- "A young man who loves animals and used to run an animal shop in his old town. Was invited to Windswept Falls at Dunhill's invitation. Loves byproducts, particularly high-quality silkie eggs."
- ―Full In Game Description
Neil (ニール Nīru? lit. Neil) is a returning marriage candidate in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town.
A stand-offish young man who prefers the company of animals to people. His tough facade fades when he is around animals, revealing his more tender side. He is a fan of spicy food and likes to play guitar in his free time.
When Dunhill decided to leave Echo Town and travel, he invited Neil to accompany him. Although initially apprehensive, Neil eventually decided to accompany Dunhill so that he wouldn't be travelling alone. The two eventually. found themselves at Windswept Falls. He lives in his own house with a chicken coop attached.
Neil owned an animal shop in his previous town but has closed it temporarily in his absence. He often writes to his friend Rod who is taking care of his animals while he is away.
He is unlocked as a part of the Love Candidate Pack "Windswept Falls" which was released in May 2021 as an extension of the Expansion Pass Set.
Gift Preferences | ||||||||||||
True Calling | ≥1 Heart | ||||||
Conditions | Weather | Clear, Rain, Snow | |||||
Time | 8am - 5:59pm | ||||||
Location | Neil's House | ||||||
Other | ー | ||||||
Summary |
You walk into Neil's home to hear guitar music. You look around, but see no one. You enter the other room to see Neil playing his guitar. He sighs, annoyed, and puts down the guitar. You clap and he turns around to face you. He becomes annoyed at you barging in unannounced.
| ||||||
Choice A |
Are you a professional? | ||||||
Choice B |
That was soul-stirring. | ||||||
Response A |
Pfft, professional? That's a bit much, don't you think? | ||||||
Response B |
What's that even mean? Is it supposed to be a compliment? |
A Love For Animals! | ≥2 Hearts | ||||||
Conditions | Weather | ー | |||||
Time | 8am - 5:59pm | ||||||
Location | Outside Neil's House | ||||||
Other | ー | ||||||
Summary |
You are walking past Neil's house when you hear someone confessing their love! You think it came from the chicken coop and walk in.
Inside, you see Neil on the floor surrounded by his chickens, talking with them, happily.
He says he knows what you're thinking and explains Dunhill and him used to live in the same town before coming here. Dunhill told Neil to come on an adventure with him, but he refused. Dunhill wouldn't take no for an answer though, and made him feel guilty, so Neil decided to go with him so Dunhill wouldn't get into danger. But it wasn't all bad, a change of place was nice. Neil makes you leave. He wonders out loud to his chickens why you want to keep talking to him.
| ||||||
Choice A |
You must really love animals. | ||||||
Choice B |
I didn't see anything, promise! | ||||||
Response A |
Well, I guess I'd say I like them, sure. | ||||||
Response B |
...C'mon, really? You expect me to believe a bald-faced lie like that? |
A Meal With Friends | ≥3 Hearts | ||||||
Conditions | Weather | Clear, Rain, Snow | |||||
Time | 8am - 5:59pm | ||||||
Location | Dunhill's House | ||||||
Other | ー | ||||||
Summary |
You enter Dunhill's house and see Dunhill, Hina, Felicia, and Neil sitting around a table in front of a hot meal. Dunhill offers you a seat at the table and you happily accept. You proceed to have a conversation with Dunhill about how he is surprised Neil has made a friend on this journey. Felicia switches the topic soon after to talk about her friend Tina being offered a position as a writer at a newspaper.
| ||||||
Choice A |
I don't think he's changed all that much. | ||||||
Choice B |
I'm glad to be considered his friend. | ||||||
Response A |
What she said. Stop spouting nonsense about miracles. | ||||||
Response B |
Skilled With Animals | ≥4 Hearts | ||||||
Conditions | Weather | Clear, Rain, Snow | |||||
Time | 8am - 5:59pm | ||||||
Location | Windswept Falls - Near Waterfall | ||||||
Other | ー | ||||||
Summary |
You walk near the falls and see some foxes fighting. You run to find Neil for help. You help stop the fighting and determine that they were fighting over an apple. After both responses, you tell Neil that you think he handled that really well like a doctor would have. He seems to momentarily think about the possibility of him becoming a vet, but quickly shakes it off saying that becoming a vet is very hard. He calls you a real piece of work for suggesting it.
