The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki
Library Map location

Map showing the location of the library

The Library is a location in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town.

It is open to the public each day except for Mondays and holidays from 10am until 4pm. It can be found near the top left of the town. It contains a large variety of information that is especially useful for new players.


First Floor[]

From the left shelf to right shelf:

  • "Harvest Sprite Mini-Game"
  • "Mini-Game"
  • "Controls"
  • "Raising Crops"
  • "Seasonal Crops"

Second Floor[]

From the left shelf to right shelf and top row to bottom row:

  • "Mines"
  • "About fishing"
  • "Caring for Animals"
  • "There are no books here"
  • A collection of books on each building, houses excluded
  • "Acquiring a Kitchen"
  • "Using Tools"
  • "Help from the H. Sprites"
  • "Stamina and Fatigue"
  • "Sell Price" (If the player owns shelves, a Gem of Truth can be found here)

People and heart events[]

Mary (FoMT)

Library Blue heart rival event

A scene from the rival blue heart event

can be found here during the Library's open hours. Gray, the players rival (should the player choose Mary as their potential future wife) can also be found here after he finishes work.

Various heart events occur in the library. For the player, these are the black and purple heart events. For the rival, these are the blue and orange heart events.

