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The Harvest Moon Wiki

Joanna (ジョアンナ Joanna?) is an unseen character in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town and Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town.

She is Barley's daughter and May's mother. Barley talks about her occasionally, mentioning that she left for the city one day and came back later with a daughter. She returned to the city, leaving her daughter May behind with Barley. Barley expresses frustration and confusion about why his daughter would act in such an irresponsible manner. She never returns within the time-span of the game, so the player never gets to meet her.


Call to Joanna (Part 1)

Visit the Inn on a Friday between 4pm and 7pm.[1] It must be Year 2 or later.

Inside, you'll see Barley going to use the telephone. After finding out that the person he's speaking to doesn't plan to come home to the valley anytime soon, he hangs up. Doug asks him if he was speaking to his daughter, Joanna. Barley tells Doug that he was, and that's he's having a hard time understanding why Joanna refuses to come home.

Barley is saddened that his daughter won't come home, because it's having a very negative effect on May! Doug agrees, and says that Johanna should be here for May, especially at her age. Barley leaves the Inn feeling tense.

Call to Joanna (Part 2)

After seeing the first part of this event, you can see the second part if you visit the Inn between 4pm and 7pm on a Wednesday. It must be Year 3 or later.[2]

Inside, you'll see Barley and May as they're about to make another call to Joanna. May gets on the telephone and tells her mother about the new farmer that's moved in and asks that her mother come home. May is sad when her mother tells her that she can't come home yet.

Doug asks if May was talking to her mother. May says that she's happy when she talks to her mother, but is sad that she won't come home.


After linking with Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, there's a chance that Samantha will mention the phrase, "Do you know Joanna? I hear she still hasn't returned to Mineral Town."

