New Year's Eve celebrates the end of year in Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories.
- Time : 9pm – 11:59pm
- Date : 30th of Winter
- Venue: Your house
If you're thinking about marriage, at 6am, right after you wake up, the bachelor(ette) with the most favourable disposition to marry you will be knocking at your door and inviting you to spend the festivities with them. If you do not wish to spend New Year's Eve with them, you will be given the opportunity to decline the invitation. Just keep declining until the one you WISH to marry shows up!
After you accept, they will ask you to return home between 9pm to 11:59pm. Once you get home, the celebration will be automatically triggered. If you're already married, your partner will greet you in the morning and issue the invitation.
The first time you participate in this event, regardless of who you're with, will trigger the New Year's Eve memory, and you will be awarded with 5 Princess Eyes seeds.