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This article is about Hunter, a character from Seeds of Memories. You may be looking for Hunter, a character from The Lost Valley.

Hunter is one of the five bachelors available for the female main character to marry in Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories.

Hunter runs the animal shop where you can buy your chickens, cows and sheep. He is a man of very few words; however, he has a very kind heart. Talk to him and he will give you all sorts of tips on how to take better care of your animals.

Make sure you meet him as soon as possible when you start the game so he can supply you with much needed tools (Milker, Pitchfork, Clipper and Brush).


Hunter has never been good with people and words and has distanced himself from people since he was young. However, as a child he interacted with the giant cows owned by the elderly couple who used to run your farm and his dream of working with animals was realized. Since then, he has loved animals and dreams of befriending everyone and being able to become a bridge between humanity and animals.


Monday, Friday (Sunny or Cloudy)
6am - 10am Animal Pens (Inaccessible)
10am - 6pm Animal Shop
6pm - 9pm Bar
9pm - 11pm Outside Animal Shop
11pm - 5am Inaccessible
Tuesday (Sunny or Cloudy)
6am - 10am Animal Pens (Inaccessible)
10am - 2pm Hotspring
2pm - 6pm Outside Animal Shop
6pm - 8pm Diner
8pm - 11pm Animal Shop
11pm - 5am Inaccessible
Tuesday (Farm Visits); Sunny or Cloudy
10am - 2pm Farm (Between coop and barn)
Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday (Sunny or Cloudy)
6am - 10am Animal Pens (Inaccessible)
10am - 6pm Animal Shop
6pm - 8pm Diner
8pm - 11pm Outside Animal Shop
11pm - 5am Inaccessible
Saturday (Rainy or Snowy)
6am - 10am Animal Pens (Inaccessible)
10am - 6pm Animal Shop
6pm - 8pm Diner
8pm - 11pm Animal Shop
11pm - 5am Inaccessible


Gift Preferences  
Loved "This here's jus' what I been hankerin' fer! Thanks a heap, [Player]...!"
Wool, Egg, Milk, Candy Egg, Chocolate Milk, Spinach, Fried Egg, Boiled Egg, Fried Candy Egg, Boiled Candy Egg, Cosmos
Neutral "Huh... Much obliged... 'Preciate it"
All other things not listed
Disliked "Shucks... This ain't so much my kind a thing..."
All Sweets (Apple Jam)

Note Events & Memories[]

The Reticent Farmer

The first memory you share with Hunter. This memory is triggered automatically upon your first meeting. To commemorate this meeting, Hunter will gift you with 2 milk!

???: "...So y'all are a farmer, huh...? I don' reckon I knew 'bout any farm 'round these parts..."

* Hunter introduces himself*

Hunter: "...I'm Hunter... This is muh Animal Shop. I see stuff folks need fer keepin' animals... If y'all a farmer, I reckon y'all'll be raisin' some animals... Lemme give y'all some tools you'll need for takin' care of 'em."

* You received a brush, milker, pitchfork, clippers and 10 pieces of animal feed!*

Hunter: "Y'all's cows, sheep, and horses go in th' barn... Th' chickens go in th' coop... Put th' animal feed in th' feedbox in the barn or coop. Then th' animals can eat it any time. On sunny days, th' animals an' poultry like goin' outside to graze on th' grass... If th' barn or coop gets dirty, y'all should muck it out... You can use th' much as fertilizer.. Animals, they're right fond a' bein' brushed, but if y'all leave things dirty, they'll get sick... Y'all can get milk from cows an' wool from sheep... Jus' keep in mind they won't give y'all nothin' till y'all finish carin' for 'em proper... I'll give y'all a book 'bout how to raise animals... Any questions, and th' answers are right in there. Y'all can read books by lookin' at the bookshelf in y'all's house... Muh Animal Shop's open from 10am to 6pm... Tuesdays an' Saturdays're muh days off, though. Now, y'all make good friends with y'all's animals, hear...?"

