The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki

Lenctenbury is a village located within a basin where it is always spring. This village is known for their traditional dishes, such as turnip soup, flowers, and their cherry blossom trees that make up almost all of their entomology.

The player begins here where the village has lost their top chef causing the other chef in town to have no motivation to cook much. They are also struggling to gain ingredients to make food since they are so isolated from the outside world.



Marriage Candidates[]



File:Lenctenbury Map.jpg
  • 1:Restaurant
  • 2:Neil, Eugene, and Selena's Home
  • 3:Animal Shop
  • 4: Mathis and Judy's Home
  • 5: Flower Shop
  • 6: Tool Shop
  • 7: Doc's Lab
  • 8: Inn
  • 9:Fredricka, Anna, and Erik's Home
  • 10: Nemo's Home
  • 11: Front Gates
  • 12: Lenctenbury Farm
  • 13: Lenctenbury Mine