Phillip (ユーリ Yūri?) is the male protagonist of Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns.
His female counterpart is Lillian.
Phillip is moving to a village to start a new life as a farmer. On his way, he has an accident and is knocked unconscious. Rutger and Ina, the mayor of Bluebell and Konohana respectively, find him and wake him up. Phillip is then forced to pick which village he wants to stay in.
After Phillip selects one of the two villages, he is led to his farm by the mayor. On his way, Phillip notices a big tunnel. The mayor explains that the tunnel used to connect the two villages but it is blocked off. As they leave, Harvest Goddess appears and seems to be interested in Phillip. A few days later, she appears before Phillip and explains that she blocked the tunnel after the mayor of the two towns fought which village has the best cooking.
She then requests Phillip to restore the tunnel and to participate in the Cooking Festival in order to reconcile the two villages and make them see the good sides of the other villages.