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The Harvest Moon Wiki

This article is about Nami, a character from Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life. You may be looking for Nami as she appears in other games throughout the series..
"*sigh* You can be so weird sometimes, you know that? I mean, it was obvious the moment we met, but still."

Nami (ナミ Nami?) is one of the four bachelorettes that the player is able to marry in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.

An introverted traveler staying at the Lei-Over inn. She is a mystery and elusive. She has a cool and nonchalant aura but, despite that, she is well liked by the other residents of the valley.

Nami's diary is located in her room at the Inn, on the table. Unlike in the original game, Nami will not move out of Forgotten Valley if the player does not marry her at the end of Chapter 1.


Nami does not have a set schedule and is one of the only villagers who can be found visiting almost anywhere in the Valley.


Gift Preferences  
Loved ""Woah that's awesome.", "Uh... yeah, I'd love to, actually. You're a weirdo, you know that?", "Is that yours? …Cool.", "That reminds me… Maybe I could ask Lou to cook me something.""
Trick Blue Flower, Clay Figurine, Leaf Fossil, Egg Soup, Stew, Egg Tart, Baked Sweet Potato, Gratin, Curry, Crops
Liked ""What’s up with that? …Oh, did you make it yourself? I bet you put a lot of effort into it.", "Why not have that at home?""
Fossils (All), Most Cooked Meals
Disliked ""Uh, You LIKE those? You're pretty weird,", "Ugh. That looks gross.""
Flowers (except Trick Blue Flowers), Golden Wool, Veggie Cake, Veggie Biryani

Heart Events[]

Introduction Event

Conditions Affection Month Day Not day 1 Time 10am-7pm
Weather Any weather Location in front of the Inn
Other Gary and Nina are outside

2-Heart Event

Conditions Affection ≥2 ♥ Month Day Time 7am-4pm
Weather Sunny weather only Location Exit your farmhouse
Result Option 1A: You're kinda hard to ignore...

- Well if you put it that way, Nami decides to leave to go back to the inn.

Option 1B: Okay! Enjoy the farm. (+10 affection with Nami)

- Really? Nami strolls around the farm, looking at the fields and animals. Before she leaves, Nami says that she finds your farm to be a pretty cool place.

4-Heart Event

Conditions Affection ≥4 ♥ Month Day Time
Weather Any weather Location Café
Other Nami, Molly and Gavin are at the café
Result Nami is hanging out inside the cafe. She greets you as you walk in.

Option 1A: Can I take this spot? - Why not? There's no one else here. - The silence is awkward. Maybe some conversation will help.

Option 2A: Why'd you come to Forgotten Valley? - Well, this is unexpected. There's not much for Nami to tell; she just likes wandering around.

Option 3A: Whoooa! Awesome! (+5 affection with Nami)

Option 5A: No worries, I'll cover it. - You lose 256 G. (If you don't have 256 G, then you don't lose any money). Molly asks that you include her in your conversations next time.

Option 5B: Haha! - Molly reminds you that this isn't funny. She sighs and let's it go this time. Gavin objects though. Molly is betting on Nami not remembering she missed paying her bill the next time she comes in anyway. She'd love to hang out with both you and Nami on your next visit.

6-Heart Event

Conditions Affection ≥6 ♥ Month Day Time 8am-10am
Weather Sunny weather only Location Enter your farmhouse
Result Option 1A: Of course!

- Luu is glad they asked you. The two of them quickly leave to continue their search. It bothers you, though, so you chase after them. As you head out the farm entrance, you see Nami walking down the main road.

Option 1B: I'll look for her, too. (+5 friendship with Lou and Tei)

- Oh, thank you! Lou and Tei are pleased that you offered to help them. They aren't sure where Nami would have gone, but suggest they split up. Lou is grateful for your efforts. The innkeepers head out while you go to search other spots that Nami likes to go.

8-Heart Event

Conditions Affection ≥8 ♥ Month Day Time
Weather Any weather Location Inn
Other Nami and Tei are at the inn
Result Option 1A: Of course! No problem! (+10 affection with Nami)

- Nami thinks for a moment and then tells you that was probably a bad idea, then she walks out of the inn.

Option 1B: No way! (-5 affection with Nami)

- Nami acknowledges your response, turns away, and walks out of the inn.

9-Heart Event

Conditions Affection ≥9 ♥ Month Winter season Day Time 4:00 pm to 8:00 am
Weather Sunny weather Location Inn
Other - Nami and Tei are at the inn

- Nami has at least 50 points of friendship

- At this point you are going-steady with Nami. No other romance events will trigger.

Result Option 1A: I came to see Nami. or Option 1B: I came to talk to you, Tei.

- Tei is glad to hear that, as he has something on his mind. Nami has been a bit melancholy. Perhaps you can cheer her up. The two of you notice that Nami has come downstairs but before Tei can say anything, Nami says she's going out for a bit and abruptly walks outside. Tei asks that you please try to figure out what's bothering her.

Option 2A: I should be thanking you. - Anyhow, Nami says she plans to stay in the valley through the end of Winter, then she sadly walks away.

Option 2B: Stay at my place, Nami. (+10 affection with Nami) - Really? That would be great! She smiles at your suggestion and walks away.

Proposal Event

Conditions Affection ≥8 ♥ Month Day Time
Weather Location
Other Give Nami the blue feather
Result You're engaged to Nami

Reverse Proposal Event

Conditions Affection ≥9 ♥ Month Winter Day Time 4pm-8am
Weather clear Location Inn
Other Nami has 50FP+, Nami and Tei are at the inn

After Engagement Event

Conditions Affection Month Day Time 6am-3pm
Weather Location Exit your farmhouse
Other You're engaged to Nami


  • ...I see you're a morning person."
  • "Not the best time for a chat, but... do what you want. I guess."
  • "Life can be rough, but... I think that's why people treasure the moments where they can be truly happy."
  • "The people here are warm and kind, but it's easy to tell they've all got struggles of their own."
  • "Everyone's in such a good mood when spring rolls around, but I don't get it. What's there to be excited about...?"
  • "Ugh, it's too hot... I feel like I'm gonna melt."
  • "What do you want? It's too hot to talk to people.."
  • "*sigh* It is way, WAY too hot..."
  • "Oh... There's a chill in the air. Must be rain."
  • "Weather like this brings back all sorts of bad memories..."
  • "This kinda stood out to me when I first came to the valley, but.. the people here don't really seem to mind the rain, huh? How do I put it.. It's like everyone's too relaxed. Or... they don't even notice it's raining. Nah, that can't be it."
  • Aren't you getting soaked? It's raining, yet you look as chipper as ever."
  • "When it starts pouring like this, I end up wondering what it's like above the clouds. Does all the rain here make it dry up there?"
  • "Farm-fresh milk, huh? Reminds me of the time I got to milk a cow."
  • "You sure you aren't taking the whole "living off the land" thing too seriously? Well... you can't eat flowers. And if you were thinking about it, don't."
  • "Is that plant from around here? You could probably whip up a decent meal with it."
  • "There's something beautiful about watching fireworks bloom and fade into the sky... Makes me look forward to next year's festival, too."
  • Once engaged: "You really saved me, [Player]. I'm so happy I found Forgotten Valley.. and I'm even happier to know you're here with me!"

