The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki
The Harvest Moon Wiki

Various types of pets are available in Harvest Moon GBC 3.

At the very start of the game the player will choose from one of eight different pets. After that, the player is stuck with whatever pet they chose - so choose wisely! Each pet has its own job that they will perform to help out on the farm and they will only perform this job if they are kept outside. It should also be noted you will not be notified if your pet brings you a gift, so you'll have to check every day for anything new!

Pets don't need to be fed or cared for, so you can just leave them outside to work every day!

Image Animal Job
File:LargeDogGBC3.png Large Dog Guards livestock who are left outside
File:MediumDogGBC3.png Medium Dog Guards livestock who are left outside
File:SmallDogGBC3.png Small Dog Guards livestock who are left outside
File:PigGBC3.png Pig Occasionally brings money in the morning
File:PinkCat (GBC3).png Pink Cat Occasionally brings Spring seeds in the morning during Spring
File:GrayCatGBC3.png gray Cat Occasionally brings Summer seeds in the morning during Summer
File:BrownCatGBC3.png Brown Cat Occasionally brings Autumn seeds in the morning during Autumn
File:BirdGBC3.png Bird Occasionally brings any seeds in the morning during their respective season