*Got Milk: 2!*

A Love of Animals

This memory will be triggered by visiting Hunter's Animal Shop and speaking to him once you have one note with him; he will gift you one miracle potion.

Hunter tries to make small talk with the player but admits he's no good with people - but he does love animals and has no troubles talking about them.

Hunter: "Huh... [Name]...? .... ...Beg y'all's pardon. I ain't much for makin' small talk.

...Y'all's animals doin' awright? ...If y'all got any trouble with th' animals an' don't understand somethin', I'll lend a hand. Animals, they can tell when a human's fond of 'em... A happy animal will... well, y'all can get high-quality products from 'em.

...Shucks... I ain't no slick talker, but when it comes to animals, I'll talk with y'all any ol' time...

...When I was a young'un, I saw a big ol' cow. Big, but real gentle. Friendliest cow y'ever saw... Ever since then, I've been real fond a' animals...cows, 'specially... Do y'all like animals too...? I'd be mighty pleased to hear it if y'all do."

*Got Miracle Potion*

Hunter at the Bar

Trigger this memory after achieving 1.5 music notes with Hunter and talking to Hunter inside the bar on Monday nights; you will be rewarded three great wool.

Hunter admits that he loves hanging out in crowded places like Luke's Bar. Even though he's bad with people, he feels happy when surrounded by happy people.

Hunter: "Huh... Y'all came fer some dinner vittles, same as me...? I ain't inclined to do no fancy cookin' muhself... And I like places where folks is around... I meet all kinda folks here, all havin' a good ol' time... Yup, this is my kind a' waterin' hole. Folks in good spirits, and that makes me feel right happy..."

  • "You're an oddball, Hunter!"
Hunter: "Huh... Well, y'all might be right at that..."
  • "I like how you think."
Hunter: "Do y'all now...? I'm right pleased to have somebody t' understand muh feelings..."
  • "I wouldn't have guessed..."
Hunter: "Huh... Well, y'all might be right at that..."

Hunter: "...I'm more of an animal lover type. But I like havin' human company... Yall're thoughtful 'bout talkin' t'me. An' I enjoy talkin' t' y'all. Much obliged..."

*Got Great Wool: 3!*

Hunter's Sick Cow

Trigger this memory after achieving two and a half music notes with Hunter and talking to Hunter inside his shop anytime after it has closed; you will be rewarded five supreme eggs.

Hunter is worried because he one of his beloved cows is sick and normal medicines don't seem to be helping her. The player offers to help him out with her and, after the cow seems to be improving, he is extremely thankful that someone helped him when he's normally left alone.

* The player enters to find Hunter very concerned about something.*
Hunter: "Shucks..."
"...Muh cow's gone and got sick. And th' reg'lar medicine ain't workin' like it ought... I'm takin' care a' th' ol' girl as best I can but... things ain't lookin' so good... I wish I'd a-noticed she was sick a mite sooner...:

* The player offers to help Hunter, which shocks him*

Hunter: "Y'all gonna help me tend t'muh sick cow...? Now that's right neighborly of y'all... Muh cow's this-a-way..."

* The two travel out to the pasture where one cow is alone beside a tree*

Hunter: "It's kinda like a cold, puttin' it in human terms, but she's runnin'a mighty high fever... She don' look well at all... Y'all can see clear as day that she's a-sufferin'... [Name]... I appreciate y'all's help... I... feel better havin' y'all 'round... One way or another, we gotta help muh poor cow..."

* The player approaches the cow and pets it, the screen cutting to them and Hunter back in the shop*

Hunter: "Thanks t' y'all, muh cow seems t' have settled down real nice... She's breathin' more reg'lar now, an' eatin' awright... I think th' ol' girl's gonna pull through... [Name], I... ...Shucks, I jus' can't thank y'all enough... I... ain't good at dealin' with folks, so I've always had t' handle muh troubles by muhself... But... havin' y'all here by me... well, it jus' sets muh mind at ease... An' that's the truth... Y'all're one-of-a-kind... Since y'all came to these parts, I been doin' more talkin' than ever... An'I been recollectin' things 'bout th' old' days. As a young'un, I saw a big ol' cow at th' farm. Long 'fore y'all ever came, that was when th' previous owners had th' place..."