| ||||||
Choice A |
I had no idea you were so skilled. | ||||||
Choice B |
It was scary how intense you were back there. | ||||||
Response A |
I'm not all that great. Anyone could handle something like this. | ||||||
Response B |
Ah, yeah. Sorry about that. Can't really take it easy when there's injured animals all over the place. |
Animal Doctor | ≥5 Hearts | ||||||
Conditions | Weather | Clear, Rain, Snow | |||||
Time | 8am - 5:59pm | ||||||
Location | Neil's House | ||||||
Other | ー | ||||||
Summary |
You arrive in Windswept falls to see Neil outside with his a bunch of animals. He says he is not sure about anything anymore. Apparently all the sick and injured animals have been coming to him for help ever since he helped out those foxes.
| ||||||
Choice A |
You've gotta lay down the law! | ||||||
Choice B |
Can't say no to puppy dog eyes. | ||||||
Response A |
unknown | ||||||
Response B |
Right? I figured you'd understand, being a farmer and all. |
Confession of Love | ≥6 Hearts | ||||||
Conditions | Weather | Clear, Rain, Snow | |||||
Time | Any | ||||||
Location | Any | ||||||
Other | Give Neil the Confession Pendant; you must have seen all previous heart episodes | ||||||
Summary |
You find Neil and decide to finally tell him your true feelings. |
Episode 7 | ≥7 Hearts | ||||||
Conditions | Weather | Clear, Rain, Snow | |||||
Time | 8am - 5:59pm | ||||||
Location | Neil's House | ||||||
Other | You must be dating Neil | ||||||
Summary |
Neil: That's why I had to head out, actually. I went to pick up some more books. | ||||||
Choice A |
Why the sudden interest? | ||||||
Choice B |
Did you find a job you like? | ||||||
Choice C |
Did you have some kind of change of heart? | ||||||
Response A |
None of your business. No, wait, I mean... That's not what I mean! | ||||||
Response B |
None of your business. No, wait, I mean... That's not what I mean! | ||||||
Response C |
None of your business. No, wait, I mean... That's not what I mean! |
Episode 8 | ≥8 Hearts | ||||||
Conditions | Weather | Clear, Rain, Snow | |||||
Time | 8am - 5:59pm | ||||||
Location | Exit your house | ||||||
Other | You must be dating Neil | ||||||
Summary |
You ask Neil to help you with a sick cow.
| ||||||
Choice A |
Thank you so, so much. | ||||||
Choice B |
I wish I could've done more to help. | ||||||
Response A |
Nah, it wasn't a big deal. Don't sweat it. | ||||||
Response B |
Hey, just 'cause you're a farmer doesn't mean you can solve all animal-related problems with a cool head. |
Episode 9 | ≥9 Hearts | ||||||
Conditions | Weather | Clear, Rain, Snow | |||||
Time | 8am - 5:59pm | ||||||
Location | Windswept Falls - Near Waterfall | ||||||
Other | You must be dating Neil | ||||||
Summary |
Neil: I wanted you to be the first to know, no matter what. | ||||||
Choice A |
Thanks for telling me. | ||||||
Choice B |
I didn't do anything. | ||||||
Response A |
Y-Yeah, of course... Man, this is embarrassing. | ||||||
Response B |
Heh, why did I have a feeling you'd say something like that? |
Will You Marry Me? | ≥10 Hearts | ||||||
Conditions | Weather | Clear, Rain, Snow | |||||
Time | Any | ||||||
Location | Any | ||||||
Other | You have seen all the prior heart episodes | ||||||
Summary |
You give Neil a blue feather. |