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The Harvest Moon Wiki

This article is about Lyla, a character from Harvest Moon GBC 3. You may be looking for the other character named Lyla.

Lyla (レイラ Reira? lit. Leila) is a character in Harvest Moon GBC3.

She is the librarian who works in the mall on the mainland, thus she can be found upstairs everyday. She will sell you all sorts of useful books.


Gift Preferences  
Liked "Thank you! You are so kind!"
All animal products, all crops
Neutral "Is this for me? Thank you!"
All fish, Cherry, Mushroom, Wild Berry
Disliked "...What's this? Are you trying to annoy me?"
Fence, Fodder, Stone, Weed


Lyla's Knit Scarf (Part 1)

Requirements: Raise Lyla's friendship high enough, own the yarn machine, and speak to her on Fall 1.

Lyla will tell player that she got stranded on the island, but Billy gave her a ride back - causing her to fall in love with him. She wants to knit a scarf for him as thanks and asks the player for one yarn to help her.

Lyla's Knit Scarf (Part 2)

Requirements: Sucesfully complete Part 1 and speak to Lyla on Winter 24.

Lyla will tell player that she has finally finished the scarf and will give it to Billy on Christmas Day. Speak to her the following day, and she will say that she gave it to him and confessed. Billy loves the scarf, however, he loves somebody else and turns her down.
