The Harvest God is a special character in Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories.
Acting as the second deity in the game, he is a god who looks over everyone from his shrine in the clouds - only accessible by growing and climbing up the skytree. He is always feeling sleepy and he has a soft spot for the Harvest Goddess.
Everyday | |
6am - 5am | Harvest God Shrine |
Gift Preferences | |||||||||
Events & Memories[]
Sleepy Harvest God
This memory is triggered after obtaining the skytree from Gilbert in 'Gilbert's Seed' and the magic fertilizer from Sam a few days later. Bring your materials to the right path on the mountaintop and it will be automatically triggered upon entering the clearing.
The player grows the Skytree and climbs up it, finding the Harvest God at the top. He is shocked to see a mortal in his shrine and encourages them to visit more often and bring him gifts.
* The player plants, waters, and fertilizes the sapling which suddenly grows into a giant stalk to the sky*
Rowan: "Whoa-ho-ho-ho! What in the world is this?! It's... the Skytree that grows as high as the sky! Wow! I haven't seen one of those in ages! If you climb that, you will come out above the clouds! Where the Harvest God lives! You should go up there and check it out, [Name]!"
* The player climbs the Skytree and finds the Harvest God up there alone*
???: "Ehh...? What...?! Eh...?! Who is this I see here...? Could it be... a mortal...?! Eh-heh-heh! Now this is a surprise! This is the first time a mortal ever climbed all the way up here!"
Harvest God: "I am the, eh, the Harvest God, you see? I watch over everyone down there from up here. I'd like it if you came to visit me from time to time. And brought me gifts too, eh? Eh-heh-heh-heh!"
*Got Diamond Ore!*
Harvest God's Thanks
This memory may be triggered after you reach 1.5 musical notes with Harvest God and speak to him. The player will get a peridot after the event.
The Harvest God expresses his gratutude for the gifts that the player brings him because he is unable to interact with the surface world otherwise.
Harvest God: "Eh-heh-heh-heh... What have you brought for me today, mortal? I'm fond of these trinkets you bring me from the world below. Very fond, eh? From time immemorial I have watched over the mortal world... but I can't directly touch it. Thank you for your kind service to the Harvest God, [Name]. You can come up here and spend time with me any time you like, eh? I'll be looking forward to it..."
*Got Peridot*
Harvest God's Crush
This memory may be triggered after you reach 2.5 musical notes with Harvest God and speak to him. The player will get an amethyst after the event.
The Harvest God asks the player about the Harvest Goddess and admits he loves her. He asks the player to keep it a secret and to give her his regards the next time they see her.
Harvest God: "Eh-heh-heh! Glad you came, glad you came. I've been waiting for you, mortal! It must be a lot of work to climb all the way up here, eh? Don't go too fast. Eh, there's one little thing I wanted to ask... Have you seem the Harvest Goddess recently... I, eh, I... well, I'm in love with that cutie of a Harvest Goddess, but that's a secret! Don't tell, eh? Next time you see the Harvest Goddess, give her the Harvest God's affectionate regards! Eh-heh-heh!"
*Got Amethyst!*
Grateful Harvest God
This memory may be triggered after you reach three musical notes with Harvest God and speak to him. The player will get a diamond after the event.
The Harvest God is grateful for the player and the gifts they bring because they're the only one to come and visit him and teach him things about the mortal world below. He is thankful for this and see the player as a great friend.
Harvest God: "Eh-heh-heh. Good to have you visit! What gift have you brought for me today? I can't wait to see it, Eh-heh-heh! I'm learning a great deal about the world down there that I never knew, thanks to youe gifts! I've grown quite fond of you, mortal! Mortals almost never make it up here, neither humans nor animals. And the Harvest Goddess doesn't come... That makes it a bit dull to be the Harvest God, eh? Your visits have livened things up! I'm grateful! Very grateful to you, eh mortal! You can count the Harvest God as a friend, you see? I'll always be watching over you to help you have a happy life down in the world below, Eh-heh-heh!"
*Got Diamond!*
Harvest God's Birthday
Talk to the Harvest God on his Birthday.
Harvest God: "Eh heh heh. Nice to have someone from down there remember my birthday for once! Thank you, eh!"