's Smithy Gus's Smithy
6pm - 5am Unavailable Unavailable
Saturday Sunny Rainy
6am - 6pm Gus's Smithy Gus's Smithy
6pm - 5am Unavailable Unavailable
Sunday Sunny Rainy
❓ AM - ❓pm Mountain: Central Area
❓pm - ❓ AM Unavailable Unavailable


Gift Preferences  
Special Metal Ore
Loved "Now, what's this?! I was just thinking about getting it too! You've got such a kind soul. Many thanks to you!"
Bread, Gems, Metals, Seashells, Stone
Liked "Now, this is a nice surprise! I will gladly take it off your hands!"
Crops, Fish, Flowers
Disliked "What's this supposed to be? Sorry, but it doesn't do me any good."
Gemstone Ore, Lumber
Hated ???


NO. Name Requested Items Reward
1 Gus's Ore 1 [2] Iron Ore x2 Tomato Seeds x15
2 Gus's Ore 2 [2] Iron Ore x2 Green Pepper Seeds x15
3 Gus's Ore 3 [2] Bronze Ore x2 Carrot Seeds x15
4 Gus's Ore 4 [2] Silver Ore x2 Hot Pepper Seeds x15
5 Gus's Ore 5 [2] Gold Ore x2 Broccoli Seeds x15
6 Gus's Ore 6 [2] Gold Ore x2 Blueberry Seeds x15
7 Gus's Ore 7 [2] Mithril Ore x2 Gooseberry Seeds x15
8 Gus's Ore 8 [2] Orichalcum Ore x2 Blackcurrant Seeds x15
9 Gus's Spring Ore 1 [2] Iron Ore x2 Red Cabbage x15
10 Gus's Spring Ore 2 [2] Gold Ore x2 Asparagus Blend x15
11 Gus's Summer Ore 1 [2] Iron Ore x2 Broccolini Seeds x15
12 Gus's Summer Ore 2 [2] Mithril Ore x2 Wheat Seeds x15
13 Gus's Fall Ore 1 [2] Iron Ore x2 Whiteberry Seeds x15
14 Gus's Fall Ore 2 [2] Orichalcum Ore x2 Potato x15
15 Gus's Winter Ore 1 [2] Iron Ore x2 Squash Seeds x15
16 Gus's Winter Ore 2 [2] Adamantite Ore x2 Blueberry Seeds x15

