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This article is about Karen, a character from Friends of Mineral Town. You may be looking for Karen in her other appearances throughout the series.

Karen (カレン Karen?) is an eligible bachelorette in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town.

Karen is the daughter of Jeff and Sasha, owners of the local supermarket. She can be seen walking on the beach in the evening and visiting the bar. Karen enjoys cooking, but is terrible at it. Her drinking contests with Duke are infamous in town. Karen has been lifelong friends with Rick, and they will marry unless the player marries one of them.

Karen participates in the Cooking Festival and is the singer during the Music Festival.


Regular Days (Sunny)
6am - 8am Locked Inside Supermarket
8am -10am Bench Outside Supermarket
10am - 1pm Backroom of Supermarket
1pm - 4pm Supermarket
4pm - 6pm Backroom of Supermarket
6pm - 7pm Locked Inside Supermarket
7pm - 8pm Walking to Beach
8pm - 10pm Mineral Beach
10pm - 11pm Walking to Supermarket
11pm - 6am Locked Inside Supermarket
Regular Days (Rainy or Snowy)
6am - 8am Locked Inside Supermarket
8am - 10am Supermarket
10am - 1pm Backroom of Supermarket
1pm - 4pm Supermarket
4pm - 6pm Backroom of Supermarket
6pm - 6am Locked Inside Supermarket
Tuesday (Sunny)
6am - 8am Locked Inside Supermarket
8am - 10am Bench Outside Supermarket
10am - 1pm Locked Inside Supermarket
1pm - 2pm Walking to Hot Springs
2pm - 4pm Hot Springs
4pm - 5pm Walking to Supermarket
5pm - 7pm Locked Inside Supermarket
7pm - 7:30pm Walking to Inn
7:30pm - 10pm 1st Floor of the Inn
10pm - 10:30pm Walking to Supermarket
10:30pm - 6am Locked Inside Supermarket
Tuesday (Rainy or Snowy)
6am - 1pm Locked Inside Supermarket
1pm - 2pm Walking to Gotz's House
2pm - 4pm Gotz's House
4pm - 5pm Walking to Supermarket
5pm - 7pm Locked Inside Supermarket
7pm - 7:30pm Walking to Inn
7:30pm - 10pm 1st Floor of the Inn
10pm - 10:30pm Walking to Supermarket
10:30pm - 6am Locked Inside Supermarket
Sunday (All weather conditions)
6am - 7pm Locked Inside Supermarket
7pm - 7:30pm Walking to the Inn
7:30pm - 10pm 1st Floor of the Inn
10pm - 10:30pm Walking to Supermarket
10:30pm - 6am Locked Inside Supermarket


Gift Preferences  
Special French Fries, Pizza, Popcorn
Loved Bamboo Shoot, Cheese (All), Diamond, Perfume, Pink Diamond, Sashimi, Tempura, Tempura Rice, Truffle, Wild Grape Wine, Wine
Liked Accessories (All), Amethyst, Baked Corn, Blue Magic Grass, Butter, Cheese Fondue, Corn, Cucumber, Egg Over Rice, Eggplant, Eggs, Emerald, Fried Noodles, Green Pepper, Greens, Grilled Fish, Happy Eggplant, Mayonnaise, Miso Soup, Moondrop Grass, Pickled Turnip, Pickles, Pink Cat Grass, Potato, Potato Pancakes, Pumpkin, Pumpkin Stew, Red Magic Grass, Ruby, Salad, Scrambled Eggs, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach, Stir Fry, Sweet Potato, Topaz, Toy Flower
Neutral Other items not listed
Disliked Agate, Apples, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Apple Souffle, Baked Sweet Potato, Black Grass, Blue Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Buckwheat Chips, Buckwheat Flour, Cake, Candied Potato, Cheesecake, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookies, Cookies, Elli Leaves, Fluorite, Grape Jam, Grape Juice, Green Grass, Honey, Ice Cream, Indigo Grass, Jam Bun, Mixed Latte, Orange Grass, Pancakes, Pumpkin Pudding, Purple Grass, Raisin Bread, Red Grass, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Smoothie, Sweet Potatoes, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, White Grass, Yellow Grass
Hated Adamantite, Alexandrite, Ancient Fossil, Animal Fodder, Branch, Chicken Feed, Copper Ore, Empty Can, Failure, Fish Scales, Gold Ore, Golden Lumber, Junk Ore, Lumber, Moonstone, Mystrile Ore, Mythic Stone, Old Boots, Orichalc, Pirate Treasure, Poisonous Mushroom, Recipe for French Fries, Sandrose, Silver Ore, Stones, Weeds, Wool (All), Yarn (All)

