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The Harvest Moon Wiki

Below are a list of several quotes said by Martha during the course of the game Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland.


  • Introductory Line: "Hello there, dear. I've never seen you around before... Where are you from? Oh, so you're Tony's grandson, [Player]. My name's Martha. Nice to meet you."
  • Introductory Line Giving Gift: "Oh, you surprised me. I've never seen you around before... Where are you from? Oh, so you're Tony's grandson, [Player]. My name's Martha. Nice to meet you."
  • "Good morning, dear." My, you're up bright and early."
  • "Good morning, dear. You look well this morning."

Parting Lines[]

  • "Come stop by again, sweetie."

General Quotes[]

  • "It's always good that you have something to do all the time."
  • "If you feel you're losing strength, you should eat something. Cooked food gives you more energy."
  • "Are you done working for today, [Player]?"
  • "Don't push yourself too much just because you're young."
  • "Always get plenty to eat."
  • "If you have vegetables or eggs, I'll be happy to buy them There is a list of items we buy in the kitchen. Go on and take a look."
  • When Feeling Pale: "Oh, your face looks awful... No, no. You look pale, I mean your face."
  • After The Perfect Cake was made: "So Katie finished her cake for the Cake Contest... That's quite a feat for such a young girl."
  • After an Animal Dies:
    • "...Well, things don't always go the way you want them to. You just have to make sure you don't make the same mistake again."
    • "...It must've been tough for you. Better luck next time.


  • Rain: "You can't get any work done when it rains this much. You should go on home soon too, [Player]"
  • Storm: "Well, it's certainly not good if it doesn't rain at all, but I just wish it wasn't so extreme."

Gift Reactions[]

  • "Oh, how wonderful. Thank you, dear."
  • "Thank you. You're so sweet, [Player]"
  • Flowers: "Thank you, dear. I'll put this in a vase right away."
  • Berries: "Thank you, honey. You've really made my day."
  • Eggs, Milk and Sweets: "Oh, thank you dear. This is really good for you."
  • Ore and Gems: "I don't know what to do with this. Maybe you should bring it to the carpenter's."
  • Fodder and Weeds: "Oh...I don't know what I should do with this."
  • Golden Egg: "Oh, thank you dear. This is so wonderful! I'm so happy!"
  • Failed Dishes: "Oh, it didn't come out right? Don't worry dear, practice makes perfect."
  • Multiple Gifts: "You don't have to do this much for me. You're such a darling, [Player]."