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This article is about Jin, a character from Animal Parade. You may be looking for Jin, a character from Tree of Tranquility.

Jin (ウォン Won?) is a character in Harvest Moon: Animal Parade. He is one of the eligible bachelors to court.

Castanet's only doctor, Jin works at the clinic in Harmonica Town with his grandmother Irene. Until you ring the Blue Bell, Jin will not be able to return to Castanet. When you do, Jin will return to the island by boat and will become a permanent resident[1] The hard working doctor will often stay at the Clinic upon his return to the island, and doesn't stray far from the Clinic even on his days off.

Jin often expresses worry about your health, as he doesn't want to see you at the Clinic. Like your rival Anissa, he prefers healthy foods and cares about others, especially those that are important to him. He is incredibly easy to befriend as you can buy medicine from the Clinic which will score you some of the biggest heart points. If you're strapped for cash, Jin also loves herbs and flowers.


Gift Preferences  
Loved Buckwheat Flour (Shining), Bodigizer XL, Cold Medicine, Green Tea, Herb Bread, Herb Cookies, Herb Tea, Honey (Shining), Mint Ice Cream, Pickled Vegetables, Pontata Root, Remedy, Royal Jelly, Tea Leaves (Shining), Vegetable Juice
Liked Blue Herb, Fugue Mushroom, Honey (Perfect), Hyacinth, Lavender, Mussel, Oyster, Raspberry Juice, Strawberry Milk, Tea Leaves (Perfect)
Neutral All items not listed.
Disliked Cocktails (All), Failed Dishes (All), Junk (All)

Heart Events[]

Gift (2 Heart Event)[]

Exit your house in the morning after Jin has two hearts. He will waiting on your doorstep as you exit, and asks if you'd like a gift that he's brought by.

Jin has come by to see how you're feeling and offers you some Cold Medicine. If you accept, Jin will be pleased. If you reject his gift, you will lose heart points with him.

Gift (4 Heart Event)[]

Jin will bring another gift when you leave your home in the morning after he reaches four hearts.

Jin remembered that you often go to the mine, and has come to give you more medicine. If you accept his gift, Jin will be very happy. If you reject his gift, you will lose heart points with him.

Date (5 Heart Event)[]

When Jin has five or more hearts, he can be asked out on a date. Talk to him before noon and he will ask if you're free for dinner later. If you accept, Jin will ask you to meet him at the Brass Bar at 16:00 (4pm). Meet Jin and you will both sit down to eat. The date will last through to the evening, and when the date is over he will thank you and go home.

If you don't show up on time, the event cannot be triggered. Jin will be upset next time you speak to him and remind you that you didn't show up. You will also lose some affection.

Love Letter (6 Hearts Event)[]

Jin's Love Letter

Once your relationship with Jin reaches 6 hearts, Jin will mail you a love letter. The contents of the letter starts with him asking you to check by so he can see if you haven't "died" (possible reference to his Tree of Tranquility line where his former love died). Jin mentions he had fun on the date the other day, and he was happy he got to laugh heartily for once. He also confided in you that he is able to face his worries better since meeting you, and thanks you for it.

At the end of the letter, he asks you to not work too hard, following up from his question in the date where he asks you if you are doing ok.

Confession (7 Heart Event)[]

Find Jin and talk to him before noon when he has reached 7 hearts. He will ask you to meet him at the Lighthouse at 16:00 (4pm). When you meet him, Jin says that he likes you and has been losing sleep worrying about if you return his feelings or not!

If you wish to continue courting Jin, the top four responses are all appropriate responses. Any positive answer will make Jin very happy! He will offer to walk you home, and the event will end. If you don't show up to meet Jin, he will be very sad the next time you talk to him, and will remind you that you forgot something important. It will take a little while to regain lost hearts.

Proposal (9 Heart Event)[]

After Jin reaches nine hearts, you are able to propose to him. If you have a Blue Feather, showing it to him will result in a proposal event, if all other marriage requirements have been met.