Heart Events[4][]

Black Heart Event

Go to the Supermarket on Wednesday or Friday between 10am and 1pm when Karen is at a black heart or higher. You must have an empty slot in the tool section of your backpack.

While introducing herself, Karen knows you're the new farmer in town and figures work must be tough. She will ask you if you need any help; taking the offer will gain points. Karen convinces her father, Jeff, to give you a free bag of grass seeds.

Purple Heart Event

Go to the Supermarket between 10am and 1pm on a sunny Monday, Thursday, or Saturday. Karen is at a Purple Heart or higher and her black heart must be triggered.

Karen and Sasha is having an argument with intervention from Jeff. When Karen sees you walk in, she would like your opinion. You can choose between Pink Cat Seeds and Moondrop Seeds; selecting the latter will stop the argument.

Blue Heart Event

Go to the Supermarket on a sunny Wednesday or Friday between 10am and 1pm. Karen has a blue heart or higher and her previous events have been viewed. Additionally, you must have the largest version of the rucksack with an empty slot.

Karen is overjoyed by some news she has just heard. Jeff had asked Duke to make some special wine when Karen was born, and comes by to tell everybody it's now ready for pick up. Karen asks that you help her pick it up at the Winery, so agreeing to help will make Karen happy.

As you enter the Winery, you find a lot more than you bargained for. When Karen was born, Jeff was delighted that there are three cases of wine. After gathering them back to the store, Karen thanks you for your help and gives you a bottle of wine.

Yellow Heart Event

Go to the Supermarket on Monday, Thursday, or Saturday between 10am and 1pm. Karen has a yellow heart or higher and her previous heart events have been viewed.

Karen has been cooking much to her parent's dismay. When you walk into the room, Sasha and Jeff are relieved that you've come to the rescue. Rather than allowing them test Karen's food, Jeff suggests you do it instead. If you agree, Karen will take you to the backroom as Jeff and Sasha apologize.

You quietly eat Karen's terrible cooking, causing you to pass out and wake up in the hospital. When Doctor asks Karen what caused it, she doesn't even give her bad cooking as a possibility. Karen suggests that you were simply tired and breath the next time you eat.

Rival Heart Events[5][]

Black Rival Heart Event

Exit the Spring Mine on a sunny Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday between 11am and 6pm.

As Karen asks Rick about his father, Rick instantly becomes upset because he hasn't heard anything from him. Karen defends his father, explaining that he only left to find a herb that would cure Lillia. She says that they can take care of things when he's gone, to which Rick agrees.

Blue Rival Heart Event

Exit Gotz's house or the northeastern entrance coming from Mineral Town on a sunny Sunday/Monday between 11am and 6pm. This event will not trigger in Spring or if you walk from the exit leading to your farm or Mother's Hill.

While talking about their childhood, Rick laughs at a memory he had of Karen, making her angry. He doesn't understand why and she walks away mad.

Green Rival Heart Event

In year 2, enter and exit the Spring Mine on a sunny Wednesday or Friday between 11am and 6pm. Rick saves Karen from a dog that almost attacked her. He is bleeding, but notices that she is safe. Karen is worried and thanks Rick for helping.

Orange Rival Heart Event

In Year 4 or later, go to Poultry Farm on a sunny Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday between 1pm and 4pm. Popuri also must be married before this event will trigger.