*Got Supreme Egg: 5!*

Hunter's Memory

Trigger this memory after achieving three music notes with Hunter and talking to Hunter on his farm visit on Tuesday between 10am and 3pm; you will be rewarded five miracle milk.

Hunter explains he enjoys the player's farm since being there helps him remember the cows that inspired him to pursue his career. He thinks it's all thanks to the player that he can remember this and he enjoys talking with them, but he's concerned as to why they actually talk to him since he is no good with words. He dreams of being like the player some day and being able to be friends with everyone.

Hunter: "Huh... Howdy, [Name]. Work been keepin' y'all busy? Don't work y'all's fingers t' th' bone." "...When I come 'round y'all's farm, I recollect my days bein' a young'un... There were tons a' cows on this farm back then. Big 'uns, too... An' I was buddies with 'em... Those're some mighty precious memories... But somehow, they done slipped muh mind for a spell... Then y'all settled in on this here farm, an' I started in t' rememberin'... Much obliged... I'm happy y'all settled down here, [Name]... I'm glad t' have met y'all... But... I ain't so good with words. Maybe... Maybe that gets on y'all's nerves, huh? Why do y'all put up with muh tongue-tied ways, anyway...?"

  • "No particular reason."
Hunter: "Naw, I s'pose there ain't no partic'lar reason, is there...? Boy howdy..."
  • "It's not easy sometimes."
Hunter: "Shucks... I sure as shootin' need t' figure out how t' speak better."
  • "I just feel relaxed around you."
Hunter: "...Well, shucks. That sure is nice a' y'all t' say."

Hunter: "Y'all're really somethin'... Even talkin' t' a fella like me, an' bein' friends with all the folks... I surely do respect that. I wish I could be like y'all... Be some kinda, sucks, I dunno... bridge a' understandin' tween th' animals and th' folks... Yall're a peach of a friend... I jus' want t' keep our friendship goin' good..."

*Got Miracle Milk: 5!*


It is possible to propose marriage by using the Blue Feather once certain conditions have been met. You must have the large house, have watched all heart events with the candidate you wish to propose to and the candidate must have at least 3 musical notes.

Do you want to offer the blue feather?

  • Offer the blue feather.
Triggers the proposal event
  • Don't offer the blue feather.
Triggers normal dialogue for the rest of the day

Hunter: "Say now, this ain't no place fer talkin' serious... Let's mosey on t' someplace better..."

*The two travel to town square*

Hunter: "I reckon here's a good spot. Now, what y'all wanna talk t' me 'bout...?"

*The player hands Luke the blue feather*

Hunter: "We'll I'll be... Ain't that one a' them blue feathers...? Do y'all know what it means t' give one?"
"...Y'all feel that strong 'bout me? Shucks... I'm mighty flattered. I... ain't much good when it comes t' dealin' with folks... 'cept fer y'all, [Name]..."
"...But so long as I can talk with y'all, I don't need nothin' else t' be happy... An' here y'all go givin' me a blue feather... Don't that jus' beat all...
...But I wanna say it muhself... [Name]... I want y'all t' be muh bride. For me, animals gen'rally come first, but... you mean th' world t' me, [Name]... When should our weddin' be...? I reckon seven days from now's 'bout right... Y'all agree? I reckon folks from town'll all pitch in to get things set up fer th' weddin'... I'll ask 'em. Seven days is gonna feel like a month a'Sundays. I'll come t' yer house that mornin', so be waitin'."

*Got Pink Diamond*


Your wedding will be set for a week after an accepted proposal.

You will automatically wake up on the day of your wedding and go to the town square for the ceremony. The wedding lasts the entire day and you will be unable to do any of your daily farm work either before or after the ceremony. Afterwards, you will wake up the following day to all the townspeople on your farm. The sprite tree has been revived and everyone remembers!