If he wants to accept your feather, he will ask to talk more privately. You'll be automatically transferred to the Church Grounds, where Jin will tell you that wants you by his side, always. You are very important to him, and of course he wants to marry you. Any response you give will be positive.

You'll then both go to Town Hall to speak with Hamilton, who'll congratulate you both on the news. You will be asked when to schedule the wedding and Hamilton will set a date. The date is randomized and can be as early as next day, or later on in the week.


Honeymoon with Jin

On wedding day, you will wake up in the morning and will be automatically transported to the church. You will meet your fiancée here, along with wedding guests. At wedding ceremonies, the bride's/groom's family will always appear. Hamilton will appear in every wedding cut scene, and Perry will always be there to make the wedding official.

When Perry asks if you promise, answering with "no" will result in Perry asking again.[3] You will be forced to answer with "yes," and once you do, the marriage will be official! Hamilton will present you with a Honeymoon Ticket that you can use after the ceremony. Simon will always take a photo which can be showcased in your home. After the ceremony you will be automatically transported back home.

At home, your spouse will now live with you permanently. There is nothing to do after the wedding, and you will automatically be brought to a new day. Your wedding ring is now available as an accessory through your dresser, although wearing it is optional.

Married Life[]

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Your spouse will make you a lunch every morning. Depending on how many hearts they have, the quality of the lunch will change. Your spouse can also help you with chores around your farm, which include fishing, mining, watering, harvesting, picking weeds, milking, brushing, and egg/silk collecting. Your spouse's personality depends on what chores they'll be better at.[4] Jin's preferred chores are: Watering, Egg/Silk collecting and Foraging. You must select a chore to do in between 6:00 and 7:00, or else your spouse will go out on their own during the day.

You can take your spouse for a walk. This is a way to spend time with your spouse, and their heart points will increase from it. Your spouse's birthday is also a date you'll need to remember, as you can celebrate their birthday by giving them a gift during the day, or by entering your house after 18:00.[5] Your spouse may still go out and do things that they did before you married them, but they will always return in the evening.

For Date Festivals, your spouse would not ask you to bring them to the festival a day prior. Instead, you attend the festival with them via out on a walk (along with any child(s) you have at that moment). You can also take pictures with your spouse when you talk to Simon for 100G each.


Main article: Your Children (AP)


If you've married Jin, your children have three personality possibilities: Fiery, Quiet, or Scholarly. The Romantic personality is not available for any of your children if you are married to Jin.[6] Your child's personality will change dialogue, as well as what chores they specialize in.


Jin's children will always have hair that is black, and eyes that are purple/gray. Your children will always look like your spouse, but with a darker hair color.[7] They will also inherit some of your spouse's personality, but you can choose their personality with a variety of different choices offered at each stage of their growth.

Rival Heart Events[]

Anissa will be the one to marry Jin if you do not. Getting the two married off will allow you to see their child Van in game as well. You must trigger all of the rival events between the two for them to get married.

Playing as a male, you must befriend Jin to see these events. If you're a female, you'll need to befriend Anissa. Anissa and Jin must be unlocked in order to start triggering their events. You must ring the Yellow Bell to unlock Anissa, and ring the Blue Bell in order for Jin to be unlocked.

4 Heart Rival Event

Jin and Anissa's first event will take part at Choral Clinic in between 10:00 and 20:00. The Clinic must be open so it cannot be a Sunday.

Anissa has come to the clinic looking for Irene, Jin says that Irene is out and asks if he can do anything for her. Anissa says she'll come back later, but Jin says he wants to look at her because she's looking pale! After some convincing, Anissa agrees to be looked at. She says that Jin is so persistent, and that she's fine. Jin says he's persistent because he cares about her, which causes Anissa to leave blushing.

5 Heart Rival Event

If you're playing as a female, Anissa will come to your house at five hearts. She confides in you about her crush on Jin. Because the two of you are friends, she asks for your advice. An option to encourage her to pursue her crush will become available, but if you want to marry Jin yourself, discourage her. Encouraging Anissa will make her relieved, and you can continue to work towards the couple's heart events.

The same event happens if the player is playing as a male character, except that the player will need to befriend Jin.

