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The Harvest Moon Wiki

Lucy (ルーシィ Rūshi?) is a character in Harvest Moon: Animal Parade. She is the daughter of Luke and Selena if they get married.

Lucy is an energetic girl who is not interested in studying.[1] However, she shares Selena's passion for dancing. Lucy takes after both of her parents, having the same navy blue hair adorned by a bandana like her father, as well as her mother's tan skin and eyes.


Gift Preferences  
Loved Amethyst, Choco Banana, Grape Juice, Hibiscus, Pineapple Juice, Shining Egg, Shining Honey, Shining Milk, Tulip
Liked Banana, Blue Mist Flower, Cherry Pie, Clam, Coconut, Cookies, Decent Milk, Fugue Mushroom, Mussel, Perfect Milk, Pineapple, Sakura Seashell, Shining Cheese, Shining Chestnut, Strawberry Milk, Sunflower
Disliked Junk, Olive, Olive Cocktail, Failed Dish, Junk, Olive, Olive Cocktail

Lucy's Birth[3][]

Two weeks after Luke and Selena got married, you will receive a letter in your mailbox from them, announcing the birth of their baby girl. As you walk into the Carpenter's shop, a scene of Luke and Selena entertaining their newborn baby girl will play. They will tell you that her name is Lucy. You cannot interact with Lucy until she is fully-grown.

Lucy (Grown-up)[4][]

Two weeks after Lucy is born, you will receive another letter from Luke and Selena, announcing that they are going to take pictures with Lucy at Simon's Photography Studio to celebrate her growth.

Go to Simon's Photography Studio at any time when the store is open to see a cut-scene of Lucy introducing herself. From this point on, you can interact with her in various ways, such as gift-giving and socializing.


Little Explorers
When you pass through the mine road going towards the blacksmith, Lucy and your child ask each other if they are strong. Lucy will ask them if she could be the leader, to which your child agrees. Both will start their adventure in the mines.

This event also can be triggered with Heath and Roy. Whichever rival child you want to trigger with must have 2 hearts or more.[5]


