The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki

Below are a list of several quotes said by Katie during the course of the game Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland.


  • Introductory Line: "Hi. I've never seen you before. Oh! You must be Tony's grandson. Are you going to work on his farm? Oh, I see. So what's your name? How old are you? Where are you from? ..Okay, so you're [Player]. Nice to meet you. I'm Katie and I'm sixteen years old."
  • Introductory Line Giving Gift: "Oh, you scared me. Hmm, I've never seen you before. Oh! You must be Tony's grandson. Are you going to work on his farm? Oh, I see. What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from? Nice to meet you. I'm Katie and I'm sixteen years old."
  • "Hi, good morning."
  • "Good morning. You're up early."
  • "Good morning. Sorry, our shop is closed on Mondays. I usually take a walk to Praria Forest."

Parting Lines[]

  • "Are you going home already? See you later."
  • "Hee hee. See you later."

General Quotes[]

  • "You're always so full of energy."
  • "Check out our menu. Everything's good! I bake the cookies and cakes sometimes."
  • "My grandpa's tea makes you feel good. And it goes great with the sweets."
  • "I work here at the cafe during the day. Would you like? some tea?"
  • "I love taking a walk through the forest. I see different things each time."
  • After The Perfect Cake was made: "...How did my cake come out? We'll know in about a week... I'm not going to get all worked up over it. I did everything I can."

Animal Death:

  • "...You can't let just one mistake get you down. Grandpa always says that to me."
  • "...It's okay."


  • Rain: "The cookies and the muffins get stale quickly during the rainy season."
  • Storm: "You really ought to stay home on days like this."

Gift Reactions[]

  • "Oh, thank you."
  • "Hee hee, thanks. That makes me happy."
  • "How nice! I would never have expected this from you. Hee hee, thanks."
  • Cheese: "Wow! I love cheese. Thank you so much!"
  • Full Moon Berry: "Wow! A Full Moon Berry? Thank you so much. This is so good. It tastes somehow like ice cream!"
  • Eggs, Milk: "For me? Thank you! I can practice baking cakes with this."
  • Golden Egg: "What a rare egg. Thank you very much."
  • Crops: "You grew this? Thank you."
  • Herbs: "Oh, Grandpa will like this. Thanks."
  • Cooked Dishes: "I never knew you were so handy. It feels a little funny, but thanks."
  • Ores: "I don't really care for this."
  • Fodder, Weeds: "What is this? Are you doing this to annoy me?"
  • Failed Dishes: "Oh my, what a waste of ingredients... Well, practice makes perfect, I guess."
  • Multiple Gifts: "Thanks, but I don't need this much."