As you leave, Rick, Lillia, and Karen talking about Lillia's health, which appears to be doing much better, making the couple delighted. When Lillia asks about their romantic relationship, gets embarrassed when his mother asks if he's going to propose to Karen soon.

Your Child[6][]

One month after marriage, Karen will feel unwell upon waking up in the morning. The couple will go to the clinic with the Doctor announcing that she is pregnant. Two months later, Karen will give birth to a baby. For the first two months, the baby will be sleeping in the bed and you cannot interact with them until they become fully-grown in another two months.

Other Events[]

Cooking for the Girls[7]

After you have expanded your house and purchased a kitchen, try cooking anytime after 8am. There is a chance that Ann, Popuri, Karen and Mary will stop by.

Each of them have come to ask if you'll cook them something using your new kitchen. If you talk to each of the girls, they will have a different request for what they'd like to eat:

  • Karen will ask for french fries, tempura, or popcorn.
  • Ann will ask for mushroom rice, hotcake, or cheese fondue.
  • Popuri will request fried rice, omelet, or scrambled eggs.
  • Mary will ask for relax tea, veggie juice, or chocolate cake.
  • Elli will request strawberry milk, hot milk, or sandwich.

This event may happen more than once and only happens in More Friends of Mineral Town.


This event will randomly occur after buying a big bed. Before you go to bed at night, Ann, Mary, Popuri, Karen and Elli will knock on the door and show up. The girls have heard that you purchased a big bed and want to sleep in it. With all five of them in the bed, it seems a little bit cramped and uncomfortable. They leave after deciding that the bed isn't big enough for all of them.

Duke and Karen's Wine Competition[8]

Visit the Inn on Sunday between 7:30pm and 10pm after having high friendship points with Karen.

Duke and Karen decides to have a little drinking competition to settle a score. If Karen wins the drinking competition, Duke has to pay his outstanding bill at the Supermarket. If Duke wins, his debts will be erased. Karen asks you to judge the competition. No matter what you choose, you'll be forced to stay as Karen and Duke start drinking.

Karen ends up victorious after a long night of drinking. She leaves to go home after her victory, and it's your responsibility to return Duke home. When you do so, he and Manna start arguing. The couple thanks you for bringing Duke home safely. 

Golden Service[9]

This event is triggered by walking into Zack's house between 11am and 4pm.

Karen approaches Zack and Won as the men greet you, telling that she decided to visit the new shop in town. Won immediately focuses his attention on Karen, even telling you to move out of the way. He allows Karen to pick an item out for free as a part of his "golden service". After Karen picks something, she thanks Won and leaves. When Zack tries to get a free item of his own, Won tells him that he needs to pay.

Customers For Kai[10]

The event starts when the player walks into Kai's restaurant between 5pm and 7pm. Triggering it will end the day.

Kai greets you and says that he does not have any customers as usual. Popuri suddenly walks into the restaurant happily, telling Kai that she brought customers for him. He's excited as he sees the first few customers come in, but Popuri says that there are more customers outside. Kai is happy that he has customers, but worried that it's going to be too difficult to cook for them all. He asks the player to help and they agree. The scene shows the player, Kai, and Popuri trying to serve customers.

After all the customers have been served, the player, Kai, and Popuri are alone in his restaurant. Kai is tired after working so hard and tells Popuri that he's grateful for the customers, but she brought too many. Popuri apologizes for overdoing it and Kai admits that he might be glad that he has such few customers. He thanks the player at the end.

Rick's Depression[11]

Walk into Poultry Farm between 4:30pm and 7pm when it is not summer. Rick and Karen must be married.

Rick is feeling anxious about the store because Popuri has moved away after marriage, assuming that she is not here anymore to manage the store. He doesn't know when his father is going to return either. Karen tries to comfort her husband and assures him that she can help with the farm in Popuri's place, to which Rick feels slightly relieved.