Proposal (7 Heart Rival Event)

When Jin/Anissa is at 7 hearts, the final event can be seen at the Choral Clinic in between 10:00 and 20:00. The previous events must have been witnessed.

Jin isn't feeling well, and Anissa has come to see how he's feeling. After all, even a doctor needs somebody to take care of them every once in awhile. Anissa has made soup, and Jin makes a comment that Anissa seems to enjoy taking care of him. As she goes to leave, Jin says he wants Anissa to keep coming back. She says that she'll be back tomorrow, but Jin means that he wants her to marry him! She catches the hint, and nods in approval.


Two weeks after the seven heart event, Jin and Anissa will have their wedding ceremony. You will get a letter in your mailbox from Jin and Anissa asking if you will attend their wedding. The date will be on the invitation, as well as the time. Wedding ceremonies are always at 10:00.[8]

On the scheduled wedding date, walk into Celesta Church to see Anissa and Jin's wedding. It is very similar to your own wedding. Anissa and Jin's family, as well as any of their friends will attend. You will take your seat and watch the ceremony.

After Rival Wedding


After Jin and Anissa get married, Anissa will move into Choral Clinic and live with Jin and Irene.[9] Both Jin and Anissa can now frequently be found in Harmonica Town and inside of the clinic. Anissa will occasionally be found at Flute Fields as well.

Two weeks after their wedding ceremony, Jin and Anissa will send a letter to your mailbox about the birth of their baby boy named Van. You can meet their new baby by visiting the couple at the clinic. Van will only appear in game if Jin and Anissa have gotten married.

Other Events[]

The Injured Bird

Anytime after Jin has reached four hearts, walk in the Celesta Church Graveyard to see this event.[10]

While walking through the graveyard, you find a sick bird. Finn suggests taking the bird to Jin. You'll wait in the Clinic waiting room as Jin takes a look at the bird. Jin says that the bird is patched up, and will be healed in full in no time! The bird will need to rest overnight, so Jin will ask you to return the next day.

Injured Bird

Return and talk to Jin the next day. He will say that the bird was putting flowers on the grave of his previous owner who passed away. The bird is now in full health and so the two of you set the bird free. The next Thursday following the event, you can visit Mary's grave in the graveyard. Examining it will cause the bird to return. It sees your kindness, and will thank you with a gift.

You can get one of the following items: Raspberry, Perfect Cherry, Eggplant Seeds, Rice Seeds, Lavender Seeds, Mum Seeds, Buckwheat Seeds, Green Herb Seeds, Tomato Seeds, Corn Seeds, or Green Pepper Seeds.[11]

Problems With Children

Part 1:

Taylor, Chloe, Irene and Ramsey must be at three hearts or more. Walk into the Clinic to see this event.[12]

Taylor and Chloe have come into the Clinic and are now jumping on the beds and causing trouble. Irene walks in and tells the children to stop jumping on the beds. The kids think it's a game and tell Irene to catch them. Irene eventually gets tired and frustrated trying to chase the children. Feeling clever, the kids decide that they can outrun Chloe's grandpa too! They head to the Blacksmith's to cause trouble at Ramsey's.

Part 2:

You have to watch the first part of this event. Additionally, Owen and Jin must be at two hearts or more. Chloe, Ramsey, Irene and Taylor must still be at three hearts. You will see this event at the Church Grounds on a sunny day.[13]

Chloe and Taylor meet up again for more mischief. Chloe has taken some of her grandfather's ore unseen, and Taylor managed to get some medicine from the Clinic! Although they think they've gotten away with it, Irene and Ramsey come and catch the kids red handed!

Irene and Ramsey start to scold the children. Stealing is unacceptable, especially from their elders! Irene and Ramsey begin to think that the kids don't like them, and are disappointed. The children become upset.. of course both Taylor and Chloe like Ramsey and Irene! They just want to be paid attention to every once in awhile, they don't want their elders to sit around all day!

Jin overhears the commotion and comes to neutralize the situation. He makes everybody apologize to one another, and the misunderstanding is resolved.


