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This article is about Harris, a character from Friends of Mineral Town. You may be looking for Harris, from his multiple other appearances throughout the series.

Harris (ハリス Harisu?) is a character in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town.

Harris is the local police officer for Mineral Town and lives with his father, Thomas.[2] Harris is sociable, friendly, and very dedicated to his job. Rain or shine, Harris patrols every day. The only time you might not see Harris patrolling is on festival days.[3] He usually takes the same route every day. He will leave his house in the morning, walk by Yodel Farm, visit Gotz in the afternoon, stop at the Inn and finally return to his home in the evening.

Befriending Harris will give you access to a recipe for Fried Rice.[4] He has a crush on Manna and Duke's daughter, Aja.


6am - 7am Locked Inside Home
7am - 8:20am Walking to Yodel Farm
8:20am - 10am Yodel Farm
10am - 11am Walking to Gotz's
11am - 1pm Gotz's House
1pm - 2pm Walking to Inn
2pm - 4pm Inn (1st Floor)
4pm - 4:30pm Walking Home
4:30pm - 5pm Locked Inside Home
5pm - 7pm Inside Home
7pm - 10pm Outside his Home
10pm - 6am Locked Inside Home


Gift Preferences  
Loved Apple Pie, Bodigizer, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Fish (S), Relaxation Tea, Sandwiches, Turbojolt, Wine
Liked Apples, Baked Corn, Bamboo, Blue Magic Flowers, Cheese (S), Cheese Cake, Chocolate Cookies, Cookies, Corn, Eggs (S), Green Peppers, HMSGB Apples, Honey, Hot Milk, Mayonnaise (S), Miso Soup, Moon Drop Flowers, Muffin Mix, Omelets, Pineapples, Pink Cat Flowers, Red Magic Flowers, Rice Balls, Salad, Stew, SUGDW Apples, Sushi, Sweet Potatoes, Toy Flowers, Wool (M)
Neutral Items not listed
Disliked Adamantite, Agate, All Colored Grass (except Red Grass), Amethysts, Animal Fodder, Branches, Buckwheat Flour, Chicken Feed, Copper Grass), Curry Rice, Emeralds, Fluorite, Moon Stones, Orichalc, Peridot, Rubies, Sand Roses, Sashimi, Ores (All) Topaz, Yarn (S)
Hated Ancient Fossils, Empty Cans, Fish Scales, Golden Lumber, Message Bottle, Old Boots, Pirate Treasure, Poisonous Mushrooms, Stones, Weeds


Customers For Kai

The event starts when your character walks into Kai's restaurant between 5-7pm.[7] Triggering this event will cause the day to end. 

Kai greets you and mentions that he doesn't have any customers, as usual. Popuri calls to Kai and walks into the restaurant, excited, telling Kai that she brought customers for him. He's excited as he sees the first few customers come in. Popuri then states that there's more customers outside. Kai's happy that he has customers but is worried that it's going to be too difficult to cook for everybody. He asks the player to help and you agree. You, Kai, and Popuri scramble around the restaurant trying to serve as many customers as possible.

After all the customers have been served, your character, Kai, and Popuri are alone in his restaurant once more. Kai is tired after working so hard to serve all of those customers. He tells Popuri that he's grateful for the customers, but she brought too many! Popuri apologizes for overdoing it and Kai admits that he might be glad that he actually has such few customers. He thanks your character and you go home.

Advice for Harris

After you've been married for a period of time, Harris may show up at your door if you leave your home after 7pm.[8] He has come to ask for some relationship advice. He confesses that he has a crush on Aja, Manna and Duke 's daughter. She moved away from Mineral Town and now lives in the city, and he's decided that he would like to write a letter to her. 

He's not sure what to say, however, and asks you what he should write in the letter. If you tell Harris to write his honest feelings to her, he will thank you and leave.

Advice for Harris (Part 2)

If you helped Harris the first time he came to your farm, he will return approximately a season later to tell you that he has received a reply from Aja.[9] The letter from Aja reveals that she already has a boyfriend in the city.

Although it's not what he was hoping to hear, Harris isn't upset about the news. He is happy for Aja, and once again thanks you for encouraging him to send a letter to her. 

Gotz's Past

If you enter Gotz's home between 10pm and 1pm on a Sunday, you will see Gotz and Harris talking about the patrolling duties on Mother's Hill.[10]

Harris feels that it should be his responsibility to patrol the mountain, but Gotz insists on doing it himself. They will bring up Gotz's past and family at some point, who lost their lives on Mother Hill. Gotz thinks his family will rest more peacefully if he is keeping others safe.