Hunter: "...Mornin'. Did y'all get a good night's sleep? Today's our... our weddin' day, sure 'nuff. Folks from town've got things all set up... ...Let's mosey. Folks're all a-waitin' fer us."

* The pair travel to town square, dressed in wedding attire, where all the townspeople are gathered.*

Sam: "Time ta get dis wedding ceremony underway, yeah? First, up is da groom, Hunter... In sickness an' in health, as long as youse both is alive, do youse take [Name] ta be youse wife?"
Hunter: "I sure do. ...Me 'n her'll have a nice quiet life as husband and wife."
Sam: "Now for da bride. [Name]... For richer or for poorer, ta has and ta hold, do youse take dis guy ta be youse husband?"

  • I do.
  • Of course!

Sam: "Den seal it wit a kiss already!"

* The pair turn to face each other and exchange a kiss*

Sam: "I now pronounces youse man and wife! Congratulations, youse two! Youses got my blessing!"
Hanna: "Lookit the two of you, hoo boy! Such a nice couple, don'tcha know! Congratulations!!"

* It is now 10pm and the pair are back home in their normal attire*

Hunter: "... 'Bout time we finally made it home. Th' weddin' reception sure was long... It's night already... All th' folks was celebratin' with us. They looked downright delighted for us tyin' th' knot. From now on, I'll be livin' here with you, darlin'... Jus' think of all th' time we'll have together... I gotta take of muh animals, so... I ain't gonna be 'round mornings, but otherwise I'll be right here. An' I'll keep the same hours at muh animal shop. If y'all need anythin', come when I'm open... ...Let's work together to make ourselves a good life, darlin'. All th' folks said at th' reception that they'd always remember our weddin' as a happy day... ...And I surely will. Best memory a' muh whole life, I reckon. Havin' all the folks congratulate us... Gettin' married t' y'all... I'm happy as a man can be... But it sure is late... Y'all must be tuckered out, too. Let's get some sleep, darlin... G'night..."

 * Got Soul Gem!*

* The screen cuts to black, it is now 6am the following day*

Rowan: "[Name]! Come quick! Something big is happening at the Sprite Tree!"

* The player hesds outside where the townspeople are gathered infront of the Sprite Tree*

Emily: "What's up, [Name]? Totally sorry for barging in on you first thing in the morning!"
April: "Um... It's... It's not that we all planned to meet here, but..."
Gareth: "Apperently, everyone had a dream about this tree which beckoned them. Fascinating phenomenon..."
Luke: "Check out the tree! It's really cool looking!"

* The screen pans up to the Sprite Tree that now appears to sparkle before going back down to the crowd*

Andrea: "Hey, [Name], you seem really pleased about something. What's the reason?"
Catherine: "I just recalled it! When I was a little girl, the former owners of this farm held a party here!"
Hunter: "Huh, I reckon so... An' everybody in town had a great ol' time..."
Tony: "The breeze, the shade of the tree... It's all the same as it was then..m What a nice memory..."
Tabitha: "Seems like you've triggered everyone's memories, [Name]!"
Gilbert: "The good luck of this day I extol! The Bell of Memories has begun to toll!"

*Everyone cheers and the screen fades to black. Everyone leaves and the three harvest sprites appear, dancing and singing*

Rowan: "Hooray! The vitality has been restored to the Sprite Tree!"
Blossom: "Whoooooop-dee-doooooopty-doooooo!"
Rowan: "It's all thanks to you, [Name]! Thank you for making so many memories! And thanks for bringing back the fond memories of the past! I hope you'll stay here forever, and keep on making more and more wonderful memories...! You, uf Harvest Sprites, and everyone in town, making memories together!

* The player cheers with the harvest sprites and the screen cuts to the Bell of Memories, which is ringing away*

Hunter's Birthday
Trigger this memory by talking to Hunter at any time, any place on his birthday; you will be rewarded one miracle potion.
