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This article is about Popuri, a character from Harvest Moon DS. You may be looking for Popuri in her other appearances throughout the series.

Popuri (アリサ Arisa? lit. Alisa) is a character in Harvest Moon DS and Harvest Moon DS: Cute. She is one of the eligible bachelorettes to court in DS.

Popuri is unlocked after connecting DS and Cute to Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town and Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town via GBA connection.

When she's not visiting town, the player can call the Poultry Farm from their telephone and speak to Popuri. She will sell you chickens, bird feed, animal medicine and the touch screen gloves. Popuri is also in charge of the Chicken and Duck festivals.

Popuri comes to Forget-Me-Not Valley from Mineral Town every Sunday. She's quite attached to Takakura, because of the knowledge he gives her about chickens. After visiting Takakura in the day time, she will return to her room at the inn at night. Even if Popuri never comes to the Valley, she will still continue to sell items over the phone.

Popuri can only be given gifts when she visits each Sundays. Because of this, she is much harder to marry than any of the local bachelorettes. Her heart level is also invisible, unless the Love Bangle is equipped.

Marrying any Mineral Town bachelorette in DS will cause the game to end. After the credits finished rolling, players can resume from their last save spot.


Gift Preferences  
Special Omelet Rice
Loved Jewelry (All), Apple, Strawberry, Eggs, Diamond, Pink Diamond, Chocolate, Scrambled Eggs, Omelet, Apple Souffle, Pancake, Hot Chocolate, Boiled Egg, Strawberry Jam, Apple Jam, Egg Over Rice, Relax Tea, Doria, Cookies, Chocolate Cookies, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Apple Pie, Strawberry Milk, Fruit Juice, Pudding, Sandwich, Ice Cream
Liked Fruit Juices (All), Peach, Toyflower, Pineapple, Pinkcat Flower, Mayonnaise, Milk, Yogurt, Yarn, Dress, Sunblock, Facial Pack, Skin Lotion, Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Amethyst, Bread, Flour, Savory Pancake, French Fries, Popcorn, French Toast, Doughnut, Hot Milk, Candied Potato, Grape Jam, Marmalade, Stew, Baked Corn, Toast, Gratin, Sweet Potatoes, Ketchup, Green Dumpling, Chimaki, Steamed Bun, Cheese Steamed Bun, Sponge Cake, Steamed Cake, Pumpkin Pudding, Bamboo Rice, Chirashi Sushi, Relax Tea Leaves
Disliked Ores (All), Vegetable Juices/Lattes (All), Turnip, Pumpkin, Pepper, Eggplant, Moonstone, Sandrose, Alexandrite, Flourite, Agate, Rice Cake, Dog Ball, Happy Eggplant, Pumpkin Stew, Baked Rice Cake, Pickled Turnips
Hated Colored Grasses (All), Medicine (All), Building Materials (All), Animal Food (All), Toadstool, Pirate Treasure, Fish Fossil, Lithograph, Fish Bones, Empty Can, Boot, Branch, Stone, Wild Grape Wine
Horror Wine

Heart Events[]

Black Heart Event

Exit your farmhouse when you wake up in the morning on a sunny Saturday, assuming that you have purchased something from Popuri via telephone.[2]

Popuri is outside your house thanking you for being such a great customer. She asks if you've been raising your chickens with love; if you tell her that you raise them lovingly, she'll be happy and relieved.

Purple Heart Event

Enter Takakura's house between 8:30am and 4pm on Sunday. Popuri must have a purple heart or more and the first heart event must already be viewed.[3]

While Popuri is talking to Takakura as you walk into his house, Popuri asks you to guess what she and Takakura were doing. If you guess that Popuri was asking Takakura for advice, she will explain that she doesn't get much education in how to raise chickens from her family. She likes to ask Takakura to teach her things instead, since he has a lot of experience. Popuri is eager to learn all that she can about raising birds.

Blue Heart Event

Walk into the Inner Inn between 5:20pm and 9pm on a rainy Sunday when Popuri has a blue heart or more. Both earlier events must be viewed.[4]

As you walk into the Inn's lobby, you'll hear Rick and Popuri arguing. Popuri hides behind you and Rick becomes frustrated that Popuri is running away. Rick wants you to decide who is right, while Popuri wants to help more directly with the chicken business by helping to manage it, but Rick doesn't think that Popuri can handle the responsibility. He doesn't want the family to worry because Popuri is making mistakes. Popuri tries to plead to her brother, saying that if she tries really hard that she can do it.

If you agree with Popuri, she will thank you for believing in her and is going to try hard to do more, despite Rick's protests.

Yellow Heart Event

Enter the Inner Inn's kitchen between 5pm and 9pm on Sunday when Popuri has a yellow heart or more. All earlier heart events must have been previously watched.[5]

When you enter the kitchen, Ruby says hello and offers to cook you something. Soon after, Popuri comes in. Ruby made some snacks for Popuri's mom and so Popuri wants to learn how to make them too. Ruby is more than happy to teach Popuri and suggests that you act as the taste tester! You agree and the two start to cook.

Something goes wrong while cooking and Popuri's snacks don't look very edible! Popuri becomes sad and disappointed. She will ask if you still want to eat them or not. If you agree to try them anyway, it will cheer Popuri up. She thanks you and promises to make something much more better for you next time.

