The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki

Horses are a livestock animal that appear in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope.

Horses can be purchased from Sophia's Livestock for 10,000 G after having the barn repaired, at least one livestock animal, and raising Sophia to at least half a note. Alongside other livestock animals they will live in the barn - where the player is capped at X livestock or fifteen if they upgrade to a larger barn. They are also capped at one horse and that horse only comes in brown. They will not produce anything. However, after befriending it, you are able to ride it around the world, which makes you move faster.

The player will get a horse whistle after purchasing a horse, allowing them to summon the horse to their location no matter where they are outside.


Your horse needs to be fed daily. The player can either put feed into the feed troughs inside the barn or ring the bell to let the horse out to graze if they have mature grass on the property. Though horses may be fed any type of feed the higher quality feed used will raise its affection quicker. Your horse should also be pet daily and must be brushed every other day - both these actions will happen automatically once interacting with the horse and require no extra effort from the player.

Neglecting to properly care for an animal will cause its stress meter to go up. If an animal is stressed and neglected for too long, it can get sick and will require medicine before being able to be ridden again.
